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Support Website on Environmental Management Information and ISO 14001 EMS for E&E Sector SMEs
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1.      What is the difference between generic template and practical examples?

The major difference is:

-         Generic ISO 14001 EMS Templates used as a basis of an EMS by companies, which can tailor them to suit their specific needs.

-         Practical Examples of ISO 14001 EMS practical document examples and procedures for typical companies in the electrical / electronic and construction sectors for further guidance.

For more information, please refer to Section I-A of the User Manual

2.      How can I modify the Generic ISO 14001 EMS Templates with my company specific information?

You can:

-         Replace COMPANY NAME with your company's name in all of the Generic ISO 14001 EMS Templates.

-         (Italicised) words in brackets are hints for the information specific to your company that should be inserted in that section.

-          Italicised words highlighted in purple colour show the practices usually adopted by your industry, but can be changed to reflect your company's culture and practices.

-         Document number is highlighted in green colour for easy reference and can be amended to your company's preferred numbering system.

For more detailed information, please visit the step-by-step walkthrough in the Section III of the User Manual.

3.      Where can I get more support on developing ISO 14001 EMS in my company?

There are lots of ISO 14001 EMS information in the internet, you may like to visit the web site of the Environmental Protection Department for such information at:

You could also refer to tailor-made service provider listed in Appendix F of the Review Report for Construction Sector in this EMS support package.

4.     How can I convince the top management of my company to develop and implement EMS in the company?

There are various good reasons to convince the top management, for example, implementing an EMS would:      

-         fulfil supply chain requirements

-         ensure continual environmental improvement

-         comply with local and international legislation

-         improve company image

-         enhance favourable customer reaction, increase competitiveness

-         reduce environmental risk and liability

-         give a safer working environment and better emergency preparedness

-         enhance staff environmental awareness, good for staff morale

-         give positive public relations

-         increase financial savings (resources saving, reduce pollution costs)

You may wish to ask the management to visit the web site of the Environmental Protection Department about '' WHY companies have sought ISO 14001 certification and WHAT benefits they gained from the process '' at the following address:

5.      When will the new ISO 14001 standard published?

The new ISO 14001 standard was published on 15 November 2004. There are minor differences between the finalized ISO 14001:2004 and the ISO/DIS 14001 (Date : 9 July 2003). For more information about the new standard, please visit the International Organization for StandardizationI at:

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