Environmental Impact Assessment Ordinance

List of Environmental Permits Surrendered

To Search by District or Application Number. disclaimers

BulletWong Tai Sin District

Reference Number Date of Submission Project Title Permit Holder Status
SEP-112/2016 15 Sep 2016 Dredging Works for Proposed Cruise Terminal at Kai Tak Civil Engineering and Development Department

(*This application was withdrawn on 15 Sep 2016)

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SEP-082/2012 29 Nov 2012 Decommissioning of the Former Kai Tak Airport other than the North Apron Civil Engineering and Development Department
  The Permit Holder surrendered EP-285/2008 on 1 Dec 2012.

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SEP-051/2008 10 Mar 2008 Dredging Works for Proposed Cruise Terminal at Kai Tak Civil Engineering and Development Department
 The Permit Holder surrendered EP-284/2008 on 10 Mar 2008.

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SEP-038/2006 11 Oct 2006 Proposed Temporary Golf Facility at Kai Tak Runway OGC Golf City
  The Permit Holder surrendered EP-189/2004/A on 11 Oct 2006.

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