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2.3 Sediment Monitoring Results
The results of the baseline sediment monitoring showed that although Total DDT was observed often, TBT was usually reported below analytical detection limits. Certain stations consistently showed high concentrations of Total DDT and TBT in the sediments (Figures 2.3a and 2.3b). These findings are discussed further below in Sections 2.3.2 and 2.3.3.

2.3.1 Criteria for Assessment of Contamination Levels

At present, there are no official evaluative criteria for concentrations of organic contaminants in Hong Kong sediment. Draft sediment quality criteria have, however, been specified for the classification of sediment under the Planning, Environment and Lands Bureau and Works Branch Joint Draft Technical Circular. The classification system comprises two criteria for a broad range of Contaminants of Concern. The lower criterion is referred to as the Lower Chemical Exceedance Limit (LCEL), whereas the upper criterion is referred to as the Upper Chemical Exceedance Limit (UCEL). No LCEL and UCEL values have yet been set for Total DDT and TBT.

While not yet being formally applied in Hong Kong, the Effects Range Low (ERL) which is equivalent to the LCEL and Interim Sediment Quality Values (ISQVs) proposed by EVS(6)) are considered to provide the most appropriate means of grading concentration of organics such as Total DDT in sediment. ERL values provide a lower limit below which sediments are considered 'uncontaminated', whereas Effects Range Medium (ERM or ISQV-High) values provide an upper limit above which sediments may be considered 'highly contaminated'. These values together with the detection limits agreed for the present study are presented in Table 2.3a for reference. The ERL (ISQV-Low) levels are used as reference values in this report to assess the importance of Total DDT present in marine sediments as no ISQV-High level is available. No ISQV levels have, however, been set for evaluating the importance of TBT concentrations in sediment.

It is acknowledged that the ERL for DDT was determined through examination of a wide range of international values without the benefit of grading these values against ambient values in Hong Kong. The value of 1.58 mg kg-1 was drawn from an exhaustive study by Long et al (7) on sediment criteria in the US. The applicability of this value to Hong Kong and, therefore, the implications of the values encountered during the Environmental Baseline Surveys, is difficult to assess. The routine monitoring dataset gathered by EPD does not include measurements of Total DDT levels. An appropriate LCEL value for Hong Kong sediments can only be determined when more local data are gathered.

Table 2.3a ERL, ISQV levels and Detection Limits for Total DDT and TBT in Sediments
Contaminant ERL or ISQV-Low (LCEL) ERM or ISQV-High (UCEL) Detection Limit(1)
Total DDT (ug kg-1 dry weight) 1.58 na 0.15
TBT (ug Sn kg-1 dry weight) na na 20


(1) The detection limits shown here are those presented and agreed upon by the ESMG members.

na No value has been set at present.

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2005 版權標誌| 重要告示

最近修訂日期: 二零零五年十二月二十二日