Chapter Title
MCL/P132/EIA/15-001.1 Landscape
Study Area
MCL/P132/EIA/15-001.2 Landscape
Study Area
MCL/P132/EIA/15-002 Review
of Planning Framework Chek Lap Kok & Tung Chung
MCL/P132/EIA/15-003.1 Landscape
Resources – Chek Lap Kok
MCL/P132/EIA/15-003.2 Landscape
Resources (Blow Up Plan) – Chek Lap Kok
MCL/P132/EIA/15-003.3 Landscape
Resources (Blow Up Plan) – Chek Lap Kok
MCL/P132/EIA/15-003.4 Landscape
Resources (Blow Up Plan) – Chek Lap Kok
MCL/P132/EIA/15-004 Landscape
Character Areas – Chek Lap Kok
MCL/P132/EIA/15-005.1 Landscape
Resources Photographs – Chek Lap Kok
MCL/P132/EIA/15-005.2 Landscape
Resources Photographs – Chek Lap Kok (continued)
MCL/P132/EIA/15-006 Landscape
Character Areas Photographs – Chek Lap Kok
MCL/P132/EIA/15-007 Landscape
Resources – Sha Chau Islands
MCL/P132/EIA/15-008 Landscape
Character Areas – Sha Chau Islands
MCL/P132/EIA/15-009 Landscape
Resources + Landscape Character Areas Photographs – Sha Chau Islands
MCL/P132/EIA/15-010 Zone
of Visual Influence (ZVI) and Visually Sensitive Receivers (VSRs)
MCL/P132/EIA/15-011 Committed and Concurrent Projects
MCL/P132/EIA/15-016 Residual
Impacts on VSRs With Mitigation Year 10
MCL/P132/EIA/15-017.1 Photomontage
of Viewpoint 1: View from Castle Peak (Sheet 1 of 2)
MCL/P132/EIA/15-017.2 Photomontage
of Viewpoint 1: View from Castle Peak (Sheet 2 of 2)
MCL/P132/EIA/15-018.1 Photomontage
of Viewpoint 2: View from Miami Beach Towers (Sheet 1 of 2)
MCL/P132/EIA/15-018.2 Photomontage
of Viewpoint 2: View from Miami Beach Towers (Sheet 2 of 2)
MCL/P132/EIA/15-019.1 Photomontage
of Viewpoint 3: View from Marriott Hotel (Sheet 1 of 2)
MCL/P132/EIA/15-019.2 Photomontage
of Viewpoint 3: View from Marriott Hotel (Sheet 2 of 2)
MCL/P132/EIA/15-020.1 Photomontage
of Viewpoint 4: View from Caribbean Coast (Sheet 1 of 2)
MCL/P132/EIA/15-020.2 Photomontage
of Viewpoint 4: View from Caribbean Coast (Sheet 2 of 2)
MCL/P132/EIA/15-021.1 Photomontage
of Viewpoint 5: View from Ngong Ping 360 (Sheet 1 of 2)
MCL/P132/EIA/15-021.2 Photomontage
of Viewpoint 5: View from Ngong Ping 360 (Sheet 1 of 2)
MCL/P132/EIA/15-022.1 Photomontage
of Viewpoint 6: View from Lantau Hiking Trail (Sheet 1 of 2)
MCL/P132/EIA/15-022.2 Photomontage
of Viewpoint 6: View from Lantau Hiking Trail (Sheet 2 of 2)
MCL/P132/EIA/15-023.1 Photomontage
of Viewpoint 7: View from Golden Beach (Sheet 1 of 2)
MCL/P132/EIA/15-023.2 Photomontage
of Viewpoint 7: View from Golden Beach (Sheet 2 of 2)
MCL/P132/EIA/15-026.1 Photomontage
of Viewpoint 10: View from Fu Shan in Tai O (Sheet 1 of 2)
MCL/P132/EIA/15-026.2 Photomontage
of Viewpoint 10: View from Fu Shan in Tai O (Sheet 2 of 2)
MCL/P132/EIA/15-027.1 Broad
Tree Group Survey – Chek Lap Kok
MCL/P132/EIA/15-027.2 Broad
Tree Group Survey – Chek Lap Kok
MCL/P132/EIA/15-027.3 Broad
Tree Group Survey – Chek Lap Kok
MCL/P132/EIA/15-027.4 Broad
Tree Group Survey Schedule
MCL/P132/EIA/15-027.5 Broad
Tree Group Survey Schedule
MCL/P132/EIA/15-027.6 Broad
Tree Group Survey Schedule
MCL/P132/EIA/15-028.1 Landscape
and Visual Mitigation Arrangement Plan – Chek Lap Kok
MCL/P132/EIA/15-028.2 Landscape
and Visual Mitigation Arrangement (Blow Up Plan) – Chek Lap Kok
MCL/P132/EIA/15-028.3 Landscape
and Visual Mitigation Arrangement (Blow Up Plan) – Chek Lap Kok
MCL/P132/EIA/15-028.4 Landscape
and Visual Mitigation Arrangement (Blow Up Plan) – Chek Lap Kok
MCL/P132/EIA/15-028.5 Landscape
and Visual Mitigation Arrangement (Blow Up Plan) – Chek Lap Kok
MCL/P132/EIA/15-028.6 Landscape
and Visual Mitigation Arrangement Plan –
Sha Chau
MCL/P132/EIA/15-029 Conceptual
Section Illustrating Mitigation Measure OM1
MCL/P132/EIA/15-030.1 View from RES10 – Sham Shek Tseun
MCL/P132/EIA/15-030.2 View from RES17 – Pak Mong Village
MCL/P132/EIA/15-030.3 View from RES19 – San Shek Wan Village
MCL/P132/EIA/15-030.4 View from REC24 – Visitors to Tai Ho
Landscape and Visual Impact
ˇ A listing of the relevant environmental legislation and guidelines;
ˇ A definition of the scope and contents of the study, including a description of the assessment methodology;
ˇ A review of the relevant planning and development control framework;
ˇ A baseline study providing a comprehensive and accurate description of the baseline landscape resources, landscape character areas, zone of visual influence and key groups of existing and planned visually sensitive receivers (VSRs).
ˇ Identification of the source of landscape and visual impacts;
ˇ Recommendation of appropriate mitigation measures and associated implementation programmes;
ˇ Assessment of the potential landscape and visual impacts, by taking into account the sensitivity of receivers, prediction of the magnitude of change experienced by the receivers and resulting potential impact significance, before and after the mitigation measures; and
ˇ Clear evaluations and explanation with supportive arguments of all relevant factors considered in arriving at the significance thresholds of the landscape and visual impacts.
ˇ Environmental Impact Assessment Ordinance (Cap 499) and the Technical Memorandum on EIA Process (EIAO-TM), particularly Annexes 3, 10, 11, 18, 20 and 21;
- An Ordinance to provide for assessing the impact on the environment of certain projects and proposals, for protecting the environment and for incidental matters.
- The Technical Memorandum sets out the principles, procedures, guidelines, requirements and criteria for the technical content of an environmental impact assessment study brief or environmental impact assessment report.
ˇ Hong Kong Planning Standards and Guidelines;
- The Hong Kong Planning Standards and Guidelines (HKPSG) is a Government manual of criteria for determining the scale, location and site requirements of various land uses and facilities.
ˇ Hong Kong 2030 Planning Vision and Strategy Final Report;
- Is a long-term planning strategy to guide future development and provision of strategic infrastructure and to help implement government policy targets in a spatial form.
ˇ Landscape Value Mapping of Hong Kong;
- Essential landscape baseline information to provide a systematic reference framework to facilitate landscape assessment and broad environmental assessment of major projects at territorial level.
ˇ EIAO Guidance Note No. 8/2010;
- The Environmental Impact Assessment Ordinance, (Cap 499) Guidance Note advises on the requirements in vetting Landscape and Visual Impact Assessment of designated projects under the Technical Memorandum on EIA Process for the Environmental Impact Assessment Ordinance.
ˇ Town Planning Ordinance (Cap 131);
- To promote the health, safety, convenience and general welfare of the community by making provision for the systematic preparation and approval of plans for the lay-out of areas of Hong Kong as well as for the types of building suitable for erection therein and for the preparation and approval of plans for areas within which permission is required for development.
ˇ Foreshore and Sea-bed (reclamations) Ordinance (Cap 127);
- To provide for the publication of proposals in respect of reclamations over and upon any foreshore and sea-bed; to make provision in respect of objections to the proposals, the payment of compensation and connected matters; and to repeal the Public Reclamations and Works Ordinance (Cap 113, 1984 Ed.) and the Foreshores and Sea Bed Ordinance (Cap 127, 1984 Ed.).
ˇ Forests and Countryside Ordinance (Cap 96) and its subsidiary legislation the Forestry Regulations;
- To consolidate and amend the law relating to forests and plants, and to provide for the protection of the countryside.
ˇ Country Parks Ordinance (Cap 208);
- To provide for the designation, control and management of country parks and special areas.
ˇ Marine Parks Ordinance (Cap 476) and associated subsidiary legislation;
- To provide for the designation, control and management of Marine Parks and Marine Reserves.
ˇ Protection of Endangered Species of Animals And Plants Ordinance (Cap. 586);
- To regulate the import, introduction from the sea, export, re-export, and possession or control of certain endangered species of animals and plants and parts and derivatives of those species; and to provide for incidental and connected matters.
ˇ Approved Chek Lap Kok Outline Zoning Plan (OZP) No. S/I-CLK/12;
ˇ Approved Tung Chung Town Centre Area Outline Zoning Plan (OZP) No. S/I-TCTC/18;
ˇ SILTech Publication (1991) – Tree Planting and Maintenance in Hong Kong (Standing Interdepartmental Landscape Technical Group) [11-23];
ˇ GEO publication (1/2009) – Prescriptive Measures for Man-made Slopes and Retaining Walls;
ˇ GEO 1/2011 – Technical Guidelines on Landscape Treatment for Slopes;
- This publication presents guidance on good practice of landscape treatments for man-made slopes and engineering works on natural terrain in Hong Kong.
ˇ Land Administration Office Instruction (LAOI) Section D-12 – Tree Preservation;
- It is policy to ensure that no tree is felled unnecessarily nor, where control exists, without the prior consent of Government and that whenever possible, and appropriate, approval to the felling of any tree is made subject to a compensatory landscaping/replanting scheme.
ˇ Land Administration Office, Lands Department Practice Note 7/2007 - Tree Preservation and Tree Removal Application for Building Development in Private Projects;
- This practice note ensures trees are not unnecessarily felled on private lots.
ˇ DEVB TC (W) No.2/2012 Allocation of Space for Quality Greening on Roads;
- This circular aims to introduce improvements in greenery, to develop existing greened areas and allow opportunities for greening and landscape during the planning and development of public works projects.
ˇ DEVB TC (W) No.3/2012 Site Coverage of Greenery for Government Building Projects;
- This circular sets out the standards and requirements on site coverage of greenery for new government building projects and the methodology of measurement and calculation for the purpose of the required site coverage of greenery
ˇ DEVB TC (W) No.2/2013 Greening on Footbridges and Flyovers;
- This circular updates the policy and requirements for greening on new footbridges and flyovers in built-up areas
ˇ ETWB TCW No. 2/2004 – Maintenance of Vegetation and Hard Landscape Features;
- This circular sets out the departmental responsibilities for maintenance of vegetation and hard landscape features.
ˇ ETWB TCW No. 29/2004 – Registration of Old and Valuable Trees, and Guidelines for their Preservation;
- This circular sets out the procedures for registration of old and valuable trees on unleased Government land within built-up areas and tourist attraction spots in village areas.
ˇ ETWB TCW No. 36/2004 The Advisory Committee on the Appearance of Bridges and Associated Structures (ACABAS);
- This circular updates the membership of the Advisory Committee on the Appearance of Bridges and Associated Structures (ACABAS). Revised guidelines for ACABAS submissions are also included to promote better understanding of the submission requirements.
ˇ ETWB TCW No. 5/2005 – Protection of Natural Streams/Rivers from Adverse Impacts Arising from Construction Works;
- This circular provides an administrative framework to better protect all natural streams/rivers from the impacts of construction works. The procedures promulgated under this Circular aim to clarify and strengthen existing measures for protection of natural streams/rivers from government projects and private developments.
ˇ ETWB TCW No. 10/2013 - Tree Preservation;
- This circular sets out the policy on tree preservation, and the procedures for control of tree felling, transplanting and pruning in Government projects.
ˇ WBTC No. 25/93 – Control of Visual Impact of Slopes;
- This circular outlines the design principles recommended to be used in designing manmade slopes for Public Works projects in order to reduce their adverse visual impact.
ˇ WBTC No. 17/2000 – Improvement to the Appearance of slopes in connection with WBTC 25/93;
- This circular outlines the principles and procedures recommended for all departments involved in new slope formation and in upgrading and maintenance of existing slopes for improving the aesthetic and environmental impact of slope works.
ˇ WBTC No. 7/2002 – Tree Planting in Public Works;
- This circular affirms the advocated policy on tree planting which adopts a flexible and balanced approach in the planning and design of public works.
ˇ Latest Proper Planting Practices and other relevant guidelines issued by Development Bureau (Greening, Landscape and Tree Management Section).
ˇ Latest Hong Kong International Airport (HKIA) Approved Plant Species List.
High: |
Important landscape or landscape resource
of particularly distinctive character or high importance, sensitive to
relatively small changes |
Medium: |
Landscape or landscape resource of moderately
valued landscape characteristics reasonably tolerant to change |
Low: |
Landscape or landscape resource, the nature
of which is largely tolerant to change |
Large: |
The landscape or
landscape resource would suffer a major change |
Intermediate: |
The landscape or
landscape resource would suffer a moderate change |
Small: |
The landscape or
landscape resource would suffer slight or barely perceptible changes |
Negligible: |
The landscape or landscape
resource would suffer no discernible change |
None: |
The landscape or
landscape resource would suffer absolutely no impact |
Substantial: |
Adverse / beneficial impact where the
proposal would cause significant deterioration or improvement in existing
landscape quality |
Moderate: |
Adverse / beneficial impact where the
proposal would cause a noticeable deterioration or improvement in existing
landscape quality |
Slight: |
Adverse / beneficial impact where the
proposal would cause a barely perceptible deterioration or improvement in existing
landscape quality |
Insubstantial: |
No discernible change in the existing
landscape quality |
None |
Absolutely no change in the existing
landscape quality |
Table 15.1: Relationship between Receptor Sensitivity and Magnitude of Change
in Defining Impact Significance
Magnitude of Change |
Large |
Intermediate |
Small |
Negligible |
None |
Low |
Medium |
High |
Sensitivity (of Landscape Resource, Landscape Character Area or VSR) |
Note: The colours in the above table categorise the total spectrum of impacts
rising from the lowest value at the bottom left corner to the highest value
at the top right corner. It may be seen that for some combination of
classification levels of Magnitude of Change and Receptor Sensitivity, there
are 2 possible impact significance thresholds. When the Magnitude of Change
and Receptor Sensitivity are assessed to be towards to higher ends of each
classification level the resultant impact significance would be deemed to be
the higher of the two impact significance thresholds. |
ˇ The impact is beneficial if the project will complement the landscape and visual character of its setting, will follow the relevant planning objectives and will improve overall and visual quality;
ˇ The impact is acceptable if the assessment indicates that there will be no significant effects on the landscape, no significant visual effects caused by the appearance of the project, or no interference with key views;
ˇ The impact is acceptable with mitigation measures if there will be some adverse effects, but these can be eliminated, reduced or offset to a large extent by specific measures;
ˇ The impact is unacceptable if the adverse effects are considered too excessive and are unable to mitigate practically;
ˇ The impact is undetermined if significant adverse effects are likely, but the extent to which they may occur or may be mitigated cannot be determined from the study. Further detailed study will be required for the specific effects in question.
