International Commission on Non-ionizing
Radiation Protection (ICNIRP)
With reference to Clause of the EIA
Study Brief, guidelines
on limits of exposure to EMF
issued by the International Commission on Non-ionizing Radiation Protection
(ICNIRP) in Year 1998 should be followed.
The ICNIRP guidelines were recognized by the World Health Organization
(WHO). EMF generated from the proposed
EFs and the proposed ESSs shall comply with the guidelines stated in Table
Table 15.1 Guidelines
on Limits of Exposure to 50Hz Power Frequency Electric and Magnetic Fields
Issued by ICNIRP
Electric Field Strength, V/m [a]
Magnetic Flux Density, μT
General Public
5,000 [b]
100 [b]
10,000 [b]
500 [b]
Unperturbed root-mean-square (rms)
[b] The standards
stipulated in Guidelines following the ICNIRP (1998) limits for 50 Hz EMF.
Hong Kong Planning Standards and Guidelines
As stated in Section 2.3.10 of Chapter 7 of the
Hong Kong Planning Standards and Guidelines (HKPSG), the EMF exposure limits
promulgated in the guidelines issued by ICNIRP in 1998 are adopted. The relevant standards are presented in Table 15.1.
Potential Sources of Electric and Magnetic Field
are present everywhere in our environment.
Electric field is generated by difference in voltage. The higher the voltage, the stronger will be
the resultant electric field. Magnetic
fields are created by electric current.
The greater the current, the stronger the magnetic field. EMF are produced by virtually all electrical
consumer appliances, computer terminals, wiring in homes, offices, electrical
facilities and power cables / transmission lines. Potential EMF impacts from the project would
be expected from the operation of the proposed EFs at TKO 132 and the operation
of the proposed ESSs at TKO 137. The
locations of the proposed EFs and the proposed ESSs are presented in Figure 2.4 and Figure 2.5.
cumulative EMF impacts from the concurrent projects, i.e. planned power cables
connected to the EFs at TKO 132 and the planned power cables connected to the
proposed ESSs at TKO 137 would also be expected.
Identification of Representative Electric and
Magnetic Field Sensitive Receivers
EMF sensitive receivers nearby the EFs and ESSs are identified and listed in
below Table 15.2. Locations of the representative
EMF sensitive receivers are shown in Figure 2.4 and Figure 2.5.
Table 15.2 Identified Representative Electric and Magnetic
Field Sensitive Receivers
Land Use
Approximate Distance between the Boundary of Sites of the Proposed
EMF Source and Sensitive Receiver, m
Facilities (EFs) at Site OU1 at TKO 132
On Luen
Green Belt[2]
Construction Waste Handling Facilities (CWHF)
Other Use (Construction Waste Handling
0 [1]
at Site OU1 at TKO 137
Residential Site PU1&2
Open Space O1
Open Space
0 [1]
at Site OU2 at TKO 137
Open Space O8
Open Space
0 [1]
Green Filling Station
Other Use
0 [1]
Residential Site (PU6)
Secondary School (E5)
The site of the proposed sensitive
receiver would be located immediately adjacent to the site of the proposed
EMF source.
On Luen Village are residential uses
on area zoned as Green Belt.
