上月重点消息 Highlights / Major Activities in July 2007 |
The Secretary for the Environment calls on the senior contacts at the Guangdong Provincial Government
The Secretary for the Environment, Mr. Edward Yau, and the Permanent Secretary for the Environment, Ms. Anissa Wong, met the Director of the Environmental Protection Bureau of Guangdong Province, Mr. Li Qing, and the Director General of the Development and Reform Commission of Guangdong Province, Ms. Li Miaojuan, on 16 July 2007 to exchange views on cooperation between the governments of the Hong Kong SAR and Guangdong Province on environmental protection and energy planning. |
Guangzhou Seminar on the Management and Control of Volatile Organic Compounds Emission in the Pearl River Delta (PRD) Region
Under the arrangement of PRD Air Quality Management Plan, HKEPD and the Environmental Protection Bureau of Guangdong Province (GDEPB) jointly held a seminar on the management and control of volatile organic compounds (VOC) emission in the PRD Region in Guangzhou on 30 July 2007. The focus of the seminar is to brief the environmental protection authorities and other concerned departments of Guangdong Province and its local cities on the development of HKSAR's VOC control program, which would be beneficial to their efforts in devising similar VOC control programs in Guangdong in due course. At the meeting, representative from SINOPEC (Guangdong Branch) also introduced its future work in this area. Other than HKEPD and GDEPB, representatives from Government Laboratory of HKSAR, Economic and Trade Commission of Guangdong Province, Administration of Quality and Technology Supervision of Guangdong Province, Administration of Industry and Commerce of Guangdong Province, Environmental Protection Monitoring Center of Guangdong Province, environmental protection bureaus and monitoring centers of PRD cities and some petrochemical companies also attended. |
ECC funded project : One Tonne Challenge
由大埔环保协进会与嘉道理农场暨植物园合办的〝吨吨爱地球〞项目开幕典礼于2007年7月29日假中环天星码头举行。开幕典礼标志着项目正式展开,并为9个嘉年华暨节能活动揭开序幕,有关活动由7月29日至12月底在中环天星码头举行。此项目由环境保护运动委员会及嘉道理农场暨植物园赞助,协办机构还包括7个青少年制服团队。项目的其他活动资料可浏览网址 www.climatechange.hk
电话查询: 2739 2481 或 电邮通讯: tonton@climatechange.hk
The One Tonne Challenge, a project jointly organized by The Tai Po Environmental Association (TPEA) and Kadoorie Farm and Botanic Garden (KFBG), was launched on 29 July 2007 at the Central Star Ferry Pier. The ceremony also kicked start 9 carnivals cum energy wise activities to be organized at the Pier from 29 July to end of December 2007. The project has been funded by the Environmental Campaign Committee and KFBG, and co-organized by 7 youth uniform groups. Details of the other activities of the project can be obtained from www.climatechange.hk
Enquiries : 2739 2481 Email: tonton@climatechange.hk |
Speech by the Permanent Secretary for the Environment at the Sixth Hong Kong Green School Award Presentation Ceremony (Chinese version only)
第六届香港绿色学校奖颁奖典礼于7月24日举行。得奖的绿色学校推行多项环保措施,可作为其他学校的榜样,例如每班委任节能大使,监察课室关掉电器,以及确保室内空调温度调较至摄氏25.5度,安装节能设备,教导学生分类回收废物,推行环保采购、环保午膳等。环境局常任秘书长王倩仪出席颁奖典礼时指出,透过持续教育以提高大众的环保意识,改变他们的行为习惯,才可长远改善香港的环境。 |
The Council for Sustainable Development's Better Air Quality Engagement Process
可持续发展委员会于2007年7月25日假座葵青剧院举办首个讨论坊。活动旨在让不同界别的持份者和市民大众一起讨论诚邀回应文件「未来空气 今日靠你」提出的其中一项事宜 ─ 用电需求管理。当天有大约100位人士出席是次活动。另外两个就道路收费及「高度空气污染」日子的讨论坊将分别于2007年8月15日及8月25日举行。请透过以下连结报名登记及填写网上问卷。
The Council for Sustainable Development organized the first engagement session on 25 July 2007 at the Kwai Tsing Theatre. The event enabled stakeholders from various sectors and the public to discuss one of the three issues raised in the Invitation and Response document "Clean Air – Clear Choices", i.e. Demand Side Management. Around 100 people attended the event. Two more engagement sessions on Road Pricing and "High Air Pollution" Days will be held on 15 August 2007 and 25 August 2007 respectively. Please click the following link to register for these sessions and to fill in an online questionnaire.
Tree Conservation Competition for Primary and Secondary School Students
Tree Conservation Competition for Primary and Secondary School Students is Organized by Hong Kong Trees Conservation Association, co-organized by EPD, Environmental Campaign Committee, Leisure and Cultural Services Department, Agriculture, Fisheries and Conservation Department and Hong Kong Environmental Protection Association, supported by Education Bureau and sponsored by Environment and Conservation Fund and Hong Kong Aquarium Plaza. The progrmme aimed at encouraging schools and students to start from their surrounding environment, show their concern about trees in the school campus and to look after them. The competition was divided into Secondary and Primary sections. The award presentation ceremony was held on 7 July 2007 in Kowloon Park with Miss Maria TAM, J.P., Chairman of Green Fun as the officiating guest. |
新闻稿 Press Releases
Advisory panel meets on review of air quality objectives
The Permanent Secretary for the Environment, Ms Anissa Wong, chaired the first meeting of the Advisory Panel on the Review of Air Quality Objectives & Development of a Long Term Air Quality Strategy. Upon completing the study by the end of 2008, EPD plans to launch a thorough public engagement process so as to finalise the new AQOs and the required long-term strategy on air quality management within 2009. |
Castle Peak Power Station's Licence Renewed with Tightened Emission Caps
EPD issued the renewed licence for the Castle Peak Power Station, which will come into effect on August 1 and remain valid until end 2009. The emission caps on sulphur dioxide, nitrogen oxide and particulates have been further tightened up. In 2009, the allowed emissions from the station will be 15% to 27% lower than the 2005 levels. |
「非法倾倒 举报计划」
Flytipping Spotter Scheme
为更有效打击非法弃置建筑废物,环保署推出「非法倾倒举报计划」,以鼓励市民举报非法弃置建筑废物的个案和协助举证。欲知详情,请致电 2838 3111 及浏览「非法倾倒举报计划」网页。
The EPD has launched a spotter scheme to combat illegal dumping more effectively and encourage the public to report flytipping of construction waste. For further information, please call 2838 3111 and visit the Flytipping Spotter Scheme web-site. |
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活动预告 Forthcoming Attractions |