ˇ Tree group number;
ˇ Botanical name and Chinese name of the main species found in the group;
ˇ Approximate number of trees in the group;
ˇ An assessment of average tree form (good / fair / poor) for each species found in each group;
ˇ An assessment of average tree health (good / fair / poor) for each species found in each group;
ˇ An assessment of average amenity value (high / medium / low) for each species found in each group; and
ˇ Additional remarks are provided on the estimated approximate age range of the trees.
ˇ The type of VSRs, classified according to whether the person is at home, at work, at play, or travelling. Those who view the impact from their homes are considered to be highly sensitive as the attractiveness or otherwise of the outlook from their home will have a substantial effect on their perception of the quality and acceptability of their home environment and their general quality of life. Those who view the impact from their workplace are considered to be only moderately sensitive as the attractiveness or otherwise of the outlook will have a less important, although still material, effect on their perception of their quality of life. The degree to which this applies depends on whether the workplace is industrial, retail or commercial. Those who view the impact while taking part in an outdoor leisure activity may display varying sensitivity depending on the type of leisure activity. Those who view the impact while travelling on a public thoroughfare will also display varying sensitivity depending on the speed of travel.
ˇ Other factors which are considered (as required by EIAO GN 8/2010) include the value and quality of existing views and views from planned developments, the availability and amenity of alternative views, the duration or frequency of view, and the degree of visibility.
High: |
The VSR is highly
sensitive to any change in their viewing experience |
Medium: |
The VSR is
moderately sensitive to any change in their viewing experience |
Low: |
The VSR is only
slightly sensitive to any change in their viewing experience |
Duration and Frequency of the impact: |
Temporary /
Permanent: This refers to the long term presence of the visual change –
whether it is experienced by the VSR for the whole duration of the
construction phase or operation phase, or only part thereof. Intermittent /
Continuous: This refers to short term frequency of the visual change - is it
always visible (continuous) or only at certain times (intermittent). For example, travelling VSRs may only see
the source intermittently as they travel along their journey, whereas
residential VSRs may have continuous views from their living room. |
Reversibility of the impact: |
Reversible /
Irreversible |
Compatibility of the project with the Visual Backdrop: |
High / Medium / Low |
Distance of the source of impact from the viewer: |
Shortest distance
measured in metres (m) between the VSR and the source. |
Degree of visibility of Source(s) of Visual Impact: |
Full: virtually
full uninterrupted view of the source of impact Partial: partial
view of the source of impact which is slightly hidden by intervening elements
such as buildings, vegetation etc. Obscured: partial view of the source of impact which
is largely hidden by intervening elements such as buildings, vegetation etc. |
Scale of the development |
Small / Medium /
Large |
Potential Blockage of Existing Views |
Full / Partial /
Slight / Negligible: The degree to
which the source of the impact blocks existing open views currently
experienced by the VSR. |
Large: |
The VSRs would
suffer a major change in their viewing experience; |
Intermediate: |
The VSRs would
suffer a moderate change in their viewing experience; |
Small: |
The VSRs would
suffer a small change in their viewing experience; |
Negligible: |
The VSRs would
suffer no discernible change in their viewing experience; |
None |
The VSRs would
suffer absolutely no change in their viewing experience. |
Substantial: |
Adverse / beneficial impact where the
proposal would cause significant deterioration or improvement in existing
visual quality perceived by the general population; |
Moderate: |
Adverse / beneficial impact where the
proposal would cause a noticeable deterioration or improvement in existing
visual quality perceived by the general population; |
Slight: |
Adverse / beneficial impact where the
proposal would cause a barely perceptible deterioration or improvement in
existing visual quality perceived by the general population; |
Insubstantial: |
No discernible change in the existing
visual quality perceived by the general population; |
None |
Absolutely no change in the existing visual
quality perceived by the general population. |
ˇ HKBCF and HKLR - HKBCF will serve as a transportation hub and provide clearance facilities for goods and passengers using the Hong Kong – Zhuhai – Macao Bridge (HZMB). The proposed HKBCF will be located on an artificial island of about 130 ha reclaimed from the open waters off the northeast of HKIA. It is next to HKIA and Tung Chung New Town Extension Study which are at convenient locations with good transportation connectivity. With a variety of transport modes available in the proximity, HKBCF will become a multi-modal transportation hub with HKIA, SkyPier, Airport Express Line and Tung Chung Line in the area. HKLR will comprise sea viaducts in the western waters of Hong Kong, tunnels through Scenic Hill and underneath the Airport Road and Airport Express Line, and at-grade roads on reclamation along the east coast of airport island. The project consists of a dual three-lane carriageway in the form of viaduct from the HK SAR boundary to Scenic Hill of approximately 9.4 km in length. The projects are due for completion in 2016.
ˇ Southern Connection of TM-CLKL - TM-CLKL will be a dual two-lane carriageway connecting the Tuen Mun Western Bypass (TMWB) at Tuen Mun Area 40 in the north with the proposed HZMB HKBCF, the airport and North Lantau in the south. The northern connection between Tuen Mun and HKBCF will be a sub-sea tunnel while the southern connection between HKBCF and North Lantau will be on viaducts. The Southern Connection of TM-CLKL is due for completion in 2016.
ˇ Residential Development at Tung Chung (Area 56) - Tung Chung Area 56 covers a site area of about 32,500 m2 and is located to the east of Ying Hei Road. According to the Tung Chung Town Centre Area Outline Zoning Plan No. S/I-TCTC/18, the site is zoned “Residential (A)” and has a plot ratio of five. The residential development is in line with the planning intention. The development will consist of four domestic blocks of 41 storeys high. Completion of the proposed development at Tung Chung (Area 56) is expected in 2016.
ˇ Residential / Commercial Development at Tung Chung (Area 55a) – Tung Chung Area 55a covers an area of about 25,400 m2 and is located north of Ying Hei Road. According to the Tung Chung Town Centre Area Outline Zoning Plan No. S/I-TCTC/18, the site is zoned “Residential (A)” and has a plot ratio of five. Completion of the residential / commercial development at Tung Chung (Area 55a) is expected in 2016.
ˇ Residential Development at Tung Chung (Area 55b) - Tung Chung Area 55b covers as area of about 26,400 m2 and is located north of Ying Hei Road. According to the Tung Chung Town Centre Area Outline Zoning Plan No. S/I-TCTC/18, the site is zoned “Residential (A)” and has a plot ratio of five. Completion of the residential development at Tung Chung (Area 55b) is expected in 2015.
ˇ It is assumed that funding, implementation, management and maintenance of the landscape and visual mitigation proposals can be satisfactorily resolved according to the principles in ETWB TCW No. 2/2004. All mitigation proposals in the EIA report shall be practical and achievable within the known parameters of funding, implementation, management and maintenance. The suggested agents for the funding and implementation (and subsequent management and maintenance, if applicable) are indicated in the EIA report. Approvals-in-principle to the implementation, management and maintenance of the proposed mitigation measures are being sought from the appropriate authorities.
ˇ Northern Connection of TM-CLKL - The proposed TM-CLKL, together with the proposed TMWB, is a proposed strategic road link between North West New Territories (NWNT), North Lantau, the proposed HZMB HKBCF and HKIA. The Northern Connection of TM-CLKL is located just east of the Tuen Mun River Trade Terminal and is due for completion in 2018.
ˇ Tung Chung New Town Extension Study – According to the Stage 2 Public Engagement exercise in May 2013, the Tung Chung East Extension will comprise of a 120 ha landscape formation, primarily for residential and recreational use. It is estimated to accommodate a population of 110,000. The Tung Chung West Extension will comprise of a 14 ha land formation, primarily for residential and recreational use, the proposed Tung Chung West Station, high density developments close to the existing Tung Chung Road, medium density developments in areas adjacent to Yat Tung Estate and village clusters near the Tung Chung River Estuary to provide a stepped building height profile towards Tung Chung Bay. The Tung Chung West Extension is estimated to accommodate a population of 43,000. The Tung Chung New Town Extension Study would generate primarily residential and recreational VSRs in large numbers. According to communications with the project proponent in December 2013, this project is currently undergoing engineering and environmental assessment, and no detailed construction programme is confirmed at this stage, though construction is currently targeted to commence in 2018 and it is anticipated that the first population intake would occur in 2023/24.
ˇ Proposed Public Housing Development at Tung Chung West (Area 39) – The Public Rental Housing (PRH) development at Tung Chung Area 39 is located on the south west of Yat Tung Estate. To the east are villages including Ha Ling Pei, Wong Ka Wai and Lung Tseng Tau; to the west is agricultural land; and to the south are YMC of Hong Kong Christian College and Caritas Charles Vath College. The site area of the proposed development is approximately 3.23 ha. The proposed development will consist of four domestic blocks ranging from 94 - 130 m high providing around 3,800 PRH flats. Construction of the PRH development at Tung Chung West (Area 39) will commence in 2014 with completion in 2018.
ˇ Proposed Residential Development at Tung Chung (Area 54) - Tung Chung Area 54 covers an area of about 32,400 m2 and is located north of Ying Hei Road. According to the Tung Chung Town Centre Area Outline Zoning Plan No. S/I-TCTC/18, the site is zoned “Residential (A)” and has a plot ratio of five. Completion of the proposed development at Tung Chung (Area 54) is anticipated to be in 2019/20.
ˇ Lantau Logistics Park (LLP) - The LLP will be developed on the 72 ha out of a total reclamation area of 112 ha off the north shore of Lantau Island immediately to the north of, and encompassing, the existing Siu Ho Wan railway depot with proposals for possible Logistics Park extension or other compatible uses for the remaining 40 ha of reclamation area. The new reclamation will be an extension of the existing reclamation carried out for the North Lantau Highway and the Siu Ho Wan depot. The exact layout of the proposed LLP reclamation is subject to further study and will be confirmed after detailed investigation. Construction work will involve reclamation, construction of surcharge, handling and stockpiling of excavated materials for roadworks, drainage, waterworks, concreting works and construction traffic movements on unpaved roads. According to communications with the project proponent in September 2013, the development programme for the LLP is yet to be confirmed, and the land uses for the proposed reclamation are subject to the outcomes of Agreement No. CE 9/2011(CE).
ˇ Leisure and Entertainment Node at Sunny Bay - The Sunny Bay Reclamation, at the gateway to the north east Lantau tourism hub and near the Sunny Bay MTR Station, was recommended as a tourism node in the ‘Northshore Lantau Development Feasibility Study’. It is suitable for a leisure and entertainment node, particularly for youths, which may comprise such components as entertainment, dining, fashionable stores, performance venues, theme attractions and indoor leisure and sports facilities like indoor man made beach. The proposal could create synergy with Hong Kong Disneyland and other tourism proposals on Lantau. Based on discussions with Planning Department in August 2013, it was identified that this proposal does not yet have an implementation programme, and the land uses for this proposed reclamation is also subject to the outcomes of Agreement No. CE 9/2011(CE) – Increasing Land Supply by Reclamation and Rock Cavern Development cum Public Engagement – Feasibility Study.
ˇ New Contaminated Mud Marine Disposal Facility at Airport East/East Sha Chau - The project involves the sequential disposal of contaminated mud into a series of dredged pits. The new CMP to the south of The Brothers will operate between 2013 and 2016. Disposal of contaminated sediment will begin at CMP Pit Vb at East Sha Chau upon completion of disposal at the CMP south of The Brothers and this is expected to be ongoing throughout 2016 and 2017. Thereafter, disposal will begin at CMP Pit Vc at East Sha Chau, followed by Pit Vd at East Sha Chau.
ˇ Intermodal Transfer Terminus (ITT) – A planned development on HKIA to meet the additional demand from an increase of transfer passengers at HKIA following the opening of the aforementioned HZMB project. The works will include the expansion and modification of the existing SkyPier facilities (located at the north-eastern extent of HKIA) to provide an ITT, a bonded road linking ITT to HKBCF (the portion within HKIA), other associated road works and an underground APM maintenance facility. Construction is tentatively scheduled to commence in 2014 for completion in 2017.
ˇ North Commercial District (NCD) – A planned development of a new commercial centre with basement car parking in the location of the existing SkyCity Nine Eagles Golf Course. NCD will accommodate various commercial facilities include offices, hotels, and retail. Construction is tentatively scheduled to commence in 2015 for completion in 2019
ˇ Organic Waste Treatment Facilities at Siu Ho Wan - A planned development at Siu Ho Wan which aims to recycle source-separated organic waste generated from the C&I sectors (mostly food waste) to useful products, thereby minimising requirement for landfill disposal.. The facilities will adopt anaerobic digestion and composting technologies to recycle organic waste into biogas and compost products. According to communications with the project proponent in August 2013, it is estimated that the DBO contract will be awarded in early 2014 and the plant will be commissioned in mid-2016.
ˇ Potential Sites for Columbarium Developments – Group B – Feasibility Study - Two sites in the Tsuen Wan District located at the eastern and western end of Sham Shui Kok Drive in Siu Ho Wan, North Lantau are shortlisted potential sites for columbarium development. Based on communication with the works agent in January 2014, the study is still in the feasibility stage and there is no implementation programme available yet, though it is initially proposed that this development may be operational by 2020. Given that insufficient information is available at this stage, this project cannot be considered as a concurrent project for cumulative impact assessment, however, it will be considered as a potential future sensitive receiver in relevant technical assessments.
ˇ Planning and Engineering Study for Tuen Mun Areas 40 and 46 and the Adjoining Areas – This is a planning and engineering study on the future land use options for Tuen Mun Areas 40 and 46 and the adjoining areas. Area 40 is currently zoned as “Industrial” use while parts of Area 46 is zoned as “Other Specified Uses” annotated “Crematorium, Columbarium, Funeral Services Centre and Open Space”. The study aims to investigate the potential for re-planning these areas for alternative uses such as commercial, office and hotel uses, logistics uses, high technology industry uses, residential use, etc. According to the latest information from the project website, the feasibility study commenced in May 2013 and is anticipated for completion in 2015, however the future development proposal is yet to be determined. Given that insufficient information is available at this stage, this project cannot be considered as a concurrent project and cumulative impacts will not be assessed.
