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噪音 水質 環境保育
空白 主目錄 空白



8.2.3 Digitisation of Features of Recreational Value

Features Recorded from Field Surveys

Survey sub-sites where features of recreational value were observed have been extracted as a layer of points for incorporation with the habitat map. When a habitat polygon contains a point, it is flagged as having recreational value.

Features Identified from Topographic Data

Features were created using Lands Department 1:5,000 topographic data as an on screen backdrop.

  • Hiking and Cycling Trails: These were created from Lands Department 1:5000 topographic data using maps published on the Internet by the Agriculture, Fisheries and Conservation Department (downloaded on 16 February 2000) as a guide. Tracks corresponding to the various trails were extracted and, where gaps existed, added to the database using the ArcView software. The file was converted into ArcInfo format for use in map compilation. The Trails have been attributed with the type of trail and the trail name.

  • Designated Barbecue Pits: These were digitised from the Countryside Series of maps published by the Lands Department as point features using the ArcView software product and converted into ArcInfo format for use in map compilation. The points have no attributes.

  • Gazetted Beaches: As no digital data was supplied to the consultant, these were digitised using maps published in the Environmental Protection Department's Beach Water Quality Annual Report (EPD 1998). The points are attributed with the beach number and name.

  • Designated Outdoor Recreation Facilities: This category is comprised of pavilions and parks. Pavilions and parks have been extracted from the Lands Department 1:20,000 topographic data features (Pavilions and Parks/Playgrounds) using the ArcView software product and converted into ArcInfo format for use in map compilation. The raw park dataset contained many features on which no active recreation would take place. These have been removed. The park layer is attributed with the reason for its inclusion in this category. The pavilions do not require attribution.

  • Designated Nature Education Facilities: As no digital data was supplied to the consultant, these have been digitised using the above mentioned Countryside Map Series and 1:5,000 topographic data as a backdrop. The features have been digitised as polygons using ArcView and converted into ArcInfo format for use in map compilation. The polygons are tagged with their name. This category includes Mai Po Nature Reserve, Kadoorie Farm and Botanical Garden, Hong Kong Zoological and Botanical Garden, Tai Po Kau Nature Reserve and Lions Nature Education Centre.

  • Area for Organised and Authorised Sporting Event: As no digital data was supplied to the consultant, this category is comprised of Golf Courses only. The dataset was extracted directly from Lands Department 1:20,000 data. The dataset is in ArcInfo format and does not require attribution.

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最近修訂日期: 二零零五年十二月二十二日