8.2 Environmental
Legislation, Standards and Guidelines
8.4 Description of the
8.5 Identification of
Potential Land Contamination Concern
8.7 Prediction and
Evaluation of Potential Impacts
8.8 Mitigation of
Adverse Environmental Impacts
8.9 Evaluation of
Residual Impacts
8.10 Environmental
Monitoring and Audit
List of Tables
Table 8.1 Summary of
Historical Land Uses for TKO 137
Table 8.2 Summary of
Historical Land Uses for TKO 132
Table 8.3 Summary of Chemical Waste
Producers within the Project Area
Table 8.4 Summary of Potential Land Contamination Issues within the Project Area
Table 8.5 Sampling and Testing Plan
Table 8.6 Parameters, Reporting Limits and Reference Methods for Laboratory Analysis
Table 8.7 Tentative Programme
for Land Contamination Assessment
List of Figures
Locations of Chemical Waste Producers (TKO 137) |
Locations of Chemical Waste Producers (TKO 132) |
Locations of Incident Records (Sheet 1 of 3) |
Locations of Incident Records (Sheet 2 of 3) |
Locations of Incident Records (Sheet 3 of 3) |
Areas with
Potential Land Contamination Concerns |
Concerned Area and
Sampling Locations (Site S1) |
List of Appendices
Historical Aerial Photographs |
Available Ground Investigation Records |
Acquisition of
Information from Government Departments |
Records of Site Walkover |
Site Walkover
Checklists |
Risk-Based Remediation
Goals (RBRGs) for Soil and Soil Saturation Limit and for Groundwater and
Solubility Limit |
Typical Design of
a Groundwater Monitoring Well |
· Section 3 (Potential Contaminated Land Issues) of Annex 19 “Guidelines for Assessment of Impact on Sites of Cultural Heritage and Other Impacts” of the Technical Memorandum on Environmental Impact Assessment Process, EPD, June 2023 (EIAO-TM);
· Guidance Note for Contaminated Land Assessment and Remediation, EPD, April 2023 (Guidance Note)
The Guidance Note sets out the requirements for proper assessment and management of potentially contaminated sites such as oil installations (e.g. oil depots, petrol filling stations), gas works, power plants, shipyards / boatyards, chemical manufacturing / processing plants, steel mills / metal workshops, car repairing / dismantling workshops and scrap yards. In addition, this Guidance Note provides guidelines on how site assessments should be conducted and analysed and suggests practical remedial measures that can be adopted for the clean-up of contaminated sites;
· Practice Guide for Investigation and Remediation of Contaminated Land, EPD, April 2023 (Practice Guide)
The Practice Guide outlines typical investigation methods and remediation strategies for the range of potential contaminants typically encountered in Hong Kong; and
· Guidance Manual for Use of Risk-based Remediation Goals for Contaminated Land Management, EPD, April 2023 (Guidance Manual)
The Guidance Manual introduces the risk based approach in land contamination assessment and present instructions for comparison of soil and groundwater data to the Risk-Based Remediation Goals (RBRGs) for 54 chemicals of concern commonly found in Hong Kong. The RBRGs were derived to suit Hong Kong conditions by following the international practice of adopting a risk-based methodology for contaminated land assessment and remediation and were designed to protect the health of people who could potentially be exposed to land impacted by chemicals under four broad post restoration land use categories. The RBRGs also serve as the remediation targets if remediation is necessary.
· Aerial photographs and topographic maps held by the Lands Department;
· Records on dangerous goods, chemical wastes, chemical spillage/leakage and fire incidents from Environmental Protection Department (EPD) and Fire Services Department (FSD); and
· Review of available geological information in Geotechnical Appraisal Report for the Project.
Table 8.1 Summary of Historical Land Uses for
TKO 137
Year |
Reference of Aerial Photos in Appendix
8.1 (Photo Reference Number) |
Site Description |
1963 |
to 702 (#1963-1138,
1963-8991) |
The site was occupied by natural terrain
and open water. |
1977 |
to 706 (#18282,
18296) |
No significant land uses changes were observed. |
1986 |
to 710 (#A05974,
A05988) |
No significant land uses changes were observed. |
1995 |
to 714 (#CN09725, CN11826, CN11828) |
Reclaimed land was observed in and adjacent
to the north of TKO 137. South East New Territories
(SENT) Landfill was observed adjacent to the northeast of TKO 137. No other significant land use changes were observed. |
2004 |
to 718 (#CW62811, CW62812) |
The site was largely occupied by reclaimed
land and the existing Tseung Kwan O Area 137 Fill Bank (TKOFB) was observed.