ˇ Cycle Track between Tsuen Wan and Tuen Mun - This project aims to provide a cycle track between Tsuen Wan and Tuen Mun together with associated supporting and recreational facilities. According to latest information published by the project proponent on this project, the project is currently undergoing detailed design, which is estimated to be completed in phases from mid-2014 to 2015, and the programme of construction works could only be finalised upon completion of the detailed design work. Given that the construction programme is unconfirmed, this project cannot be assessed for cumulative construction phase impacts.
ˇ Tung Chung New Town Extension Study (partial);
ˇ New Contaminated Mud Marine Disposal Facility at East Sha Chau (partial);
ˇ Intermodal Transfer Terminus;
ˇ The North Commercial District.
ˇ Existing Baseline Conditions in June 2013;
ˇ Planned Baseline Conditions in 2016 before commencement of the 3RS (with committed and approved projects: HKBCF, HKLR, Southern Connection of the TM-CLKL, Residential/Commercial Development at Tung Chung (Area 55a), Residential Development at Tung Chung (Area 55b) and Public Rental Housing (PRH) Development at Tung Chung (Area 56));
ˇ Day 1 of completed works without mitigation measures;
ˇ Day 1 of the completed works with mitigation measures; and
ˇ The completed works with mitigation after 10 years.
Chek Lap Kok Outline
Zoning Plan No. S/I-CLK/12
ˇ Other Specified Uses (“OU”): This zoning covers land for a number of specified uses. These fall under the following specific areas as outlined below;
- Airport; intended for the development of airport operational facilities;
- Airport Service Area; indented for the development of airport support facilities to facilitate the operation of the airport;
- Boundary Crossing Facilities; intended for the development of boundary crossing facilities and related activities for the HZMB;
- Business Park; intended for the business activities relating to the airport;
- Highways Maintenance Area; intended to designate areas for the provisions of backup area for operations and maintenance of HKLR;
- Pier; intended to designate land for piers to facilitate marine access to Chek Lap Kok;
- Satellite Control Building; intended to reserve land for the development of a satellite control building;
- Sea Rescue Station; intended primarily to reserve land for the reprovisioning of the existing Fire Services Department East Sea Rescue Facilities. The existing facilities will be affected by the proposed automated people mover associated with HKBCF;
- Ventilation Building; to reserve land for the development of a ventilation building associated with the TM-CLKL;
- Amenity Area; designated land for major roadside amenity areas and landscape buffers. This includes the areas between the Dragonair Tower and China National Aviation Corporation (CNAC) Tower and the proposed carriageway from HKBCF and HKLR.
ˇ Commercial (“C”): Intended for airport related activities as well as other commercial developments and business activities. This area is primarily focused in the north eastern portion of Chek Lap Kok where the aim is to provide an aesthetically pleasant environment for airport related enterprises and other business activities. Other supporting facilities in this zone include hotels, offices, retail, exhibition centre, and recreational. A large portion of this area is taken up by transport infrastructure including public car parks, terminal buildings and the Airport Express Line Station. This zoning currently occupies 118.8 ha within the current OZP.
ˇ Government, Institutional or Community (“G/IC”): Intended for the provision of Government, institution, or community facilities to support any airport operations and serve the needs of other developments on Chek Lap Kok. Existing facilities within this zone include the Government flying services centre, fire station, police complex and airmail centre. This zone currently occupies 12.30 ha within the current OZP.
ˇ Green Belt (“GB”): The planning intention for this zone is to preserve the existing natural landscape at the knoll at the south eastern point of the Chek Lap Kok to provide a visual and environmental buffer for the adjacent new town development of Tung Chung. The zone also holds the purpose of providing a passive recreational outlet.
ˇ Cultural Heritage Site: A cultural heritage site (Ha Law Wan Site of Archaeological Interest) is located north of Scenic Hill with ancient kilns dated back to Yuan Dynasty. It is noted that the site has been deemed worthy of preservation.
Tung Chung Town
Centre Area Outline Zoning Plan No. S/I-TCTC/18
ˇ Open space (“O”): Intended primarily for the provision of open-air public space for active and/or passive recreational uses serving the need of local residents as well as the general public. In addition to other areas, the zone also covers the waterfront open spaces in Areas 52 and 59 including a prestigious waterfront promenade which will be extended to the east to Tai Ho and to the west, Tung Chung West in the future. It also covers the open space links and other open spaces at Areas 7, 16, and 18 which serve as environmental buffers for the North Lantau Highway (NLH) and other major roads. This zone currently occupies 55.70 ha within the current OZP.
ˇ Comprehensive Development Area (“CDA”): Intended for comprehensive development / redevelopment of the area for residential and commercial uses with the provision of open space and other supporting facilities which may include offices, shop and services, places of entertainment, eating places and hotels, functioning as the economic centre in the town centre. This zoning currently occupies 2.14 ha within the current OZP.
ˇ Government, Institutional or Community (“G/IC”): Intended for the provision of Government, institution, or community facilities to support the needs of the local residents and/or wider district region or the territory. It is also intended to provide land for uses directly related to Government, organisation providing social services to meet community needs and other institutional establishments. This zone currently occupies 22.32 ha within the current OZP.
ˇ Other Specified Uses (“OU”): This zoning denotes land allocated or reserved for specified uses including railway ventilation and other associated plants to the north east of the Tung Chung MTR Station, sewage pumping station in Area 12, proposed ferry pier in Area 50, two proposed petrol filling stations in Area 58, a traction substation in Area 58, and a cable car portal and its related commercial development in Area 2. This zone currently occupies 2.86 ha within the current OZP.
ˇ Commercial (“C”): Intended for commercial oriented developments which may include land uses such as offices, shop and services, places of entertainment, eating places and hotels, functioning as the economic centre in the town centre. This zoning currently occupies 2.14 ha within the current OZP.
ˇ Green Belt (“GB”): The planning intention for this zone is to primarily define the limits of the urban and suburban development areas by natural features and to preserve existing topography and natural vegetation at the fringe of the new town as well as to provide passive recreational outlets. This zone does not feature within the proposed 500 m landscape study area of this project.
Designated Marine
Parks and Marine Reserves
ˇ Section 21, Clause (1) of the Marine Parks Ordinance (Cap 476) states: the Authority may approve in writing the carrying out of any work for the purposes of inspecting or repairing any existing structure or facility within any marine park or marine reserve and may, after seeking the advice of the Board, approve the carrying out of any new development within any marine park or marine reserve, where he considers it to be in the public interest to do so, and may impose any conditions on granting the approval.
ˇ Section 21, Clause (2) states: Sections 10 and 11 shall, with necessary modifications, apply in respect of an application for approval to carry out any work or new development referred to in subsection (1) within a marine park or marine reserve.
Hong Kong 2030 Planning Vision and Strategy Final Report
Other Relevant
Studies, Guidelines and Manuals
- Urban Design Guidelines and Standards Manual for New Airport at Chek Lap Kok;
- SkyCity Masterplan Urban Design Guidelines;
- SkyCity landscape Masterplan;
- Tung Chung New Town Development Study;
- Revised Concept Plan for Lantau;
- Tuen Mun – Chek Lap Kok Link (TM-CLKL);
- Hong Kong – Zhuhai – Macao Bridge, Hong Kong Boundary Crossing Facilities – Investigation;
- Tung Chung New Town Development Extension Study;
- Planning and Engineering Study on the Remaining Development in Tung Chung - Feasibility Study; and
- Dredging, Management and Capping of Contaminated Sediment Disposal Facility to the South of The Brothers
CLK/LR1 - Coastal
Waters of North Lantau
CLK/LR2 – Grass /
Turf Areas around Runways and Verges
CLK/LR3 – Landscaped
Areas Around Existing Airport Buildings
CLK/LR4a - Roadside
Vegetation – Amenity Planting
CLK/LR4b - Roadside
Vegetation on Modified Slopes
CLK/LR5 - Natural
CLK/LR6 – Amenity /
Compensatory Planting on HKBCF/HKLR
CLK/LR7 - Streams
Agricultural Land
CLK/LR9 - Natural
Rocky and Sandy Shore with Mangrove/Mudflat
CLK/LR10a - Coastal
Woodland and Scrubland on North Lantau
CLK/LR10b - Coastal
Woodland and Scrubland on Scenic Hill
CLK/LR11 - Amenity
Planting in Urban Park
CLK/LR12 – Grassland
/ Scrub on Vacant Land
CLK/LR13 –
Artificial / Man–made Coastline
SC/LR1 - Natural Rocky
Coastline of Sha Chau Islands
SC/LR2 - Natural
Vegetation on Sha Chau Islands
SC/LR3 - Coastal
Waters of Sha Chau Islands
SC/LR4 – Natural
Sandy Coastline of Sha Chau Island
Table 15.2: Landscape Resources
Ref. ID. |
Description |
Sensitivity to Change (Low, Medium, High) |
Coastal waters of North Lantau Baseline: approx. 12,000 ha |
High |
Grass / turf areas around runways and verges Baseline: 260 ha |
Low |
Landscaped areas around existing airport buildings Baseline: 4.5 ha |
Low |
CLK/LR4a |
Roadside vegetation – Amenity Planting Baseline: 53 ha |
Medium |
CLK/LR4b |
Roadside vegetation on modified slopes Baseline : 5 ha |
Low |
Natural coastline Baseline: 8,300 lm |
High |
Amenity / compensatory planting on HKBCF / HKLR Baseline: 40 ha |
Low |
Stream Baseline: 1,100 lm |
Medium |
Agricultural land Baseline: 1 ha |
Medium |
Natural rocky and sandy shore with mangrove / mudflat Baseline: 3 ha |
High |
CLK/LR10a |
Coastal woodland and scrubland on North Lantau Baseline: 50 ha |
High |
CLK/LR10b |
Coastal woodland and scrubland on Scenic Hill Baseline: 19 ha |
High |
CLK/LR11 |
Amenity planting in urban park Baseline: 4 ha |
Medium |
CLK/LR12 |
Grassland / scrub on vacant land Baseline: 114 ha |
Low |
CLK/LR13 |
Artificial / man-made coastline Baseline: 17,000 m |
Low |
SC/LR1 |
Natural rocky coastline of Sha Chau islands Baseline: 1,250 lm |
High |
SC/LR2 |
Natural vegetation on Sha Chau islands Baseline: 10 ha |
High |
SC/LR3 |
Coastal waters of Sha Chau islands Baseline: 165 ha |
High |
SC/LR4 |
Natural sandy coastline of Sha Chau Island Baseline: 600 m |
High |
CLK/LCA1 - Airport
CLK/LCA2- Inshore
Water Landscape
CLK/LCA3 - Strait
CLK/LCA4a - Coastal
Upland and Hillside Landscape – Sha Lo Wan
CLK/LCA4b - Coastal
Upland and Hillside Landscape – Scenic Hill
CLK/LCA5 - Mixed
Modern Comprehensive Development Landscape
CLK/LCA6 - Rural
Coastal Plain Landscape
Transportation Corridor Landscape
CLK/LCA8 - On-going
Major Development Landscape
SC/LCA1 - Island
SC/LCA2 - Sha Chau
Islands Inshore Water Landscape
Table 15.3: Landscape Character Areas
Ref. ID. |
Description |
Sensitivity to Change (Low, Medium, High) |
Airport landscape Baseline: 1,100 ha |
Low |
Inshore water landscape Baseline: Coastal waters of North Lantau (Approx. 12,000 ha) |
High |
Strait landscape Baseline: 170 ha |
Medium |
Coastal upland and hillside landscape – Sha Lo Wan Baseline: 35 ha |
High |
Coastal upland and hillside landscape – Scenic Hill Baseline: 24 ha |
High |
Mixed modern comprehensive development landscape Baseline: 30 ha |
Low |
Rural coastal plain landscape Baseline: 15 ha |
High |
Transportation corridor landscape Baseline: 225 ha |
Low |
On-going major development landscape Baseline: 13 ha |
Low |
Island landscape Baseline: 10 ha |
High |
Sha Chau islands inshore water landscape Baseline: 160 ha |
High |
Table 15.4: Key Visually Sensitive Receivers (VSRs)
and Quality of Existing View (Poor, Fair , Good) |
of Alternative Views (Yes, No) |
of Individuals (Very Few, Few, Many, |
to Change (Low, Medium, High) |
Construction |
Operation |
Construction |
Operation |
Residential VSRs |
RES-1 |
of Villages of Tai O |
Good |
Yes |
Many |
Many |
High |
High |
RES-2 |
of Villages of Sha Lo Wan |
Fair |
No |
Few |
Few |
High |
High |
RES-3 |
of Tung Chung including, Tung Chung Crescent,
Seaview Crescent, Caribbean
Coast, Area 53 to Area 56. |
Good |
Yes |
Many |
Many |
High |
High |
RES-4 |
along south coast of Tuen Mun |
Good |
Yes |
Many |
Many |
High |
High |
RES-5 |
of Hong Kong Gold Coast |
Good |
Yes |
Many |
Many |
High |
High |
RES-6 |
of Siu Lam |
Good |
Yes |
Many |
Many |
High |
High |
RES-7 |
residents of Tung Chung East |
Good |
Yes |
N/A |
Many |
N/A |
High |
RES-8 |
of Lung Kwu Tan |
Good |
Yes |
Many |
Many |
High |
High |
RES-9 |
of planned Tung Chung West future
development including Area 39 |
Good |
Yes |
N/A |
Many |
N/A |
High |
RES-10 |
of Sham Shek Tsuen |
Good |
No |
Few |
Few |
High |
High |
RES-11 |
of Sai Tso Wan Village |
Good |
No |
Few |
Few |
High |
High |
RES-12 |
of San Tau, Kau Liu and Tin Sam Villages |
Fair |
No |
Few |
Few |
High |
High |
RES-13 |
of Shek Lau Po and Mok Ka Village |
Good |
No |
Few |
Few |
High |
High |
RES-14 |
of Tung Hing Village |
Good |
No |
Few |
Few |
High |
High |
RES-15 |
of Sheung Ling Pei Village |
Fair |
No |
Many |
Many |
High |
High |
RES-16 |
of Ma Wan New Village |
Fair |
No |
Many |
Many |
High |
High |
RES-17 |
of Pak Mong Village |
Good |
No |
Few |
Few |
High |
