Permit No.
Project Title
EP-356/2009 |
Wan Chai Development Phase II and Central-Wan Chai Bypass
EP-364/2009 |
Central-Wanchai Bypass (CWB) including its road tunnel and slip roads
FEP-01/356/2009 |
Wan Chai Development Phase II and Central - Wan Chai Bypass - North Point Reclamation
FEP-02/356/2009 |
Wan Chai Development Phase II - Central - Wan Chai Bypass at Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Centre
FEP-03/356/2009 |
Wan Chai Development Phase II - Central - Wan Chai Bypass at Wan Chai East
FEP-03/364/2009 |
Central - Wan Chai Bypass (CWB) at FEHD Whitfield Depot(Contract No. HY/2009/17) - Advanced piling works
EP-364/2009/A |
Central-Wanchai Bypass (CWB) including its road tunnel and slip roads
FEP-04/356/2009 |
Central - Wan Chai Bypass - Tunnel (Causeway Bay Typhoon shelter section) Contract No. HY/2009/15 - Marine Works
FEP-05/364/2009/A |
Central - Wan Chai Bypass - Central Interchange (Contract No. HY/2009/18)
FEP-05/356/2009 |
Wan Chai Development Phase II - Central-Wan Chai Bypass over MTR Tsuen Wan Line (Contract no. HK/2010/06) - Marine Work
FEP-02/364/2009 |
Wan Chai Development Phase II - Central - Wan Chai Bypass at Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Centre - Tunnel Works
FEP-07/364/2009/A |
Central - Wanchai Bypass Tunnel (North Point Section) and Island Eastern Corridor Link
FEP-07/364/2009/D |
Central-Wanchai Bypass (CWB) including its road tunnel and slip roads
FEP-01/364/2009 |
Wan Chai Development Phase II - Central - Wan Chai Bypass at Wan Chai East(CWB Tunnel)
FEP-06/364/2009/A |
Central - Wan Chai Bypass - Tunnel (Causeway Bay Typhoon shelter section) Contract No. HY/2009/15 - Tunnel Works
EP-364/2009/B |
Central-Wanchai Bypass (CWB) including its road tunnel and slip roads
FEP-06/356/2009 |
Wan Chai Development Phase II - Central - Wan Chai Bypass at Wan Chai West (Contract No. HK/2012/08) - Marine Work
FEP-09/364/2009/B |
Wan Chai Development Phase II - Central - Wan Chai Bypass at Wan Chai West (Contract No. HK/2012/08) - Tunnel Work
FEP-07/356/2009 |
Wan Chai Development Phase II - Central - Wan Chai Bypass - Tunnel (Slip Road 8 Section) (Contract No. HY/2010/08) - Marine Works
FEP-10/364/2009/B |
Wan Chai Development Phase II - Central - Wan Chai Bypass at Wan Chai West (Contract No. HK/2012/08) - Tunnel Work
EP-364/2009/H |
Central-Wanchai Bypass (CWB) including its road tunnel and slip roads
EP-364/2009/D |
Central-Wanchai Bypass (CWB) including its road tunnel and slip roads
EP-364/2009/C |
Central-Wanchai Bypass (CWB) including its road tunnel and slip roads
EP-376/2009 |
DP2-Road P2 and other roads which are classified as primary/district distributor roads
FEP-11/364/2009/B |
Central - Wan Chai Bypass - Tunnel Buildings, Systems and Fittings, and Works Associated with Tunnel Commissioning (Contract No. HY/2011/08)
FEP-01/376/2009 |
DP2-Road P2 and other roads which are classified as primary/district distributor roads
FEP-08/356/2009 |
Wan Chai Development Phase II - Central - Wan Chai Bypass - Tunnel (Slip Road 8 Section) (Contract No. HY/2010/08) - Marine Works
FEP-02/376/2009 |
DP2-Road P2 and other roads which are classified as primary/district distributor roads
FEP-11/364/2009/E |
Central - Wan Chai Bypass - Tunnel Buildings, Systems and Fittings, and Works Associated with Tunnel Commissioning (Contract No. HY/2011/08)
FEP-12/364/2009/D |
Central-Wanchai Bypass (CWB) including its road tunnel and slip roads
FEP-364/2009/E |
Central - Wan Chai Bypass - Tunnel Buildings, Systems and Fittings, and Works Associated with Tunnel Commissioning (Contract No. HY/2011/08)
EP-482/2013/A |
Central-Wanchai Bypass (CWB) including its road tunnel and slip roads
FEP-07/364/2009/F |
Central-Wanchai Bypass (CWB) including its road tunnel and slip roads
FEP-07/364/2009/G |
Central-Wanchai Bypass (CWB) including its road tunnel and slip roads
EP-364/2009/G |
Central-Wanchai Bypass (CWB) including its road tunnel and slip roads
FEP-07/364/2009/H |
Central-Wanchai Bypass (CWB) including its road tunnel and slip roads
EP-482/2013/C |
Central-Wanchai Bypass (CWB) including its road tunnel and slip roads
FEP-03/376/2009 |
DP2-Road P2 and other roads which are classified as primary/district distributor roads
FEP-13/364/2009/H |
Central-Wanchai Bypass (CWB) including its road tunnel and slip roads
FEP-04/364/2009/A |
Central - Wanchai Bypass - Modification of Public Transportation Interchange (PTI) at Man Yiu Street, Central