A site office was also observed in the northwestern part of the TKOFB. Existing Tseung Kwan O Industrial Estate
and Wan Po Road were observed adjacent to the north of TKO 137. No other significant land uses changes were observed. |
2013 |
to 722 (#CS44766, CS44768, CS44822, CS44824) |
Tseung Kwan O Area 137 Temporary
Construction Waste Sorting Facilities (TKOSF)
was observed in the northern and southern parts of the TKOFB. A temporary explosive magazine site was
observed adjacent to the southeast of TKO 137 No other significant land uses changes were observed. |
2022 |
to 726 (#E144885C, E172513C, E172515C, E172518C,
E172521C, E172588C, E172666C, E177339C) |
Site office at the northwestern part of the
TKOFB was changed to the existing skips storage and lorries parking area. The
existing WSD site office and construction materials
storage area (WSD Site)
were observed at the eastern part of the TKOFB. The existing SENT Landfill Extension
(SENTX) was observed adjacent to the northeast and east of TKO 137. The temporary
explosive magazine site was demolished and replaced by a works area of
WSD. No other significant land uses changes were
observed. |
of aerial photographs: Survey and Mapping Office, Lands Department
Table 8.2 Summary
of Historical Land Uses for TKO 132
Year |
Reference of Aerial Photos in Appendix
8.1 (Photo Reference Number) |
Site Description |
1963 |
703-704 (#1963-1170,
1963-5234, 1963-5246, 1963-5863, 1963-6079) |
The site was mainly occupied by natural
terrain and open
water. Squatters and reclaimed land were observed
adjacent to the northern part of the site. |
1977 |
707-708 (#20393,
20395, 20397) |
A foundry was observed adjacent to the
northwest of the site. No other significant land uses changes
were observed. |
1986 |
711-712 (#A04259,
A04260, A04261, A06405) |
The northern part of the site was reclaimed
and partially encroached into a foundry. No other significant land uses
changes were observed. |
1995 |
715-716 (#CN09506, CN12621) |
The existing Junk Bay Chinese Permanent
Cemetery was observed adjacent to the northwest of the site. No other significant land use changes were observed. |
2004 |
719-720 (#CW55788,
CW55855, CW59010, CW59045) |
The northern part of the site was further
reclaimed. The foundry was redeveloped into the existing Chui Ling Road and
vacant / vegetated land within the site, and residential buildings (Ocean
Shores) adjacent to the northwest of the site. The squatters adjacent to the north of the
site were redeveloped into the existing King Ling Road and Tiu Keng Leng
Station. The construction site for the existing residential development
(Metro Town) was also observed. No other significant land uses
changes were observed. |
2013 |
723-724 (#CS44649,
CS44650, CS44747,
CS44923) |
The existing access road to Junk Bay
Chinese Permanent Cemetery was observed in the northwest of the site. Existing Tong Yin Street was observed in
the north of the site. Residential
buildings (Metro Town) were observed adjacent to the north of the site. No other significant land uses changes were observed. |
2022 |
727-728 (#E167003C, E172381C,
E172451C, E172454C, E172526C, E172528C, E172600C, E172601C) |
The vacant / vegetated land was converted into a works area for
Road P2 associated works. The existing Tseung Kwan O Interchange and
Tseung Kwan O – Lam Tin Tunnel of Tseung Lam Highway was observed in the
north of the site. Road P2 of Tseung Lam Highway on new reclaimed land was
also observed in the north of the site. No other significant land uses changes were observed. |
Source of aerial
photographs: Survey and Mapping Office, Lands Department
Table 8.3 Summary of Chemical Waste Producers within the Project Area
Status |
Company Name |
Address |
Business Nature |
Types of Chemical Waste |
TKO 137 |
1 |
Valid |
Sang Hing Civil Contractors Co Ltd |
Construction site of
Temporary Construction Waste Sorting Facilities, Tseung Kwan O Area 137, Wan
Po Road, Tseung Kwan O, N.T. (CEDD Contract No. CV/2016/04) |
Construction |
lubrication oil^ |
2 |
Valid |
Tapbo-Sang Hing Joint Venture |
Construction Site for
Temporary Construction Waste Sorting Facilities (2022-2025), Tseung Kwan O
Area 137, Tseung Kwan O, N.T. (CEDD Contract No.: CV/2022/02) |
Civil engineering construction |
Spent diesel and spent lubricant oil^ |
3 |
Valid |
Paul Y.-CREC Joint Venture |
Area 137, Tseung Kwan O,
New Territories |
Construction |
N/A# |
4 |
Valid |
Keppel Seghers-Zhen Hua Joint Venture |
Construction Site for
Integrated Waste Management Facilities Phase I of Sorting Facilities at