High |
RES-18 |
of Ngau Kwu Long Village |
Good |
No |
Few |
Few |
High |
High |
RES-19 |
of San Shek Wan Village |
Good |
No |
Few |
Few |
High |
High |
RES-20 |
of Yat Tung Estate |
Good |
Yes |
Many |
Many |
High |
High |
RES-21 |
of Tai Ho San Tsuen |
Good |
No |
Few |
Few |
High |
High |
Recreational VSRs |
REC-1 |
to AsiaWorld-Expo |
Poor |
No |
Many |
Many |
Medium |
Medium |
REC-2 |
to Hong Kong SkyCity Marriott Hotel |
Fair |
No |
Many |
Many |
High |
High |
REC-3 |
to Hong Kong Airport Passenger Terminal |
Fair |
No |
Many |
Many |
High |
High |
REC-4 |
to Regal Hotel |
Fair |
No |
Many |
Many |
High |
High |
REC-5 |
of Cable Cars of Ngong Ping 360 |
Good |
Yes |
Many |
Many |
High |
High |
REC-6 |
of Nei Lak Shan |
Good |
Yes |
Few |
Few |
High |
High |
REC-7 |
of Fung Wong Shan (Lantau Peak) |
Good |
Yes |
Few |
Few |
High |
High |
REC-8 |
of Tai Tung Shan (Sunset Peak) |
Good |
Yes |
Few |
Few |
High |
High |
REC-9 |
of Lantau North Country Park |
Good |
Yes |
Few |
Few |
High |
High |
REC-10 |
of Lantau South Country Park |
Good |
Yes |
Few |
Few |
High |
High |
REC-11 |
users of future Tung Chung East Development |
Fair |
Yes |
N/A |
Many |
N/A |
High |
REC-12 |
of Scenic Hill |
Good |
Yes |
Few |
Few |
High |
High |
REC-13 |
/ Drivers of recreational marine craft in north Lantau waters and Urmston
Road |
Good |
Yes |
Few |
Few |
High |
High |
REC-14 |
/ Drivers of recreational marine craft in Castle Peak Bay |
Good |
Yes |
Many |
Many |
High |
High |
REC-15 |
users of Butterfly Beach |
Good |
Yes |
Many |
Many |
High |
High |
REC-16 |
of Castle Peak |
Good |
Yes |
Few |
Few |
High |
High |
REC-17 |
users of Tung Chung Outdoor Recreation Camp |
Fair |
No |
Many |
Many |
High |
High |
REC-18 |
users of Man Tung Road Park |
Fair |
No |
Many |
Many |
High |
High |
REC-19 |
of Tai Lam Country Park |
Good |
Yes |
Few |
Few |
High |
High |
REC-20 |
users of Planned Entertainment Node |
Good |
Yes |
N/A |
Many |
N/A |
High |
REC-21 |
users of Sha Chau |
Good |
Yes |
Few |
Few |
High |
High |
REC-22 |
users of Golden Beach |
Good |
Yes |
Many |
Many |
High |
High |
REC-23 |
from Tung Chung to Tai O |
Good |
No |
Few |
Few |
High |
High |
REC-24 |
to Tai Ho |
Good |
No |
Few |
Few |
High |
High |
REC-25 |
to proposed NCD hotels and commercial facilities |
Fair |
Yes |
N/A |
Many |
N/A |
High |
REC-26 |
users of future Tung Chung West Development |
Fair |
Yes |
N/A |
Many |
High |
REC-27 |
of Proposed Columbarium Developments for Tsuen Wan |
Good |
Yes |
Few |
Few |
Low |
Low |
Travelling VSRs |
T-1 |
/ Drivers of Vehicles and MTR along North Lantau Highway |
Good |
No |
Many |
Many |
Medium |
Medium |
T-2 |
/ Drivers of Vehicles and MTR along Cheong Wing Road |
Good |
Yes |
Many |
Many |
Medium |
Medium |
T-3 |
of commercial aircraft |
Good |
Yes |
Many |
Many |
Medium |
Medium |
T-4 |
/ Drivers of the proposed Tuen Mun-Chek Lap Kok Link (TMCLKL) |
Good |
Yes |
Many |
Many |
Medium |
Medium |
T-5 |
/ Drivers of the proposed Hong Kong Link Road HKLR |
Good |
Yes |
Many |
Many |
Medium |
Medium |
T-6 |
of Ferry’s in north Lantau waters and Urmston Road |
Good |
Yes |
Many |
Many |
Medium |
Medium |
T-7 |
/ Drivers of Vehicles along castle peak road and Tuen Mun Road |
Good |
Yes |
Many |
Many |
Medium |
Medium |
T-8 |
/ Drivers of Vehicles along Lung Mun Road |
Good |
Yes |
Many |
Many |
Medium |
Medium |
T-9 |
/ Drivers of Vehicles at planned Hong Kong Boundary Crossing Facilities |
Good |
No |
Many |
Many |
Medium |
Medium |
T-10 |
/ Drivers of vehicles along Tung Chung road |
Good |
Yes |
Many |
Many |
Medium |
Medium |
T-11 |
Passengers from Tung Chung to Tai O |
Good |
Yes |
Few |
Few |
Medium |
Medium |
T-12 |
Passengers at Public Pier in Tung Chung |
Fair |
No |
Many |
Many |
Medium |
Medium |
T-13 |
Passengers at Public Pier in Tuen Mun |
Good |
Yes |
Many |
Many |
Medium |
Medium |
Occupational VSRs |
O-1 |
/ Staff of Asia World Expo |
Poor |
No |
Many |
Many |
Low |
Low |
O-2 |
of Hong Kong SkyCity Marriott Hotel |
Fair |
No |
Many |
Many |
Low |
Low |
O-3 |
/ Staff of Chek Lap Kok Facilities |
Fair |
Yes |
Many |
Many |
Low |
Low |
O-4 |
/ Staff of Hong Kong Aircraft Engineering LTD. |
Fair |
Yes |
Few |
Few |
Low |
Low |
O-5 |
/ Staff of Hong Kong Passenger Terminal |
Fair |
No |
Many |
Many |
Low |
Low |
O-6 |
of Regal Hotel |
Fair |
No |
Many |
Many |
Low |
Low |
O-7 |
/ Staff of Pillar Point |
Fair |
Yes |
Few |
Few |
Low |
Low |
O-8 |
of EcoPark |
Good |
Yes |
Few |
Few |
Low |
Low |
O-9 |
on commercial aircraft on and around Chek Lap Kok |
Fair |
Yes |
Many |
Many |
Low |
Low |
O-10 |
of planned Lantau Logistic Park (LLP) at the possible LLP extension |
Good |
Yes |
N/A |
Many |
Low |
O-11 |
of Cathay Pacific City |
Good |
No |
Many |
Many |
Low |
Low |
O-12 |
of Castle Peak Power Station |
Fair |
Yes |
Few |
Few |
Low |
Low |
O-13 |
of Siu Ho Wan |
Good |
Yes |
Few |
Few |
Low |
Low |
O-14 |
at HKBCF |
Fair |
Yes |
Many |
Many |
Low |
Low |
O-15 |
of proposed NCD hotels and commercial facilities |
Fair |
Yes |
N/A |
Many |
Low |
O-16 |
of Siu Ho Wan MTR Depot |
Good |
No |
Few |
Few |
Low |
Low |
O-17 |
workers of potential commercial development in Tung Chung East |
Fair |
Yes |
N/A |
Many |
Low |
Low |
O-18 |
workers of potential commercial development in Tung Chung West |
Fair |
Yes |
N/A |
Many |
Low |
Low |
‘Duration and Frequency of Views’
and ‘Degree of Visibility’ have
been taken into account in assessing the magnitude of change in view
experience by the VSRs and cannot be double counted in determining the
sensitivity of the VSR. |
ˇ Construction of proposed land formation and exposed fill and sediment;
ˇ Site clearance works involving the removal of existing vegetation;
ˇ Construction of temporary site access;
ˇ Haulage off-site of excavated materials;
ˇ Storage of existing topsoil for reinstatement works;
ˇ Materials stockpiling;
ˇ Dust and construction debris;
ˇ Laying of 11 kV submarine cable;
ˇ Daylighting point of submarine fuel pipeline;
ˇ Construction of on-site offices and working areas;
ˇ Construction of T2 expansion;
ˇ Construction of airport infrastructure (landside roads, airside perimeter roads, airside tunnels and APM / BHS and associated tunnel ventilation buildings);
ˇ Construction of associated airport buildings;
ˇ Construction of new passenger concourse;
ˇ Construction of temporary parking areas;
ˇ Expansion of the Midfield freighter apron on the existing airport island;
ˇ Loss of vegetation;
ˇ Temporary road works and traffic management;
ˇ Construction night lighting;
ˇ Presence of temporary construction plants, platforms, structures, construction machinery, marine vessels and construction vehicle traffic;
ˇ Presence of other related construction activities; and
ˇ Installation of airport utilities.
ˇ Presence of land formation;
ˇ Presence of new associated airport buildings and facilities;
ˇ Presence of new passenger concourse;
ˇ Presence of T2 expansion building;
ˇ Presence of new associated airport infrastructure;
ˇ Presence of additional air traffic;
ˇ Presence of submarine fuel pipeline daylighting point on Sheung Sha Chau Island, assumed to be location at the north side of the AFRF bridge;
ˇ Additional operational vehicular and air traffic;
ˇ Additional operational night lighting; and
ˇ Maintenance of third runway and associated structures.
Landscape Resources
Landscape Character
Landscape Resources
Landscape Character
Table 15.5: Magnitude of Landscape Change during the Construction and Operation
Phases before Mitigation
ID No. |
Landscape Resources/ Landscape Character Areas |
Source of Impact |
Description of Impacts |
Magnitude of Change before Mitigation |
Coastal waters of North Lantau |
Construction -
of proposed land formation and exposed fill and sediment -
of temporary construction plants, platforms, structures, construction
machinery, marine vessels and construction vehicle traffic -
of 11 kV submarine cable -
point of submarine fuel pipeline -
and construction debris |
Construction -
of approximately 650 ha of coastal waters -
area is entire north Lantau waters -
marine traffic |
Large |
Operation -
of land formation |
Operation -
as described for construction phase |
Large |
Grass/turf areas around runways and verges |
Construction -
of proposed land formation and exposed fill and sediment -
of existing topsoil for reinstatement works -
stockpiling -
point of submarine fuel pipeline -
of temporary construction plants, platforms,
structures, construction machinery, marine vessels and construction
vehicle traffic -
clearance works involving the removal of existing vegetation -
of temporary site access -
and construction debris -
of on-site offices and working areas -
of airport infrastructure (landside roads, airside perimeter roads and
airside tunnels) -
of associated airport buildings -
of temporary parking areas -
of the Midfield freighter apron on the existing airport island; -
road works and traffic management -
of other related construction activities |
Construction -
of approximately 50 ha of Grass / turf areas around runways and verges -
vegetation coverage is 260 ha |
Intermediate |
Operation -
of new associated airport buildings and facilities -
of T2 expansion building -
of new passenger concourse -
of new associated airport infrastructure -
operational vehicular traffic |
Operation -
as described for construction phase |
Intermediate |
Landscaped areas around existing airport buildings |
Construction -
clearance works involving the removal of existing vegetation -
and construction debris -
of airport infrastructure (landside roads, airside perimeter roads, airside
tunnels, and APM / BHS and associated tunnel ventilation
buildings) -
of existing topsoil for reinstatement works -
of associated airport buildings -
road works and traffic management -
of other related construction activities |
Construction -
of approximately 0.1 ha* of vegetation around existing buildings -
vegetation coverage is 4.5 ha -
area may contain young to semi mature species including Callistemon viminalis, Casuarina
equisetifolia, Calliandra
haematocephala, Hibiscus spp.,
as well as opportunistic and invasive vegetation of common species including Leucaena leucocephala. -
OVTs are located within the affected area |
Negligible |
Operation -
of new associated airport infrastructure -
operational vehicular traffic |
Operation -
as described for construction phase |
Negligible |
CLK/LR4a |
Roadside Vegetation – Amenity Planting |
Construction -
clearance works involving the removal of existing vegetation -
of temporary site access -
and construction debris -
of on-site office and working areas -
of airport infrastructure (landside roads, airside perimeter roads, airside
tunnels, and APM / BHS and associated tunnel ventilation
buildings) -
of associated airport buildings -
of temporary parking areas -
of existing topsoil for reinstatement works -
road works and traffic management -
of other related construction activities |
Construction -
of approximately 15 ha* of roadside vegetation -
vegetation coverage is 53 ha -
anticipated to be affected
include semi mature to
mature Acacia
auriculiformis Albizia
lebbeck, Casuarina equisetifolia
to mature: Acacia confusa, Acacia
mangium, and Hibiscus tiliaceus -
to semi mature: Bauhinia purpurea,
Cassia siamea, Dalbergia odorifera, Ficus benjamina, Ficus microcarpa,
Grevillea robusta,and the invasive species Leucaena leucocephala -
Delonix regia, Lagerstroemia speciosa, and
Litsea glutinosa -
mature: Macaranga tanarius, Melia
azedarach, Phoenix roebelenii, Plumeria rubra, and Roystonea regia -
OVTs are located within the affected area |
Intermediate |
Operation -
of new associated airport buildings and facilities -
of T2 expansion building -
of new associated airport infrastructure -
operational vehicular traffic |
Operation -
as described for construction phase |
Intermediate |
CLK/LR4b |
Roadside vegetation on modified slopes |
Construction -
clearance works involving the removal of existing vegetation -
of temporary site access -
and construction debris -
of airport infrastructure (landside roads, airside perimeter roads, airside
tunnels, and APM / BHS and associated tunnel ventilation buildings) -
of associated airport buildings -
of existing topsoil for reinstatement works -
road works and traffic management -
of other related construction activities |
Construction -
of approximately 0.2 ha* of roadside vegetation on modified slopes -
vegetation coverage is 5 ha -
anticipated to be affected predominantly includes a stand of semi mature Pinus elliottii trees and Leucaena leucocephala which occurs
extensively along this edge and is an invasive introduced species. -
OVTs are located within the affected area |
Small |
Operation -
of new associated airport infrastructure -
operational vehicular traffic |
Operation -
as described for construction phase |
Small |
Natural coastline |
None |
None |
None |
Amenity / Compensatory planting on HKBCF /
None |
None |
None |
Streams |
None |
None |
None |
Agricultural land |
None |
None |
None |
Natural rocky and sandy shore with mangrove
/ mudflat |
None |
None |
None |
CLK/LR10a |
Coastal woodland and scrubland on North
Lantau |
None |
None |
None |
CLK/LR10b |
Coastal woodland and scrubland on Scenic
Hill |
None |
None |
None |
CLK/LR11 |
Amenity planting in urban park |
None |
None |
None |
CLK/LR12 |
Grassland / scrub on vacant land |
Construction -
clearance works involving the removal of existing vegetation -
of temporary site access -
and construction debris -
of airport infrastructure (landside roads, airside perimeter roads, airside
tunnels, and APM / BHS and associated tunnel ventilation buildings) -
road works and traffic management -
of other related construction activities |
Construction -
of approximately 6 ha* of grassland / scrub on vacant land -
vegetation coverage is 130 ha -
species of various stages of maturity to be impacted include Lantana camara, Leucaena
leucocephala, Roystonea regia, Chrysalidocarpus lutescens, Wedelia trilobata,
Chloris spp., Melinis
spp., and Cerbera manghas.
