of sign-posted, maintained trails for hiking,
cycling or nature appreciation: Locations
of trails for hiking (including Hiking Practice
Trails, ie Lantau Trail, MacLehose Trail,
Hong Kong Trail and Wilson Trail, and Family
Walk), cycling and nature appreciation (including
Country Trail, Nature Trail and Tree Walk)
were located onto the habitat map GIS and
polygons where these trails were located were
given a "+" value. Trails recorded
during field surveys were referenced against
the AFCD existing data on trails. Habitat
polygons which contain a section or whole
of these trails were assigned a "+"
as an indication of presence of valued recreational
of designated barbecue pits: Locations of
designated barbecue pits were located based
on the existing information from 1:20 000
HKSAR Countryside Maps published by the Lands
Department. A total of 221 barbecue pits were
located based on the existing map data and
barbecue pits recorded during ecological field
visits were cross-referenced to the mapped
sites. A "+" was given to habitat
polygons within which one or more designated
barbecue pits was/were located.
of gazetted beaches: Although digital map
data of "Bathing Beach" has not
been made available to the Study Team, locations
of gazetted beaches were identified through
recourse to the published information of EPD's
Beach Water Quality in Hong Kong on the existing
41 gazetted beaches. A "+" was assigned
to the polygon area of gazetted beaches.
of designated outdoor recreation or nature
education facilities: The digital layer "Pavilion"
was used to locate designated outdoor recreation
facilities. There were a total of 720 pavilions
identified on the map and polygons where these
pavilions have been located were given a "+"
to indicate presence of valued recreational
digital layer "Parks/Playgrounds"
was used to locate parks which serve the purpose
of nature appreciation. A total of 68 parks
were identified and a "+" was assigned
to those polygons where one or more of these
parks was/were located.
education facilities include Mai Po Nature
Reserve, Kadoorie Farm and Botanical Garden,
Hong Kong Zoological and Botanical Garden,
Tai Po Kau Nature Reserve and Lions Nature
Education Centre were regarded as valued recreational
features and habitat polygons where these
facilities have been identified were given
a "+".
of the area for an organized and authorized
sporting event: Golf courses which is also
one of the habitat mapping categories were
designated a "+" as they are considered
as areas for organized sporting event (golf
in this case). A new golf course which is
still under construction has been recorded
in Sham Chung, Sai Kung during field surveys
on wetlands. The area was thus mapped onto
the base map as golf course and a "+"
was assigned.
routes for orienteering (eg those routes at
Kam Shan) were included onto the habitat map
and a "+" was given to those habitat
polygons where these routes were located.
Locations of the valued recreational features
identified are shown in Figure