Bayshore Towers

District: Sha Tin
Housing type: Private housing estate
Property management company: Goodwell Property Management Limited
No. of blocks: 6
No. of households: 1,102


“The quantity of waste paper recovered increased seven-fold in one year, rising from 1.07 tonnes in January 2006 to 7 tonnes in December 2006. Proceeds from the sale of recyclables are deposited into a “housing estate operational fund”. An “Old Clothes and CD Recycling Campaign” launched in 2006 resulted in a dramatic increase in the quantity of old clothes recovered, from 340 kg to 905 kg within the year. Meanwhile, a total of 75 kg of CDs was collected during the campaign.”

Mr. Lam, Property Manager


All members of the Estate Owners’ Committee of Bayshore Towers supported the implementation of the Programme at the estate. They welcomed the increase of subsidy from the Environment and Conservation Fund from 25% to 50% reimbursement of the cost of source separation facilities.
The refuse room on each floor contains three plastic bins placed next to the refuse bin, to collect waste paper, metals and plastics.
An Electronic Inductive Automatic Capopening Stainless Steel bin and a Paper Shredder have been placed in the lift lobby on podium to collect junk mail and general promotion leaflets for recycling.