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Is E&E sector under environmental pressure both locally and globally?

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Is E&E sector under environmental pressure both locally and globally?


This Review Report presents the latest international trends in supply chain pressures and environmental requirements facing small and medium sized enterprises (SMEs) in Hong Kong's electrical/electronic (E&E) sector.  The report includes information on:

The total number and composition (by type of business) of SME establishments in the E&E sector with activities in Hong Kong / Shenzhen, and the significance of their impacts on the environment;
International trends in supply chain pressures and environmental requirements facing E&E SMEs;
The latest and upcoming international environmental requirements in Europe, Japan and the USA such as the Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment Directive (WEEE) and Restriction of Hazardous Substances Directive (RoHS);
Identification of the local business / major industry groups (MIGs) - in terms of number, environmental impacts, and supply chain pressures - for which Practical Examples of ISO 14001 EMS are most warranted; and
Sources of tailor-made environmental advice and services suiting the specific needs of E&E sector SMEs.
Key highlights are presented in the Executive Summary, with more detailed resources provided in the report appendices.

Executive Summary PDF File Format   Ms Word File Format
Full Report PDF File Format   Ms Word File Format


Key highlights are presented in the Executive Summary, with more detailed resources provided in the report appendices.

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