Evaluation of Potential
Electric and Magnetic Field due to the Project
TKO 137, there would be two proposed 132 kV ESSs located at proposed Sites OU1
and OU2, respectively, as shown in Figure 2.4. Their design would follow the
requirements stated in Section 2 of Chapter 7 of Hong Kong Planning
Standards and Guidelines. The two
proposed 132 kV ESSs would be of the same nature, the same operation voltage,
the same major plants, similar design of housing major plants inside similar
structure of reinforced concrete as an existing 132 kV ESS. Therefore, it is expected that the EMF from
the two proposed ESSs would be similar to that of an
existing 132 kV ESS. With reference to
the project profile of the approved direct application of environmental permit
for Extension Project for the Existing Tseung Kwan O 400 kV Substation
(PP-072/1999), EMF measurement was conducted inside Tuen Mun 132 kV Substation
(i.e. 0m away from the source). The
measured electric field strength was 10 V/m (as 0.01 kV/m in PP-072/1999) and
the measured magnetic flux density was 4.7 μT (as 0.047 mT in PP-072/1999), complying with
the limits in Table 15.1 by well below of the limits over 99% and over 95%, respectively. Similar electric field strength and magnetic
flux density would be expected inside the proposed ESSs at TKO 137. Since EMF would decrease rapidly with
increasing distance, EMF outside the proposed ESSs would be lower than that
inside the ESSs. Therefore, it is
expected that EMF at the sensitive receivers located outside the proposed ESSs
listed in Table 15.2 would comply with the limits in Table 15.1. No adverse impact from the
exposures of EMF generated from the proposed ESSs at TKO 137 would be
of the EFs at TKO 132 would also follow the requirements stated in Section 2 of
Chapter 7 of Hong Kong Planning Standards and Guidelines. Based on the latest available information,
the proposed EFs would consist of High-Voltage Direct Current (HVDC) and
High-Voltage Alternating Current (HVAC) Converter Blocks, which are reinforced
concrete structure housing major plants, including transformer, a series of
reactor, shunt reactor and cooling fans, etc.
As confirmed by respective proponent of the EFs, the EFs would house
equipment of up to 400 kV. Hece, it is considered that the EFs would be similar to that of existing 400 kV ESSs. Therefore, it is expected that the EMF from
the proposed EFs would be similar to that of existing
400 kV ESSs. With reference to
PP-072/1999, EMF measurement was conducted inside Tsz Wan Shan 400 kV ESS (i.e.
0m away from the source) and the measured electric field strength was 10 V/m
(as 0.01 kV/m in PP-072/1999) and the measured magnetic flux density was 59 μT (as 0.059 mT in PP-072/1999), complying with
the limits in Table 15.1 by huge margin of over 99% and over 40%, respectively. With reference to PP-072/1999, EMF
measurement was also conducted at 6 m to 18 m from the reinforced concrete
structure of the Shatin 400 kV Substation, and the measured electric field
strength ranged from 3 V/m to 7 V/m and the measured magnetic flux density
ranged from 0.89 μT (as 8.9 mG in PP-072/1999) to 6.52 μT (as 65.2 mG in PP-072/1999), complying with
the limits in Table 15.1 by huge margin of over 99% and over 90%, respectively. Based on the above, it is expected the EMF
outside the proposed EFs would comply with the limits in Table 15.1, and the EMF at the sensitive receivers located outside the proposed
EFs listed in Table 15.2 would comply with the limits in Table 15.1. Based on the latest available
information at this stage, no adverse impact from the exposure of EMF generated
from the proposed EFs at TKO 132 would be anticipated.
identified as DP6 in Table 1.1, the EFs requires an Environmental Permit (EP) to construct and
operate under the EIAO. As the detailed
design information is not yet available at the time of the preparation of the
Report, an Environmental Permit (EP) would be applied separately by the
proponent of the EFs, with a EIA study as necessary,
following the EIAO mechanism to ensure that no adverse impact from the exposure
of EMF generated from the proposed EFs would be anticipated.
Mitigation Measures
on the latest available information at this stage, no adverse impact due
to exposure to EMF would be anticipated from the proposed EFs and ESSs. No mitigation measures would be required,
given that the design of the proposed ESSs would be similar
to that of existing 132 kV ESSs, while the design of the proposed EFs
would be similar to that of existing 400 kV ESSs.
Nevertheless, the design of the EFs would be
subject to further review by the proponent of the EFs. Therefore, in view of the uncertainty, the
proponent of the EFs would apply for an Environmental Permit (EP) separately when the design information is available, following the EIAO
mechanism for the construction and operation of the proposed EFs to ensure that
no adverse impact from the exposure of EMF generated from the proposed EFs
would be anticipated.