are areas supporting opportunistic and self-seeded vegetation comprising of common or invasive
species -
OVTs are located within the affected area |
Small |
Operation -
of new associated airport infrastructure -
operational vehicular traffic |
Operation -
as described for construction phase |
Small |
CLK/LR13 |
Artificial / man-made coastline |
Construction -
of proposed land formation and exposed fill and sediment -
clearance works involving the removal of existing vegetation -
of temporary site access -
off-site of excavated materials -
of 11 kV submarine cable -
of airport infrastructure (landside roads, airside perimeter roads, airside
tunnels, and APM / BHS and associated tunnel ventilation
buildings) -
of temporary construction plants, structures, construction machinery, marine
vessels and construction vehicle traffic -
of other related construction activities -
of airport utilities |
Construction -
of approximately 6,000 m of artificial / man-made coastline -
artificial / man-made coastline is 17,000 m |
Small |
Operation -
of land formation -
of new associated airport infrastructure |
Operation Same
as described for construction phase |
Small |
SC/LR1 |
Natural rocky coastline of Sha Chau islands |
Construction -
point of submarine fuel pipeline -
and construction debris -
of temporary site access -
of other related construction activities |
Construction -
of approximately 30 m* of natural rocky coastline -
natural rocky coastline is 1,250 linear metres |
Small |
Operation -
of submarine fuel pipeline daylighting point |
Operation -
as described for construction phase |
Small |
SC/LR2 |
Natural vegetation on Sha Chau islands |
Construction -
clearance works involving the removal of existing vegetation -
point of submarine fuel pipeline -
and construction debris -
of other related construction activities |
Construction -
of approximately 0.05 ha* of natural vegetation -
vegetation coverage is 10 ha -
species of various stages of maturity to be impacted include Hibiscus tiliaceus, Phoenix
hanceana, Scaevola taccada, Pandanus tectorius, Ficus superba var. japonica,
Wedelia chinensis, Gordonia axillaris,
Schefflera heptaphylla, Dicranopteris linearis, Litsea glutinosa,
Lantana camara, Casuarina equisetifolia, Bridelia tomentosa, Terminalia
catappa, Cerbera manghas, Rhaphiolepis indica, Cassytha filiformis, and Alpinia zerumbet. These
are of common species found on Hong Kong’s existing island habitats -
OVTs are located within the affected area |
Small |
Operation -
of submarine fuel pipeline daylighting point; -
of vegetation |
Operation -
as described for construction phase |
Small |
SC/LR3 |
Coastal waters of Sha Chau islands |
None |
None |
None |
SC/LR4 |
sandy coastline of Sha Chau Island |
None |
None |
None |
Airport landscape |
Construction -
clearance works involving the removal of existing vegetation -
of temporary site access -
off-site of excavated materials -
of existing topsoil for reinstatement works -
stockpiling -
and construction debris -
of on site office and working areas -
of T2 expansion -
of new passenger concourse -
of airport infrastructure (landside roads, airside perimeter roads, airside
tunnels, and APM / BHS and associated tunnel ventilation
buildings) -
of associated airport buildings -
of temporary parking areas -
of the Midfield freighter apron on the existing airport island; -
road works and traffic management -
night lighting -
of temporary construction plants, structures, construction machinery, marine
vessels and construction vehicle traffic -
of other related construction activities -
of airport utilities |
Construction -
of construction works and associated machinery and equipment will change
visual amenity |
Small |
Operation -
of land formation -
of new associated airport buildings and facilities -
of new passenger concourse -
of T2 expansion building -
operational night lighting -
of third runway and associated structures -
of new associated airport infrastructure |
Operation -
area of landscape character -
in airport related traffic |
Small |
Inshore water landscape |
Construction -
of proposed land formation and exposed fill and sediment -
of marine traffic, including but not limited to construction vessels, barges,
plants -
and construction debris -
of 11 kV submarine cable -
night lighting -
of other related construction activities |
Construction -
of approximately 650 ha of coastal water -
coastal waters is approximately 2,080 ha of the entire north Lantau coastal
waters -
marine traffic -
of marine construction machinery |
Large |
Operation -
of land formation |
Operation -
of 650 ha of coastal waters -
without construction activity, presence of large land formation will change
landscape character |
Large |
Strait landscape |
None |
None |
None |
Coastal upland and hillside landscape – Sha
Lo Wan |
None |
None |
None |
Coastal upland and hillside landscape –
Scenic Hill |
None |
None |
None |
Mixed modern comprehensive development
landscape |
None |
None |
None |
Rural coastal plain landscape |
None |
None |
None |
Transportation corridor landscape |
None |
None |
None |
On-going Major Development Landscape |
Construction -
of temporary site access -
and construction debris -
of airport infrastructure (landside roads, airside perimeter roads, airside
tunnels, and APM / BHS and associated tunnel ventilation
buildings) -
of on-site office and working areas -
road works and traffic management -
of other related construction activities |
Construction -
of construction equipment and machinery |
Small |
Operation -
of new associated airport infrastructure -
operational vehicular traffic |
Operation -
of new associated airport infrastructure |
Negligible |
Island landscape |
Construction -
point of submarine fuel pipeline -
of temporary site access -
of temporary construction plants, platforms, structures, construction
machinery, marine vessels and construction vehicle traffic -
clearance works involving the removal of existing vegetation |
Construction -
of approximately 0.05 ha* of natural vegetation -
vegetation coverage is 10 ha -
of approximately 30 m* of natural coastline -
natural rocky coastline is 1,250 linear metres |
Small |
Operation -
of submarine fuel pipeline daylighting point -
of vegetation |
Operation -
of vegetation and natural coastline -
of submarine fuel pipeline daylighting point |
Small |
Sha Chau islands inshore water landscape |
Construction -
of marine traffic, including but not limited to construction vessels, barges. -
of temporary construction plants, platforms,
structures, construction machinery, marine vessels and construction
vehicle traffic -
and construction debris |
Construction -
of marine traffic, including but not limited to construction vessels, barges,
plant will change landscape character |
Small |
Operation -
None |
Operation None |
None |
Assumptions have been made due to lack of detailed design information at this
Review of Planning
Principles and Architectural Design
Proposed Landscape
and Visual Mitigation Measures
Table 15.6: Proposed Construction Phase
Landscape and Visual Mitigation Measures
No. |
and Visual Mitigation Measure |
measure |
measure |
Agency |
Agency |
CM1 |
The construction area and
contractor’s temporary works areas should be minimised to avoid impacts on
adjacent landscape. |
✓ |
✓ |
Contractor |
CM2 |
Reduction of construction period to
practical minimum. |
✓ |
Contractor |
CM3 |
Phasing of the construction stage to reduce
visual impacts during the construction phase. |
✓ |
Contractor |
CM4 |
Construction traffic (land and sea)
including construction plants, construction vessels and barges should be kept
to a practical minimum. |
✓ |
Contractor |
CM5 |
Erection of decorative mesh screens or
construction hoardings around works areas in visually unobtrusive colours. |
✓ |
Contractor |
CM6 |
Avoidance of excessive height and bulk of site buildings and structures. |
✓ |
Engineer |
CM7 |
Control of night-time lighting by
hooding all lights and through minimisation of night working periods. |
✓ |
CM8 |
All existing trees shall be carefully
protected during construction.
Detailed Tree Protection Specification shall be provided in the
Contract Specification. Under this specification, the Contractor shall be
required to submit, for approval, a detailed working method statement for the
protection of trees prior to undertaking any works adjacent to all retained
trees, including trees in contractor’s works areas. |
✓ |
Contractor |
CM9 |
Trees unavoidably affected by the
works shall be transplanted where practical.
A detailed Tree Transplanting Specification shall be provided in the
Contract Specification, if applicable. Sufficient time for necessary tree
root and crown preparation periods shall be allowed in the project programme. |
✓ |
Contractor |
CM10 |
Land formation
works shall be followed with advanced hydroseeding around taxiways and
runways as soon as practical. |
✓ |
✓ |
Contractor |
Note: AAHK stands for Airport Authority Hong Kong
Table 15.7: Proposed Operation Phase
Landscape and Visual Mitigation Measures
ID No. |
Landscape and Visual Mitigation Measure |
Landscape Measure |
Visual Measure |
Funding Agency |
Implementation Agency |
Management Agency |
Maintenance Agency |
OM1* |
landscape design of land formation edge by incorporating different angles of
gradient and the use of a range of armour rock sizes placed randomly in a
riprap approach for an irregular appearance. Planting of native coastal
plants shall be incorporated. |
✓ |
Design Engineer |
OM2 |
above ground structures, including, APM / BHS tunnel ventilation buildings,
emergency and firemen’s’ accesses etc. shall be, either fully integrated with
the planned buildings, or sensitively designed in a manner that responds to
the existing and planned urban context, and minimises potential adverse
landscape and visual impacts. |
✓ |
Design Engineer |
Operator |
Operator |
OM3 |
design of buildings and structures in terms of scale, height and bulk (visual
weight). |
✓ |
Design Engineer |
Operator |
Operator |
OM4 |
Use appropriate building materials and colours in built
structures to create cohesive visual mass. |
✓ |
Design Engineer |
Operator |
Operator |
OM5 |
Lighting units to be directional and minimise unnecessary light
spill and glare. |
✓ |
Design Engineer |
OM6 |
measures, including vertical greening, green roofs, road verge planting and
peripheral screen planting shall be implemented. |
✓ |
✓ |
Contractor |
OM7 |
tree planting for all felled trees shall be provided to the satisfaction of
relevant Government departments.
Required numbers and locations of compensatory trees shall be
determined and agreed separately with Government during the Tree Felling
Application process under the relevant technical circulars. |
✓ |
✓ |
Contractor |
OM8 |
(e.g. paving, signage, street furniture, lighting etc.) shall be sensitively
designed in a manner that responds to the existing and planned urban context,
and minimises potential adverse landscape and visual impacts. |
✓ |
✓ |
Design Engineer |
OM9 |
streetscape areas and hard and soft landscape areas disturbed during
construction shall be reinstated to equal or better quality (due to
implementation of screen planting, road verge planting etc.), to the
satisfaction of the relevant Government departments. |
✓ |
✓ |
Contractor |
OM10 |
improvement planting of viaduct structure through greening of structure to
mitigate visual impact of viaduct form. |
✓ |
Design Engineer |
OM11 |
design of footbridges, noise barriers and enclosures with greening (screen
planting/climbers/planters) and chromatic measures. |
✓ |
Design Engineer |
*A conceptual section illustrating the mitigation
measure OM1 is presented in Drawing MCL/P132/EIA/15-029 |
Note: AAHK stands for Airport Authority Hong Kong
Programme of
Implementation of Landscape and Visual Mitigation Measures
Construction Phase
before Mitigation
Operation Phase
before Mitigation
Construction Phase
after Mitigation
Operation Phase
after Mitigation
Table 15.8: Significance of Landscape
Impacts in Construction and Operation Phases (Adverse Impacts unless otherwise
Id. No. |
Resource / Landscape
Character |
to Change during Construction and Operation Phases (Low, Medium, High) |
of Change before Mitigation (None,
Negligible, Small, Intermediate, Large) |
Significance Threshold BEFORE Mitigation
(None, Insubstantial, Slight, Moderate, Substantial) |
Mitigation Measures |
Impact Significance Threshold AFTER Mitigation (None, Insubstantial, Slight, Moderate, Substantial) |
Construction |
Operation |
Construction |
Operation |
Construction |
Operation |
DAY 1 |
YEAR 10 |
Resources |
Coastal waters of North Lantau |
High |
Large |
Large |
Substantial |
Substantial |
CM1 |
Substantial |
Substantial |
Substantial |
Grass / turf areas around runways and verges |
Low |
Intermediate |
Intermediate |
Slight |
Slight |
CM1 |
Slight |
Insubstantial |
Insubstantial |
Landscaped areas around existing airport
buildings |
Low |
Negligible |
Negligible |
Insubstantial |
Insubstantial |
CM1, CM8 -9, OM6-9 |
Insubstantial |
Insubstantial |
Insubstantial |
CLK/LR4a |
Roadside Vegetation – Amenity Planting |
Medium |
Intermediate |
Intermediate |
Moderate |
Moderate |
CM1, CM8 -9, OM6-9 |
Moderate |
Slight |
Insubstantial |
CLK/LR4b |
Roadside vegetation on modified slopes |
Low |
Small |
Small |
Slight |
Slight |
CM1, CM8 -9, OM6-9 |
Slight |
Insubstantial |
Insubstantial |
Natural coastline |
High |
None |
None |
None |
None |
N/A |
None |
None |
None |
Amenity / compensatory planting on
Low |
None |
None |
None |
None |
N/A |
None |
None |
None |
Streams |
Medium |
None |
None |
None |
None |
N/A |
None |
None |
None |
Agricultural land |
Medium |
None |
None |
None |
None |
N/A |
None |
None |
None |
Natural rocky and sandy shore with mangrove
/ mudflat |
High |
None |
None |
None |
None |
N/A |
None |
None |
None |
CLK/LR10a |
Coastal woodland and scrubland on North
Lantau |
High |
None |
None |
None |
None |
N/A |
None |
None |
None |
CLK/LR10b |
Coastal woodland and scrubland on Scenic
Hill |
High |
None |
None |
None |
None |
N/A |
None |
None |
None |
CLK/LR11 |
Amenity planting in urban park |
Medium |
None |
None |
None |
None |
N/A |
None |
None |
None |
CLK/LR12 |
Grassland/scrub on vacant land |
Low |
Small |
Small |
Insubstantial |
Insubstantial |
CM1, OM6 |
Insubstantial |
Insubstantial |
Insubstantial |
CLK/LR13 |
Artificial /
man-made coastline |
Low |
Small |
Small |
Insubstantial |
Insubstantial |
CM1,OM6 |
Insubstantial |
Insubstantial |
Insubstantial |
SC/LR1 |
Natural rocky coastline of Sha Chau islands |
High |
Small |
Small |
Slight |
Slight |
CM1 |
Slight |
Slight |
Slight |
SC/LR2 |
Natural vegetation on Sha Chau islands |
High |
Small |
Small |
Slight |
Slight |
CM1, CM8-9, OM7 |
Slight |
Insubstantial |
Insubstantial |
SC/LR3 |
Coastal waters of Sha Chau islands |
High |
None |
None |
None |
None |
N/A |
None |
None |
None |
SC/LR4 |
Natural sandy coastline of Sha Chau Island |
High |
None |
None |
None |
None |
N/A |
None |
None |
None |
Character Areas |
Airport landscape |
Low |
Small |
Small |
Insubstantial |
Insubstantial |
CM1, OM6, OM8-9 |
Insubstantial |
Insubstantial |
Insubstantial |
Inshore water landscape |
High |
Large |
Large |
Substantial |
Substantial |
CM1 |
Substantial |
Substantial |
Substantial |
Strait landscape |
Medium |
None |
None |
None |
None |
N/A |
None |
None |
None |
Coastal upland and hillside landscape – Sha
Lo Wan |
High |
None |
None |
None |
None |
N/A |
None |
None |
None |
Coastal upland and hillside landscape –
Scenic Hill |
High |
None |
None |
None |
None |
N/A |
None |
None |
None |
Mixed modern comprehensive development
landscape |
Low |
None |
None |
None |
None |
N/A |
None |
None |
None |
Rural coastal plain landscape |
High |
None |
None |
None |
None |
N/A |
None |
None |
None |
Transportation corridor landscape |
Low |
None |
None |
None |
None |
N/A |
None |
None |
None |
On-Going Major Development Landscape |
Low |
Small |
Negligible |
Slight |
Insubstantial |
CM1 |
Slight |
Insubstantial |
Insubstantial |
Island landscape |
High |
Small |
Small |
Slight |
Slight |
CM1, CM8-9, OM6 |
Slight |
Insubstantial |
Insubstantial |
Sha Chau islands inshore water landscape |
High |
Small |
None |
Slight |
None |
CM1 |
Slight |
None |
None |
ˇ VP1 - Viewpoint from Castle Peak. This viewpoint was selected as representative of views from potential recreational VSRs (Hikers along Castle Peak, REC-16) as it provides direct and panoramic views of the development site and represents a highly sensitive VSR group. The viewpoint is located at a viewing pavilion along one of the hiking trails around Castle Peak and provides an elevation of approximately +580 mPD.
