Environment Protection  DepartmentThe Operation of Environmental Impact Assessment Ordinance in Hong Kong
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Appendix XI

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Appendix E

The "Cyber EIAO Help Bench" and the "Cyber EIAO Template for 'Major Project"

(1) Cyber EIAO Help Bench
In order to provide better assistance and support to project proponents and their consultants, a dedicated Help Bench will be housed on the EIA Ordinance website (http://www.info.gov.hk/epd/eia/). The Cyber Help Bench will contain information on and advice in processing EIA Ordinance applications and relevant on-line reference materials in making applications and conducting EIA studies. The key features which will be included in the Help Bench are:

  • Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) and their answers on EIA Ordinance requirements, processes, submission details, format of advertisement, etc
  • Typical Examples in making applications and conducting the studies for those most common projects, e.g. roadworks, reclamation, drainage channel, etc.; and hyperlinks to possible resources or reference materials
  • A detailed step-by-step guide to all application types with the statutory time frame for each process; and good practice guide for environmentally friendly designs and measures
  • Technical Terms make simple - a glossary of commonly used technical terms with explanation in layman terms
  • Statistical information on average processing time of various types of applications.
  • Comments/ Suggestions provide an efficient communication channel for more project specific enquiries.

(2) EIAO Template for Major Projects
To enhance the transparency of the process and to facilitate the public to know "at a glance" the status of various submissions, we will encourage and assist the setting up of EIA Ordinance templates for major projects. The EIA Ordinance templates may contain the following key information:

  • Background information of the proposed project
  • The most updated status of the project under the EIA Ordinance,
  • Key findings and recommendations of the EIA study
  • Summary of proposed mitigation measures
  • Environmental Permit conditions
  • Environmental monitoring and audit reports and the actual environmental performance
  • EIA report in multi-media reporting format, e.g. including photos, videos, etc
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