During the application of the EP for the EFs,
should any changes, including but not limited to update of criteria and design
information, lead to the need of mitigation measures, the proponent of the EFs
should implement as necessary to ensure compliance to the criteria at the time
of the EP application.
on latest available information, no overhead power cables would be
proposed/planned within the Project site or in the vicinity of the Project
site. EMF impacts due to overhead power transmission
line to the Project site and the vicinity of the Project site would not be
submarine power cables and the underground power
cables would be constructed and operated under separate project(s). Based on latest available information,
submarine power cables would be used to deliver electrical power to the EFs,
which provide electrical power to users via underground power cables. Underground power cables would be used to
deliver electrical power to and from the proposed ESSs at TKO 137. The potential cumulative impact due to the
submarine and underground power cables would be assessed below.
Underground and submarine power cables are
normally well-insulated to avoid electrical current loss. Therefore, it is expected that the EMF from
the underground and submarine power cables would be largely confined by the
insulation layer.
reference to the EMF measurement result in the project profile (PP-005/1998) of
the approved EIA for 132kV Overhead Line From Tsuen Wan to Sham Tseng (AEIAR-023/1999), EMF
measurements were conducted at 1 m above ground for existing 400 kV and 132 kV
underground power cables that located 1 m below ground. The distance between measurement location and
existing 400 kV and 132 kV underground cables is 2m in total. The measured electric field strength was less
than 10 V/m (as <0.01 kV/m in PP-005/1998) for
both 400 kV and 132 kV underground power cables, while the measured magnetic
flux density was 5.2 μT (as 0.0052 mT in PP-005/1998) for 400 kV
underground power cables and 0.3 μT (as 0.0003 mT in PP-005/1998) for 132 kV
underground power cables, all complying with the limits in Table 15.1 by huge margin of over 99% and over 90%, respectively. It would be expected that the proposed
underground power cables would adopt similar design as existing underground
power cables, such that the EMF due to the underground power cables would
comply with the limits in Table 15.1. Due to the minimal EMF
from underground power cables, no adverse cumulative impact from underground
power cables would be expected.
submarine cables, with reference to literature, electric field is generally contained by the cable as an industrial
standard. No adverse cumulative electric
field impact would be anticipated from submarine cable. Magnetic flux density were measured at
0 m to 2 m from various submarine cables of 11 kV to 500 kV voltage in the
European area to be in the range of 0.004 μT to 72 μT,
which comply with the limits in Table 15.1 by over 25% margin.
Sensitive receivers would be expected to be located on land which are
well beyond 2 m separation from a submarine power cable, and EMF would decrease rapidly with increasing distance, the EMF due to a
submarine cable at any sensitive receivers on land would be expected much lower
than that under water within 2m from a submarine cable. EMF compliance to ICNIRP limit at the
sensitive receivers would be expected. Hence, it is expected that no
adverse EMF impact to sensitive receivers from submarine power cables.
mentioned above, the EMF impacts arose from the power cables for the EFs and
ESSs would be anticipated well below the limits in Table 15.1. Therefore, it is anticipated
that the cumulative EMF would comply with the limits. No adverse cumulative
electric and magnetic fields impacts would be expected from the Project and
concurrent projects.
Based on above Section 15.4, no adverse EMF impact would be anticipated from the Project.
Based on above Section 15.6, no adverse cumulative EMF impact would be anticipated
from concurrent projects of power cables connecting to the ESSs and EFs.
Nevertheless, the design of the EFs would be
subject to further review by the proponent of the EFs. Therefore, in view of the uncertainty, the
proponent of the EFs would apply for an Environmental Permit (EP) separately when the design information is available, following the EIAO
mechanism for the construction and operation of the proposed EFs to ensure that
no adverse impact from the exposure of electric and magnetic fields generated
from the proposed EFs would be anticipated.