ˇ VP2 - Viewpoint from Miami Beach Towers. This viewpoint was selected as representative of views from potential residential VSRs (Residents along south coast of Tuen Mun, RES-4) as it represents a large group of highly sensitive receivers who have direct and panoramic views of the development. The viewpoint is located at the residential development of Miami Beach Towers.
ˇ VP3 - Viewpoint from Marriott Hotel. This viewpoint was selected as representative of views from potential recreational VSRs (Visitors to Marriott Hotel, REC-2) as it represents a large group of highly sensitive receivers who have direct and panoramic close range views of the development. The viewpoint is located from a northeast facing vantage point within the Marriott Hotel.
ˇ VP4 - Viewpoint from Caribbean Coast. This viewpoint was selected as representative of views from potential residential VSRs (Residents of Tung Chung, RES-3) as it represents a large group of highly sensitive receivers who are closest to the development. The viewpoint is located at the residential development of Caribbean Coast.
ˇ VP5 - Viewpoint from Ngong Ping 360. This viewpoint was selected as representative of views from potential recreational VSRs (Passengers of Cable Car of Ngong Ping 360, REC-5) as it represents a large group of highly sensitive receivers who have elevated and panoramic views of the development. The viewpoint is located within one of the Ngong Ping 360 Cable Cars and provides a transient view at an elevation ranging from approximately +60 mPD to +580 mPD.
ˇ VP6 - Viewpoint from Lantau Hiking Trail. This viewpoint was selected as representative of views from potential recreational VSRs (Hikers of Lantau North Country Park, REC-9) as it provides direct and panoramic views of the development and represents a highly sensitive VSR group. The viewpoint is located along Wong Lung Hang Country Trails in Lantau North Country Park and provides an elevation of approximately +500 mPD.
ˇ VP7 - Viewpoint from Golden Beach. This viewpoint was selected as representative of views from potential recreational VSRs (Recreational Users of Golden Beach, REC-22) as it provides direct and panoramic views of the development and represents a highly sensitive VSR group. Golden Beach is the largest public beach in Tuen Mun with a total area of 78,500 m˛ and a length of 545 m. The viewpoint is located on Golden Beach.
ˇ VP8 - Viewpoint from St. Stephens Tai O Family Buildings. This viewpoint was selected as representative of views from potential residential VSRs (Residents of Villages of Tai O, RES-1), as it provides partial views of the development and represents a highly sensitive VSR group. Tai O is a fishing town, partly located on an island of the same name, on the western side of Lantau Island in Hong Kong. The viewpoint is located at a viewing pavilion in Kau Shan Tei within Tai O.
ˇ VP9 - Viewpoint from potential recreational
users of future Tung Chung East Development. This viewpoint was selected as
representative of views from future potential recreational VSRs (Recreational users
of future of Tung Chung East REC-11), as it provides partial views of
the development and represents a highly sensitive VSR group.
ˇ VP10 – Viewpoint from Fu Shan in Tai O. This viewpoint was selected as representative of views from potential recreational VSRs (Hikers from Tung Chung to Tai O, REC-23) as it provides direct and panoramic views of the development and represents a highly sensitive VSR group. Fu Shan Country Trail starts from the access next to Hung Shing Temple in Shek Tsai Po Street and passes the peak of Fu Shan before reaching Kau San Tei, rising to a height of 105 mPD.
Table 15.9: Magnitude of Visual Change
during the Construction and Operation Phases before Mitigation
Key VSR |
Compatibility of the Project with the Visual
Backdrop (High/Medium/Low) |
Duration and Frequency of Impacts (Temporary/Permanent & Intermittent/Continuous) |
Scale of Development (Large/Medium/Small)
Reversibility of Change (Yes/No) |
Degree of Visibility of Source(s) of Visual
Impact (Full, Partial, Obscured) & Distance Between VSR & Nearest
Source(s) of Impact |
Potential Blockage of Existing View (Full/Partial/Slight/Negligible) |
Magnitude of Visual Change BEFORE Mitigation |
Construction |
Operation |
Construction |
Operation |
Construction |
Operation |
Construction |
Operation |
Residential VSRs |
RES-1 |
of Villages of Tai O |
Low |
Permanent, Continuous |
Permanent, Continuous |
No |
Obscured, ~6,600m |
Obscured, ~6,600m |
Negligible |
Negligible |
Small |
Negligible |
RES-2 |
of Villages of Sha Lo Wan |
Low |
Permanent, Continuous |
Permanent, Continuous |
No |
Obscured, ~2,500m |
Obscured, ~2,500m |
Negligible |
Negligible |
Small |
Negligible |
RES-3 |
of Tung Chung including, Tung Chung Crescent,
Seaview Crescent, Caribbean
Coast, Area 53 to Area 56 |
Low |
Permanent, Continuous |
Permanent, Continuous |
No |
Full, ~900m |
Full, ~900m |
Negligible |
Negligible |
Intermediate |
Small |
RES-4 |
along south coast of Tuen Mun |
Medium |
Permanent, Continuous |
Permanent, Continuous |
No |
Full, ~6,200m |
Full, ~6,200m |
Negligible |
Negligible |
Intermediate |
Small |
RES-5 |
of Hong Kong Gold Coast |
Medium |
Permanent, Continuous |
Permanent, Continuous |
No |
Full, ~7,500m |
Full, ~7,500m |
Negligible |
Negligible |
Intermediate |
Small |
RES-6 |
of Siu Lam |
Medium |
Permanent, Continuous |
Permanent, Continuous |
No |
Full, ~8,700m |
Full, ~8,700m |
Negligible |
Negligible |
Intermediate |
Small |
RES-7 |
residents of Tung Chung East |
Low |
N/A |
Permanent, Continuous |
No |
N/A |
Full, ~2,500m |
N/A |
Negligible |
N/A |
Small |
RES-8 |
of Lung Kwu Tan |
High |
Permanent, Continuous |
Permanent, Continuous |
No |
Partial, ~6,500m |
Partial, ~6,500m |
Negligible |
Negligible |
Negligible |
Negligible |
RES-9 |
of planned Tung Chung West future
development including
Area 39 |
Low |
N/A |
Permanent, Continuous |
No |
N/A |
Full, ~1,500m |
N/A |
Negligible |
N/A |
Small |
RES-10 |
of Sham Shek Tsuen |
Low |
Permanent, Continuous |
Permanent, Continuous |
No |
Obscured, ~2,000m |
Obscured, ~2,000m |
Negligible |
Negligible |
Small |
Negligible |
RES-11 |
of Sai Tso Wan Village |
Low |
Permanent, Continuous |
Permanent, Continuous |
No |
Obscured, ~3,500m |
Obscured, ~3,500m |
Negligible |
Negligible |
Small |
Negligible |
RES-12 |
of San Tau, Kau Liu and Tin Sam Villages |
Low |
Permanent, Continuous |
Permanent, Continuous |
No |
Obscured, ~400m |
Obscured, ~400m |
Negligible |
Negligible |
Negligible |
Negligible |
RES-13 |
of Shek Lau Po and Mok Ka Village |
Low |
Permanent, Continuous |
Permanent, Continuous |
No |
Obscured, ~1,900m |
Obscured, ~1,900m |
Negligible |
Negligible |
Negligible |
Negligible |
RES-14 |
of Tung Hing Village |
Low |
Permanent, Continuous |
Permanent, Continuous |
No |
Obscured, ~1,700m |
Obscured, ~1,700m |
Negligible |
Negligible |
Negligible |
Negligible |
RES-15 |
of Sheung Ling Pei Village |
Low |
Permanent, Continuous |
Permanent, Continuous |
No |
Obscured, ~1,500m |
Obscured, ~1,500m |
Negligible |
Negligible |
Negligible |
Negligible |
RES-16 |
of Ma Wan New Village |
Low |
Permanent, Continuous |
Permanent, Continuous |
No |
Obscured, ~1,400m |
Obscured, ~1,400m |
Negligible |
Negligible |
Negligible |
Negligible |
RES-17 |
of Pak Mong Village |
Low |
Permanent, Continuous |
Permanent, Continuous |
No |
Obscured, ~3,200m |
Obscured, ~3,200m |
Negligible |
Negligible |
Negligible |
Negligible |
RES-18 |
of Ngau Kwu Long Village |
Low |
Permanent, Continuous |
Permanent, Continuous |
No |
Obscured, ~4,000m |
Obscured, ~4,000m |
Negligible |
Negligible |
Negligible |
Negligible |
RES-19 |
of San Shek Wan Village |
Low |
Permanent, Continuous |
Permanent, Continuous |
No |
Obscured, ~1,900m |
Obscured, ~1,900m |
Negligible |
Negligible |
Small |
Negligible |
RES-20 |
of Yat Tung Estate |
Low |
Permanent, Continuous |
Permanent, Continuous |
No |
Partial, ~900m |
Partial, ~900m |
Negligible |
Negligible |
Small |
Small |
RES-21 |
of Tai Ho San Tsuen |
Low |
Permanent, Continuous |
Permanent, Continuous |
No |
Obscured, ~5,500m |
Obscured, ~5,500m |
Negligible |
Negligible |
Negligible |
Negligible |
Recreational VSRs |
REC-1 |
to AsiaWorld-Expo |
Low |
Permanent, Intermittent |
Permanent, Intermittent |
No |
Partial, 0m* |
Partial, 0m* |
Negligible |
Negligible |
Intermediate |
Small |
REC-2 |
to Hong Kong SkyCity Marriott Hotel |
Low |
Permanent, Continuous |
Permanent, Continuous |
No |
Partial, 0m* |
Partial, 0m* |
Negligible |
Negligible |
Intermediate |
Small |
REC-3 |
to Hong Kong Airport Passenger Terminal |
Low |
Permanent, Intermittent |
Permanent, Intermittent |
No |
Partial , 0m* |
Partial , 0m* |
Negligible |
Negligible |
Intermediate |
Small |
REC-4 |
to Regal Hotel |
Low |
Permanent, Continuous |
Permanent, Continuous |
No |
Partial, 0m* |
Partial, 0m* |
Negligible |
Negligible |
Intermediate |
Small |
REC-5 |
of Cable Cars of Ngong Ping 360 |
Low |
Permanent, Continuous |
Permanent, Continuous |
No |
Full, ~ 0-3,600m |
Full, ~ 0-3,600m |
Negligible |
Negligible |
Intermediate |
Small |
REC-6 |
of Nei Lak Shan |
Low |
Permanent, Intermittent |
Permanent, Intermittent |
No |
Full, ~3,000m |
Full,~3,000m |
Negligible |
Negligible |
Intermediate |
Small |
REC-7 |
of Fung Wong Shan (Lantau Peak) |
Low |
Permanent, Intermittent |
Permanent, Intermittent |
No |
Full, ~4,500m |
Full, ~4,500m |
Negligible |
Negligible |
Intermediate |
Small |
REC-8 |
of Tai Tung Shan (Sunset Peak) |
Low |
Permanent, Intermittent |
Permanent, Intermittent |
No |
Full, ~4,200m |
Full, ~4,200m |
Negligible |
Negligible |
Intermediate |
Small |
REC-9 |
of Lantau North Country Park |
Low |
Permanent, Intermittent |
Permanent, Intermittent |
No |
Full, ~2,800m |
Full, ~2,800m |
Negligible |
Negligible |
Intermediate |
Small |
REC-10 |
of Lantau South Country Park |
Low |
Permanent, Intermittent |
Permanent, Intermittent |
No |
Full, ~600-10,000m |
Full, ~600-10,000m |
Negligible |
Negligible |
Intermediate |
Small |
REC-11 |
users of future Tung Chung East Development |
Low |
N/A |
Permanent, Intermittent |
No |
N/A |
Partial, ~600m |
N/A |
Negligible |
N/A |
Small |
REC-12 |
of Scenic Hill |
Low |
Permanent, Intermittent |
Permanent, Intermittent |
No |
Full, 0m* |
Full, 0m* |
Negligible |
Negligible |
Intermediate |
Small |
REC-13 |
/ Drivers of recreational marine craft in north Lantau waters and Urmston
Road |
Medium |
Permanent, Continuous |
Permanent, Continuous |
No |
Full, ~0-10,000m |
Full, ~0-10,000m |
Partial |
Partial |
Large |
Inter-mediate |
REC-14 |
/ Drivers of recreational marine craft in Castle Peak Bay |
Medium |
Permanent, Continuous |
Permanent, Continuous |
No |
Full, ~6,200m |
Full, ~6,200m |
Negligible |
Negligible |
Negligible |
Negligible |
REC-15 |
users of Butterfly Beach |
Medium |
Permanent, Continuous |
Permanent, Continuous |
No |
Full, ~5,500m |
Full, ~5,500m |
Negligible |
Negligible |
Negligible |
Negligible |
REC-16 |
of Castle Peak |
High |
Permanent, Intermittent |
Permanent, Intermittent |
No |
Full, ~6,500m |
Full, ~6,500m |
Negligible |
Negligible |
Small |
Small |
REC-17 |
users of Tung Chung Outdoor Recreation Camp |
Low |
Permanent, Continuous |
Permanent, Continuous |
No |
Obscured, ~1,200m |
Obscured, ~1,200m |
Negligible |
Negligible |
Negligible |
Negligible |
REC-18 |
users of Man Tung Road Park |
