The Programme on Source Separation of Domestic Waste has taken important steps to enhancing waste recovery and reducing waste loads. Over the next few years the EPD will be seeking to increase the number of participants and the quantities of waste recovered to meet the targets described in“4.1. Our Goals”.

1. Recruitment

We will continue to liaise with property management companies through the Hong Kong Association of Property Management Companies and individual housing estates/buildings to enlist their participation. In addition, we will continue to work closely with the Housing Department, Hong Kong Housing Authority and the Hong Kong Housing Society, who implement source separation of domestic waste in public housing estates, and the Government Property Agency, which is in charge of most government quarters.

To further boost participation, we will engage community groups to approach estates and encourage them to join the Programme.

We appointed Mr. Lau Ching Wan and Ms. Amy Kwok as the Ambassadors of the Programme on Source Separation of Domestic Waste

Announcement of Public Interest - shooting in action

Advertisement on public transport


2. Education and Promotion

Public education will continue to be a priority. The general public and individual housing estates will be targeted with messages about the importance of waste recovery, and the fact that everyone can participate.

Promotional activities will include broadcasts of Announcements of Public Interest on TV and electronic media; advertisements on public transport and in newspapers; distribution of leaflets and posters in participating housing estates; and talks, exhibitions and road shows in various districts.

In addition, a Competition on Source Separation of Domestic Waste will be organised on a yearly basis to commend those housing estates/ residential buildings with outstanding results.


Promotion poster for the Programme
on Source Separation of
Domestic Waste

Promotion poster for the Competition
on Source Separation of
Domestic Waste

3. Finding the Right Bin

A major constraint to installing waste separation facilities on each floor of buildings is the strict fire safety requirements imposed by the FSD (e.g. bin size and fire resistance standard). Currently there are not many bins in the market that could meet these requirements. The EPD therefore is designing a metal recycling bin to meet FSD's criteria, which will be used on a trial basis in several estates.


4. Amendment of Building Regulations

One of the major constraints in implementing floor-based waste recovery is the lack of space provided in building designs. The EPD is working with the Buildings Department to explore the feasibility of introducing a provision to require new residential buildings to reserve space on each floor for a refuse storage and materials recovery room. The proposed amendment to the Building Regulations is now under consideration by the Housing, Planning and Lands Bureau.

Sample layout plan for a“Refuse Storage and Material Recovery Room” on each floor