Based on the above assessment in Section 15.4 and Section 15.6, no adverse impact due to exposure to EMF is anticipated for the two ESSs and their associated power
cables in TKO 137. Environmental
monitoring and audit is therefore deemed not necessary
for TKO 137.
Based on the above assessment in Section
15.4 and Section
15.6, no adverse impact due to exposure to EMF is anticipated for
EFs and their associated power cables in TKO 132. In view of the uncertainty,
the proponent of the EFs would apply for an EP separately when the design information is available, following the EIAO
mechanism for the construction and operation of the proposed EFs to ensure that
no adverse impact from the exposure of EMF generated from the proposed EFs
would be anticipated. If found necessary,
environmental monitoring and audit requirements would be determined in the
separate EP application.
and magnetic field impact assessment has been conducted in accordance
with the requirements stated in Clause 3.4.16 of the EIA Study Brief.
proposed 132 kV ESSs at TKO 137 would be of the similar nature and design as
existing 132 kV substations. The EMF due
to the proposed ESSs would be expected similar to
existing 132 kV substations. With
reference to EMF measurement inside the existing Tuen Mun 132 kV Substation,
the electric field strength and the magnetic flux density were respectively
measured at 10 V/m and 4.7 μT, which complied with the ICNIRP limit by huge margin of over 99% and
over 95%, respectively. EMF outside the
proposed ESSs would be lower than that inside the ESSs, since EMF would
decrease rapidly with increasing distance.
Hence, it is expected that the EMF from the proposed ESSs at sensitive
receivers would comply to the ICNIRP limit.
No adverse EMF impact would be anticipated from the proposed ESSs.
proposed 400 kV EFs at TKO 132 would be of the similar nature and design of
existing 400 kV substations. The EMF due
to the proposed EFs would be expected similar to
existing 400 kV substations. With
reference to EMF measurement inside the existing Tsz Wan Shan 400 kV
Substation, the electric field strength and the magnetic flux density were
respectively measured at 10 V/m and 59 μT, which complied with the ICNIRP limit by large margin of over 99% and
over 40%, respectively. With reference
to EMF measurement in the vicinity of the existing Shatin 400 kV Substation,
the electric field strength and the magnetic flux density were respectively
measured up to 7 V/m and 6.52 μT, which complied with the ICNIRP limit by huge margin of over 99% and
over 90%, respectively. Hence, it is
expected that the EMF from the proposed EFs at sensitive receivers would comply
to the ICNIRP limit. No adverse EMF
impact would be anticipated from the proposed EFs, based on latest available
EMF impact would be expected from concurrent projects, i.e. underground and
submarine power cables connecting to the proposed EFs and the proposed
ESSs. With reference to previous EMF
measurement result at existing underground power cables, measured electric
field strength and magnetic flux complied with the ICNIRP limit by huge margin
of over 99% and over 90%, respectively.
For submarine power cables, referenced literature indicated electric
field should be well contained within the submarine power cable as an
industrial standard, while magnetic field generated from a submarine power
cable at 2 m from the cable could be up to 72 μT, which
complied with the ICNIRP limit by large margin of over 25%. Sensitive receivers would be expected to be located on land which are
well beyond 2 m separation from a submarine power cable, and EMF would decrease
rapidly with increasing distance, the EMF due to a submarine cable at any
sensitive receivers on land would be expected much lower than that under water
within 2m from a submarine cable. EMF
compliance to ICNIRP limit at the sensitive receivers would be expected. Hence,
it is expected that no adverse EMF impact to sensitive receivers from submarine
power cables.
Nevertheless, the design of the EFs would be
subject to further review by the proponent of the EFs.
Therefore, in view of the uncertainty, the proponent of the EFs would
apply for an EP separately when the design information is available, following the EIAO
mechanism for the construction and operation of the proposed EFs to ensure that
no adverse impact from the exposure of EMF generated from the proposed EFs
would be anticipated.