Low |
Permanent, Continuous |
Permanent, Continuous |
No |
Obscured, ~200m |
Obscured, ~200m |
Negligible |
Negligible |
Negligible |
Negligible |
REC-19 |
of Tai Lam Country Park |
Medium |
Permanent, Intermittent |
Permanent, Intermittent |
No |
Full, ~8,000m |
Full, ~8,000m |
Negligible |
Negligible |
Small |
Small |
REC-20 |
users of Planned Entertainment Node |
Low |
Permanent, Continuous |
Permanent, Continuous |
No |
N/A |
Partial, ~7,500m |
N/A |
Negligible |
N/A |
Negligible |
REC-21 |
users of Sha Chau |
High |
Permanent, Continuous |
Permanent, Continuous
t |
No |
Full, ~1,300m |
Full, ~1,300m |
Slight |
Slight |
Large |
Intermediate |
REC-22 |
users of Golden Beach |
Medium |
Permanent, Continuous |
Permanent, Continuous |
No |
Full, ~8,000m |
Full, ~8,000m |
Negligible |
Negligible |
Negligible |
Negligible |
REC-23 |
from Tung Chung to Tai O |
Low |
Permanent, Intermittent |
Permanent, Intermittent |
No |
Partial, ~200 – 5,200m |
Partial,~200 – 5,200m |
Negligible |
Negligible |
Small |
Negligible |
REC-24 |
to Tai Ho |
Low |
Permanent, Intermittent |
Permanent, Intermittent |
No |
Obscured, ~4,200m |
Obscured, ~4,200m |
Negligible |
Negligible |
Negligible |
Negligible |
REC-25 |
to proposed NCD hotels and commercial facilities |
Low |
Permanent, Continuous |
Permanent, Continuous |
No |
N/A |
Partial, 0m* |
N/A |
Negligible |
N/A |
Negligible |
REC-26 |
users of future Tung Chung West Development |
Low |
N/A |
Intermittent |
No |
N/A |
Partial, ~400m |
N/A |
Negligible |
N/A |
Negligible |
REC-27 |
of Proposed Columbarium Developments for Tsuen Wan |
Low |
Permanent, Intermittent |
Permanent, Intermittent |
No |
Partial, ~5,500m |
Partial, ~5,500m |
Slight |
Slight |
Negligible |
Negligible |
Travelling VSRs |
T-1 |
/ Drivers of Vehicles and MTR along North Lantau Highway |
Low |
Permanent, Intermittent |
Permanent, Intermittent |
No |
Full, ~0-10,000m |
Full, ~0-10,000m |
Negligible |
Negligible |
Small |
Negligible |
T-2 |
/ Drivers of Vehicles and MTR along Cheong Wing Road |
Low |
Permanent, Intermittent |
Permanent, Intermittent |
No |
Full, ~10m |
Full, ~10m |
Negligible |
Negligible |
Intermediate |
Small |
T-3 |
of commercial aircraft |
Low |
Permanent, Intermittent |
Permanent, Intermittent |
No |
Full, ~0-10,000m |
Full, ~0-10,000m |
Negligible |
Negligible |
Intermediate |
Small |
T-4 |
/ Drivers of the proposed Tuen Mun-Chek Lap Kok Link (TMCLKL) |
Medium |
Permanent, Intermittent |
Permanent, Intermittent |
No |
Full, ~2,000m |
Full, ~2,000m |
Negligible |
Negligible |
Small |
Negligible |
T-5 |
/ Drivers of the proposed Hong Kong Link Road HKLR |
Low |
Permanent, Continuous |
Permanent, Continuous |
No |
Full, ~0-10,000m |
Full, ~0-10,000m |
Negligible |
Negligible |
Intermediate |
Small |
T-6 |
of Ferry’s in north Lantau waters and Urmston Road |
Medium |
Permanent, Continuous |
Permanent, Continuous |
No |
Full, ~0-10,000m |
Full, ~0-10,000m |
Slight |
Slight |
Intermediate |
Small |
T-7 |
/ Drivers of Vehicles along castle peak road and Tuen Mun Road |
Medium |
Permanent, Intermittent |
Permanent, Intermittent |
No |
Obscured, ~7,900m |
Obscured, ~7,900m |
Negligible |
Negligible |
Negligible |
Negligible |
T-8 |
/ Drivers of Vehicles along Lung Mun Road |
High |
Permanent, Intermittent |
Permanent, Intermittent |
No |
Obscured, ~4,000m |
Obscured, ~4,000m |
Negligible |
Negligible |
Negligible |
Negligible |
T-9 |
/ Drivers of Vehicles at planned Hong Kong Boundary Crossing Facilities |
Medium |
Permanent, Intermittent |
Permanent, Intermittent |
No |
Obscured, ~700m |
Obscured, ~700m |
Negligible |
Negligible |
Small |
Negligible |
T-10 |
/ Drivers of vehicles along Tung Chung road |
Low |
Permanent, Intermittent |
Permanent, Intermittent |
No |
Obscured, ~1,300m |
Obscured, ~1,300m |
Negligible |
Negligible |
Negligible |
Negligible |
T-11 |
Passengers from Tung Chung to Tai O |
Low |
Permanent, Continuous |
Permanent, Continuous |
No |
Full, ~100 – 5,200m |
Full, ~100 – 5,200m |
Negligible |
Negligible |
Small |
Negligible |
T-12 |
Passengers at Public Pier in Tung Chung |
Low |
Permanent, Continuous |
Permanent, Continuous |
No |
Obscured, ~200m |
Obscured, ~200m |
Negligible |
Negligible |
Negligible |
Negligible |
T-13 |
Passengers at Public Pier in Tuen Mun |
Medium |
Permanent, Continuous |
Permanent, Continuous |
No |
Full, ~5,000m |
Full, ~5,000m |
Negligible |
Negligible |
Negligible |
Negligible |
Occupational VSRs |
O-1 |
/ Staff of Asia World Expo |
Low |
Permanent, Intermittent |
Permanent, Intermittent |
No |
Partial, 0m* |
Partial, 0m* |
Negligible |
Negligible |
Intermediate |
Small |
O-2 |
of Hong Kong SkyCity Marriott Hotel |
Low |
Permanent, Intermittent |
Permanent, Intermittent |
No |
Partial, 0m* |
Partial, 0m* |
Negligible |
Negligible |
Intermediate |
Small |
O-3 |
/ Staff of Chek Lap Kok Facilities |
Low |
Permanent, Intermittent |
Permanent, Intermittent |
No |
Partial, 0m* |
Partial, 0m* |
Negligible |
Negligible |
Intermediate |
Small |
O-4 |
/ Staff of Hong Kong Aircraft Engineering LTD. |
Low |
Permanent, Intermittent |
Permanent, Intermittent |
No |
Partial, 0m* |
Partial, 0m* |
Negligible |
Negligible |
Intermediate |
Small |
O-5 |
/ Staff of Hong Kong Passenger Terminal |
Low |
Permanent, Intermittent |
Permanent, Intermittent |
No |
Partial, 0m* |
Partial, 0m* |
Negligible |
Negligible |
Intermediate |
Small |
O-6 |
of Regal Hotel |
Low |
Permanent, Intermittent |
Permanent, Intermittent |
No |
Partial, 0m* |
Partial, 0m* |
Negligible |
Negligible |
Intermediate |
Small |
O-7 |
/ Staff of Pillar Point |
High |
Permanent, Intermittent |
Permanent, Intermittent |
No |
Partial, ~3,500m |
Partial , ~3,500m |
Negligible |
Negligible |
Small |
Negligible |
O-8 |
of EcoPark |
High |
Permanent, Intermittent |
Permanent, Intermittent |
No |
Partial, ~3,500m |
Partial, ~3,500m |
Negligible |
Negligible |
Small |
Negligible |
O-9 |
on commercial aircraft on and around Chek Lap Kok |
Low |
Permanent, Intermittent |
Permanent, Intermittent |
No |
Full, 0 -10,000m* |
Full, 0 -10,000m* |
Slight |
Slight |
Intermediate |
Small |
O-10 |
of planned Lantau Logistic Park (LLP) at the possible LLP extension |
Low |
N/A |
Permanent, Intermittent |
No |
N/A |
Obscured, ~3,200m |
N/A |
Negligible |
N/A |
Negligible |
O-11 |
of Cathay Pacific City |
Low |
Permanent, Intermittent |
Permanent, Intermittent |
No |
Partial, 0m* |
Partial, 0m* |
Negligible |
Negligible |
Small |
Negligible |
O-12 |
of Castle Peak Power Station |
High |
Permanent, Intermittent |
Permanent, Intermittent |
No |
Partial, ~4,000m |
Partial, ~4,000m |
Negligible |
Negligible |
Small |
Negligible |
O-13 |
of Siu Ho Wan |
Low |
Permanent, Intermittent |
Permanent, Intermittent |
No |
Obscured, ~5,400m |
Obscured, ~5,400m |
Negligible |
Negligible |
Negligible |
Negligible |
O-14 |
at HKBCF |
Medium |
Permanent, Intermittent |
Permanent, Intermittent |
No |
Obscured, ~300m |
Obscured, ~300m |
Negligible |
Negligible |
Small |
Negligible |
O-15 |
of proposed NCD hotels and commercial facilities |
Low |
N/A |
Permanent, Continuous |
No |
N/A |
Obscured, 0m* |
N/A |
Slight |
N/A |
Small |
O-16 |
of Siu Ho Wan MTR Depot |
Low |
Intermittent |
Intermittent |
No |
Obscured, ~4,000m |
Obscured, ~4,000m |
Negligible |
Negligible |
Negligible |
Negligible |
O-17 |
Future workers of
potential commercial development in Tung Chung East |
Low |
N/A |
Permanent, Continuous |
No |
N/A |
Obscured, ~2,500m |
N/A |
Negligible |
N/A |
Small |
O-18 |
Future workers of
potential commercial development in Tung Chung West |
Low |
N/A |
Continuous |
No |
N/A |
Obscured, ~1,500m |
N/A |
Negligible |
N/A |
Small |
(1) 0* denotes VSR within project site boundary (refer to Section 15.3.1) |
The closet viewing distance has been used to rate the worst case scenario (3)
‘Permanent’ duration measurement
refers to entire construction/operation phase |
Residential VSRs
Recreational VSRs
Travelling VSRs
Occupational VSRs
Table 15.10: Significance of Visual Impacts
in the Construction and Operation Phases
Type & ID |
Key Visually Sensitive Receiver (VSR) |
Magnitude of Visual Change before Mitigation (None,
Negligible, Small, Intermediate, Large) |
Receptor Sensitivity & Number (Low,
Medium, High) (Very Few, Few, Many,
Very Many) |
Impact Significance Threshold BEFORE
Mitigation (None,
Insubstantial, Slight, Moderate, Substantial) |
Recommended Mitigation Measures |
Residual Impact Significance Threshold
AFTER Mitigation (None,
Insubstantial, Slight, Moderate, Substantial) |
Construction |
Operation |
Construction |
Operation |
Construction |
Operation |
Construction |
Operation |
DAY 1 |
YEAR 10 |
Residential VSRs |
RES-1 |
of Villages of Tai O |
Small |
Negligible |
High, Many |
High, Many |
Slight |
Insubstantial |
CM1-7, CM10 OM1-11 |
Slight |
Insubstantial |
Insubstantial |
RES-2 |
of Villages of Sha Lo Wan |
Small |
Negligible |
High, Few |
High, Few |
Slight |
Insubstantial |
CM1-7, CM10 OM1-11 |
Slight |
Insubstantial |
Insubstantial |
RES-3 |
of Tung Chung including, Tung Chung Crescent,
Seaview Crescent, Caribbean
Coast, Area 53 to Area 56 |
Intermediate |
Small |
High, Very Many |
High, Very Many |
Moderate |
Slight |
CM1-7, CM10, OM1-11 |
Moderate |
Slight |
Slight |
RES-4 |
along south coast of Tuen Mun |
Intermediate |
Small |
High, Very Many |
High, Very Many |
Moderate |
Slight |
CM1-7, CM10, OM1-11 |
Moderate |
Slight |
Slight |
RES-5 |
of Hong Kong Gold Coast |
Intermediate |
Small |
High, Many |
High, Many |
Moderate |
Slight |
CM1-7, CM10, OM1-11 |
Moderate |
Slight |
Slight |
RES-6 |
of Siu Lam |
Intermediate |
Small |
High, Many |
High, Many |
Moderate |
Slight |
CM1-7, CM10, OM1-11 |
Moderate |
Slight |
Slight |
RES-7 |
residents of Tung Chung East |
N/A |
Small |
N/A |
High, Very Many |
N/A |
Slight |
OM1-11 |
N/A |
Slight |
Slight |
RES-8 |
of Lung Kwu Tan |
Negligible |
Negligible |
High, Many |
High, Many |
Insubstantial |
Insubstantial |
CM1-7, CM10, OM1-11 |
Insubstantial |
Insubstantial |
Insubstantial |
RES-9 |
of planned Tung Chung West future
development including Area 39 |
N/A |
Small |
N/A |
High, Very Many |
N/A |
Slight |
OM1-11 |
N/A |
Slight |
Slight |
RES-10 |
of Sham Shek Tsuen |
Small |
Negligible |
High, Few |
High, Few |
Slight |
Insubstantial |
CM1-7, CM10, OM1-11 |
Slight |
Insubstantial |
Insubstantial |
RES-11 |
of Sai Tso Wan Village |
Small |
Negligible |
High, Very Few |
High, Very Few |
Slight |
Insubstantial |
CM1-7, CM10, OM1-11 |
Slight |
Insubstantial |
Insubstantial |
RES-12 |
of San Tau, Kau Liu and Tin Sam Villages |
Negligible |
Negligible |
High, Few |
High, Few |
Insubstantial |
Insubstantial |
CM1-7, CM10, OM1-11 |
Insubstantial |
Insubstantial |
Insubstantial |
RES-13 |
of Shek Lau Po and Mok Ka Village |
Negligible |
Negligible |
High, Few |
High, Few |
Insubstantial |
Insubstantial |
CM1-7, CM10, OM1-11 |
Insubstantial |
Insubstantial |
Insubstantial |
RES-14 |
of Tung Hing Village |
Negligible |
Negligible |
High, Very Few |
High, Very Few |
Insubstantial |
Insubstantial |
CM1-7, CM10, OM1-11 |
Insubstantial |
Insubstantial |
Insubstantial |
RES-15 |
of Sheung Ling Pei Village |
Negligible |
Negligible |
High, Many |
High, Many |
Insubstantial |
Insubstantial |
CM1-7, CM10, OM1-11 |
Insubstantial |
Insubstantial |
Insubstantial |
RES-16 |
of Ma Wan New Village |
Negligible |
Negligible |
High, Many |
High, Many |
Insubstantial |
Insubstantial |
CM1-7, CM10, OM1-11 |
Insubstantial |
Insubstantial |
Insubstantial |
RES-17 |
of Pak Mong Village |
Negligible |
Negligible |
High, Few |
High, Few |
Insubstantial |
Insubstantial |
CM1-7, CM10, OM1-11 |
Insubstantial |
Insubstantial |
Insubstantial |
RES-18 |
of Ngau Kwu Long Village |
Negligible |
Negligible |
High, Few |
High, Few |
Insubstantial |
Insubstantial |
CM1-7, CM10, OM1-11 |
Insubstantial |
Insubstantial |
Insubstantial |
RES-19 |
of San Shek Wan Village |
Small |
Negligible |
High, Few |
High, Few |
Slight |
Insubstantial |
CM1-7, CM10, OM1-11 |
Slight |
Insubstantial |
Insubstantial |
RES-20 |
of Yat Tung Estate |
Small |
Small |
High, Very Many |
High, Very Many |
Slight |
Slight |
CM1-7, CM10 OM1-11 |
Slight |
Slight |
Slight |
RES-21 |
in Tai Ho San Tsuen |
Negligible |
Negligible |
High, Few |
High, Few |
Insubstantial |
Insubstantial |
CM1-7, CM10, OM1-11 |
Insubstantial |
Insubstantial |
Insubstantial |
Recreational VSRs |
REC-1 |
to AsiaWorld-Expo |
Intermediate |
Small |
Medium, Many |
Medium, Many |
Moderate |
Slight |
CM1-7, CM10 OM1-11 |
Moderate |
Slight |
Slight |
REC-2 |
to Hong Kong SkyCity Marriott Hotel |
Intermediate |
Small |
High, Many |
High, Many |
Moderate |
Slight |
CM1-7, CM10 OM1-11 |
Moderate |
Slight |
Slight |
REC-3 |
to Hong Kong Airport Passenger Terminal |
Intermediate |
Small |
High, Many |
High, Many |
Moderate |
Slight |
CM1-7, CM10 OM1-11 |
Moderate |
Slight |
Slight |
REC-4 |
to Regal Hotel |
Intermediate |
Small |
High, Many |
High, Many |
Moderate |
Slight |
CM1-7, CM10 OM1-11 |
Moderate |
Slight |
Slight |
REC-5 |
of Cable Cars of Ngong Ping 360 |
Intermediate |
Small |
High, Many |
High, Many |
Moderate |
Slight |
CM1-7, CM10 OM1-11 |
Moderate |
Slight |
Slight |
REC-6 |
of Nei Lak Shan |
Intermediate |
Small |
High, Few |
High, Few |
Moderate |
Slight |
CM1-7, CM10 OM1-11 |
Moderate |
Slight |
Slight |
REC-7 |
of Fung Wong Shan (Lantau Peak) |
Intermediate |
Small |
High, Few |
High, Few |
Moderate |
Slight |
CM1-7, CM10 OM1-11 |
Moderate |
Slight |
Slight |
REC-8 |
of Tai Tung Shan (Sunset Peak) |
Intermediate |
Small |
High, Few |
High, Few |
Moderate |
Slight |
CM1-7, CM10 OM1-11 |
Moderate |
Slight |
Slight |
REC-9 |
of Lantau North Country Park |
Intermediate |
Small |
High, Few |
High, Few |
Moderate |
Slight |
CM1-7, CM10 OM1-11 |
Moderate |
Slight |
Slight |
REC-10 |
of Lantau South Country Park |
Intermediate |
Small |
High, Few |
High, Few |
Moderate |
Slight |
CM1-7, CM10 OM1-11 |
Moderate |
Slight |
Slight |
REC-11 |
users of future Tung Chung East Development |
N/A |
Small |
N/A |
High, Many |
N/A |
Slight |
OM1-11 |
N/A |
Slight |
Slight |
REC-12 |
of Scenic Hill |
Intermediate |
Small |
High, Few |
High, Few |
Moderate |
Slight |
CM1-7, CM10 OM1-11 |
Moderate |
Slight |
Slight |
REC-13 |
of recreational marine craft in north Lantau waters and Urmston Road |
Large |
Inter-mediate |
High, Few |
High, Few |
Substantial |
Moderate |
CM1-7, CM10 OM1-11 |
Substantial |
Moderate |
Moderate |
REC-14 |
of recreational marine craft in Castle Peak Bay |
Negligible |
Negligible |
High, Many |
High, Many |
Insubstantial |
Insubstantial |
CM1-7, CM10 OM1-11 |
Insubstantial |
Insubstantial |
Insubstantial |
REC-15 |
users of Butterfly Beach |
Negligible |
Negligible |
High, Many |
High, Many |
Insubstantial |
Insubstantial |
CM1-7, CM10 OM1-11 |
Insubstantial |
Insubstantial |
Insubstantial |
REC-16 |
of Castle Peak |
Small |
Small |
High, Few |
High, Few |
Slight |
Slight |
CM1-7, CM10, OM1-11 |
Slight |
Slight |
Slight |
REC-17 |
users of Tung Chung Outdoor Recreation Camp |
Negligible |
Negligible |
High, Many |
High, Many |
Insubstantial |
Insubstantial |
CM1-7, CM10, OM1-11 |
Insubstantial |
Insubstantial |
Insubstantial |
REC-18 |
users of Man Tung Road Park |
Negligible |
Negligible |
High, Many |
High, Many |
Insubstantial |
Insubstantial |
CM1-7, CM10 OM1-11 |
Insubstantial |
Insubstantial |
Insubstantial |
REC-19 |
of Tai Lam Country Park |
Small |
Small |
High, Few |
High, Few |
Slight |
Slight |
CM1-7, CM10, OM1-11 |
Slight |
Slight |
Slight |
REC-20 |
users of Planned Entertainment Node |
N/A |
Negligible |
N/A |
High, Many |
N/A |
Insubstantial |
CM10 OM1-11 |
N/A |
Insubstantial |
Insubstantial |
REC-21 |
users of Sha Chau islands |
Large |
Intermediate |
High, Very Few |
High, Very Few |
Substantial |
Moderate |
CM1-7, CM10 OM1-11 |
Substantial |
Moderate |
Moderate |
REC-22 |
users of Golden Beach |
Negligible |
Negligible |
High, Many |
High, Many |
Insubstantial |
Insubstantial |
CM1-7, CM10 OM1-11 |
Insubstantial |
Insubstantial |
Insubstantial |
REC-23 |
from Tung Chung to Tai O |
Small |
Negligible |
High, Few |
High, Few |
Slight |
Insubstantial |
CM1-7, CM10, OM1-11 |
Slight |
Insubstantial |
Insubstantial |
REC-24 |
to Tai Ho |
Negligible |
Negligible |
High, Few |
High, Few |
Insubstantial |
Insubstantial |
CM1-7, CM10, OM1-11 |
Insubstantial |
Insubstantial |
Insubstantial |
REC-25 |
to proposed NCD hotels and commercial facilities |
N/A |
Negligible |
N/A |
High, Many |
N/A |
Insubstantial |
CM1-7, CM10 OM1-11 |
N/A |
Insubstantial |
Insubstantial |
REC-26 |
users of future Tung Chung West Development |
N/A |
Negligible |
N/A |
High, Many |
N/A |
Insubstantial |
OM1-11 |
N/A |
Insubstantial |
Insubstantial |
REC-27 |
of Proposed Columbarium Developments for Tsuen Wan |
Negligible |
Negligible |
Low, Very Few |
Low, Very Few |
Insubstantial |
Insubstantial |
CM1-7, CM10 OM1-11 |
Insubstantial |
Insubstantial |
Insubstantial |
VSRs |
T-1 |
/ Drivers of Vehicles and MTR along North Lantau Highway |
Small |
Negligible |
Medium, Very Many |
Medium, Very Many |
Slight |
Insubstantial |
CM1-7, CM10, OM1-11 |
Slight |
Insubstantial |
Insubstantial |
T-2 |
/ Drivers of Vehicles and MTR along Cheong Wing Road |
Intermediate |
Small |
Medium, Very Many |
Medium, Very Many |
Moderate |
Slight |
CM1-7, CM10 OM1-11 |
Moderate |
Slight |
Slight |
T-3 |
of commercial aircraft |
Intermediate |
Small |
Medium, Very Many |
Medium, Very Many |
Moderate |
Slight |
CM1-7, CM10 OM1-11 |
Moderate |
Slight |
Slight |
T-4 |
/ Drivers of the proposed Tuen Mun-Chek Lap Kok Link (TMCLKL) |
Small |
Negligible |
Medium, Very Many |
Medium, Very Many |
Slight |
Insubstantial |
CM1-7, CM10, OM1-11 |
Slight |
Insubstantial |
Insubstantial |
T-5 |
/ Drivers of the proposed Hong Kong Link Road (HKLR) |
Intermediate |
Small |
Medium, Very Many |
Medium, Very Many |
Moderate |
Slight |
CM1-7, CM10 OM1-11 |
Moderate |
Slight |
Slight |
T-6 |
of Ferry’s in north Lantau waters and Urmston Road |
Intermediate |
Small |
Medium, Many |
Medium, Many |
Moderate |
Slight |
CM1-7, CM10 OM1-11 |
Moderate |
Slight |
Slight |
T-7 |
/ Drivers of Vehicles along castle peak road and Tuen Mun Road |
Negligible |
Negligible |
Medium, Very Many |
Medium, Very Many |
Insubstantial |
Insubstantial |
CM1-7, CM10 OM1-11 |
Insubstantial |
Insubstantial |
Insubstantial |
T-8 |
/ Drivers of Vehicles along Lung Mun Road |
Negligible |
Negligible |
Medium, Many |
Medium, Many |
Insubstantial |
Insubstantial |
CM1-7, CM10 OM1-11 |
Insubstantial |
Insubstantial |
Insubstantial |
T-9 |
/ Drivers of Vehicles at planned HKBCF |
Small |
Negligible |
Medium, Very Many |
Medium, Very Many |
Slight |
Insubstantial |
CM1-7, CM10, OM1-11 |
Slight |
Insubstantial |
Insubstantial |
T-10 |
/ Drivers of vehicles along Tung Chung road |
Negligible |
Negligible |
Medium, Many |
Medium, Many |
Insubstantial |
Insubstantial |
CM1-7, CM10 OM1-11 |
Insubstantial |
Insubstantial |
Insubstantial |
T-11 |
Passengers from Tung Chung to Tai O |
Small |
Negligible |
Medium, Few |
Medium, Few |
Slight |
Insubstantial |
CM1-7, CM10, OM1-11 |
Slight |
Insubstantial |
Insubstantial |
T-12 |
Passengers at Public Pier in Tung Chung |
Negligible |
Negligible |
Medium, Many |
Medium, Many |
Insubstantial |
Insubstantial |
CM1-7, CM10 OM1-11 |
Insubstantial |
Insubstantial |
Insubstantial |
T-13 |
Passengers at Public Pier in Tuen Mun |
Negligible |
Negligible |
Medium, Many |
Medium, Many |
Insubstantial |
Insubstantial |
CM1-7, CM10 OM1-11 |
Insubstantial |
Insubstantial |
Insubstantial |
VSRs |
O-1 |
/ Staff of Asia World Expo |
Intermediate |
Small |
Low, Many |
Low, Many |
Slight |
Insubstantial |
CM1-7, CM10 OM1-11 |
Slight |
Insubstantial |
Insubstantial |
O-2 |
/ Staff of Hong Kong SkyCity Marriott Hotel |
Intermediate |
Small |
Low, Many |
Low, Many |
Slight |
Insubstantial |
CM1-7, CM10 OM1-11 |
Slight |
Insubstantial |
Insubstantial |
O-3 |
/ Staff of Chek Lap Kok Facilities |
Intermediate |
Small |
Low, Many |
Low, Many |
Slight |
Insubstantial |
CM1-7, CM10 OM1-11 |
Slight |
Insubstantial |
Insubstantial |
O-4 |
/ Staff of Hong Kong Aircraft Engineering LTD. |
Intermediate |
Small |
Low, Few |
Low, Few |
Slight |
Insubstantial |
CM1-7, CM10 OM1-11 |
Slight |
Insubstantial |
Insubstantial |
O-5 |
/ Staff of Hong Kong Passenger Terminal |
Intermediate |
Small |
Low, Very Many |
Low, Very Many |
Slight |
Insubstantial |
CM1-7, CM10 OM1-11 |
Slight |
Insubstantial |
Insubstantial |
O-6 |
of Regal Hotel |
Intermediate |
Small |
Low, Many |
Low, Many |
Slight |
Insubstantial |
CM1-7, CM10 OM1-11 |
Slight |
Insubstantial |
Insubstantial |
O-7 |
/ Staff of Pillar Point |
Small |
Negligible |
Low, Few |
Low, Few |
Slight |
Insubstantial |
CM1-7, CM10, OM1-11 |
Slight |
Insubstantial |
Insubstantial |
O-8 |
of EcoPark |
Small |
Negligible |
Low, Few |
Low, Few |
Slight |
Insubstantial |
CM1-7, CM10, OM1-11 |
Slight |
Insubstantial |
Insubstantial |
O-9 |
on commercial aircraft on and around Chek Lap Kok |
Intermediate |
Small |
Low, Many |
Low, Many |
Slight |
Insubstantial |
CM1-7, CM10 OM1-11 |
Slight |
Insubstantial |
Insubstantial |
O-10 |
of planned Lantau Logistic Park (LLP) at the possible LLP extension |
N/A |
Negligible |
N/A |
Low, Many |
N/A |
Insubstantial |
CM10 OM1-11 |
N/A |
Insubstantial |
Insubstantial |
O-11 |
of Cathay Pacific City |
Small |
Negligible |
Low, Many |
Low, Many |
Slight |
Insubstantial |
CM1-7, CM10, OM1-11 |
Slight |
Insubstantial |
Insubstantial |
O-12 |
of Castle Peak Power Station |
Small |
Negligible |
Low, Few |
Low, Few |
Insubstantial |
Insubstantial |
CM1-7, CM10, OM1-11 |
Insubstantial |
Insubstantial |
Insubstantial |
O-13 |
of Siu Ho Wan |
Negligible |
Negligible |
Low, Few |
Low, Few |
Insubstantial |
Insubstantial |
CM1-7, CM10 OM1-11 |
Insubstantial |
Insubstantial |
Insubstantial |
O-14 |
at HKBCF |
Small |
Negligible |
Low, Many |
Low, Many |
Slight |
Insubstantial |
CM1-7, CM10, OM1-11 |
Slight |
Insubstantial |
Insubstantial |
O-15 |
of proposed NCD hotels and commercial facilities |
N/A |
Small |
N/A |
Low, Many |
N/A |
Insubstantial |
OM1-11 |
N/A |
Insubstantial |
Insubstantial |
O-16 |
of Siu Ho Wan MTR Depot |
Negligible |
Negligible |
Low, Few |
Low, Few |
Insubstantial |
Insubstantial |
CM1-7, CM10, OM1-11 |
Insubstantial |
Insubstantial |
Insubstantial |
O-17 |
workers of potential commercial development in Tung Chung East |
N/A |
Small |
N/A |
Low, Very Many |
N/A |
Slight |
OM1-11 |
N/A |
Slight |
Slight |
O-18 |
workers of potential commercial development in Tung Chung West |
N/A |
Small |
N/A |
Low, Very Many |
N/A |
Slight |
OM1-11 |
N/A |
Slight |
Slight |
Monitoring of
Design, Construction and Establishment Works
Design of Landscape
and Visual Mitigation Measures
Site Supervision of
Landscape Works
Monitoring of
Landscape Establishment