Tseung Kwan O Area 137 Fill Bank, Possession of Portion 8 of the Site, Tseung
Kwan O, N.T. (EPD Contract No.: EP/SP/66/12) |
Miscellaneous civil engineering works |
N/A# |
5 |
Valid |
Chun Wo-CRGL Joint Venture |
Tseung Kwan O Area 137 - Public
Fill Sorting Facility, Wan Po Road, Tseung Kwan O, NT (CEDD Contract No.: HK/2009/02) |
Construction |
N/A# |
6 |
Valid |
ZHEC - CCCC - CDC Joint Venture |
Area A7a and Area A7c Fill
Bank of Tseung Kwan O Area 137, Tseung Kwan O, N.T. |
Site formation, filling materials sorting facilities |
N/A# |
7 |
Valid |
Concentric - Sheung Moon Joint Venture |
Temporary Construction
Waste Sorting Facilities, Tseung Kwan O Area 137, Tseung Kwan O, N.T. |
Construction waste sorting facilities |
N/A# |
8 |
Valid |
Build King - SCT Joint Venture |
Eastern side of Tseung
Kwan O Area 137, Tseung Kwan O, N.T. (CEDD Contract No. NL/2017/03) |
Civil engineering construction |
N/A# |
9 |
Valid |
China Harbour Engineering Company Limited |
Construction Site for
Handling of Surplus Public Fill (2022-2023) at Tseung Kwan O Area 137 Fill
Bank, Wan Po Road, Tseung Kwan O, N.T. (CEDD Contract No. CV/2021/09) |
Civil engineering construction |
battery cell containing heavy metals and spent
lubricating oil* |
10 |
Valid |
China Harbour Engineering Company Limited |
Works Area At Tseung Kwan
O Fill Bank, Tseung Kwan O Area 137, Wan Po Road, Tseung Kwan O, N.T. |
Construction |
N/A# |
11 |
Valid |
China Harbour - Zhen Hua Joint Venture |
Tseung Kwan O Area 137
Fill Bank, Wan Po Road, Tseung Kwan O, N.T. (CEDD Contract No. CV/2015/07) |
Handling of surplus public fill |
battery cell containing heavy metals and spent
lubricating oil^ |
12 |
Valid |
Cheery City Contractors Limited |
Construction Site at Area
137 at South of Fat Tong Chau, Tseung Kwan O, N.T. |
Civil engineering & marine engineering |
N/A# |
13 |
Invalid |
Paul Y.-CREC(HK) Joint Venture |
Area 137, Wan Po Road,
Tseung Kwan O, New Territories |
Construction |
N/A# |
14 |
Invalid |
Gammon Skanska Limited |
CED Contract No.
CV/2002/04, Penny's Bay Reclamation Stage 2, Area 137, Public Fill Sorting
Facility, Tseung Kwan O |
Civil construction works |
N/A# |
15 |
Invalid |
China Harbour Engineering Company Limited |
Tseung Kwan O Area 137,
Sai Kung, New Territories |
Operation of material handling |
lubricating oil, spent flammable liquid, spent battery and surplus paint^ |
16 |
Invalid |
Penta-Ocean Construction Co Ltd Hong Kong Branch |
Fill Bank, Area 137,
Tseung Kwan O, Sai Kung, New Territories |
Building and construction |
lubricating oil, solvent and battery, surplus paint bank and fuel,
contaminated soil and empty chemical containers^ |
17 |
Invalid |
China Harbour Engineering Company Limited |
Construction Site of
Tseung Kwan O Area 137, Temporary Construction Waste Sorting Facilities, Wan
Po Road, Tseung Kwan O |
Construction |
Spent lubricating oil, spent flammable liquid, spent battery
containing heavy metals and surplus paint^ |
18 |
Invalid |
PAUL Y. - CCECC Joint Venture |
Area 137 Tseung Kwan O |
Construction |
Spent lubricating oil^ |
19 |
Invalid |
China Harbour - China State Joint Venture |
Tseung Kwan O Area 137 Fill
Bank, Wan Po Road, Tseung Kwan O, New Territories |
Construction |
Spent lubricating oil, spent flammable liquid, spent battery
containing heavy metals and surplus paint^ |
20 |
Invalid |
Sang Hing Civil Contractors Company Limited |
Tseung Kwan O Area 137 -
Temporary Construction Waste Sorting Facilities (2011-2013), Wan Po Road,
Tseung Kwan O, NT (CEDD Contract No. CV/2010/05) |
Construction |
N/A# |
21 |
Invalid |
HKPFH Joint Venture |
Construction Site of
Tseung Kwan O Area 137 Fill Bank, Wan Po Road, Tseung Kwan O, N.T. |
Construction |
Spent lubricating oil and spent battery^ |
TKO 132 |
22 |
Valid |
CRBC - Build King Joint Venture |
Construction Site of
Tseung Kwan O - Lam Tin Tunnel - Road P2 and Associated Works, Tseung Kwan O,
N.T. (Contract No. NE/2015/02) |
Civil construction |
N/A# |
23 |
Valid |
Leighton - China State Joint Venture |
Construction Site of
Tseung Kwan O - Lam Tin Tunnel - Main Tunnel and Associated Works, Tseung
Kwan O interchange, Tseung Kwan O, N.T. (Contract No. NE/2015/01) |
Construction |
N/A# |
24 |
Valid |
Zhen Hua Engineering Company Limited |
Construction Site of Tseung
Kwan O - Lam Tin Tunnel - Road P2/D4 and Associated Works, Tseung Kwan O,
N.T. (CEDD Contract No. NE/2017/02) |
Construction |
N/A# |
25 |
Valid |
Chun Wo Construction &. Engineering Co Ltd |
Construction Site of
"Infrastructure Works at Town Centre South and Tiu Keng Leng".
Tseung Kwan O. N.T. (CEDD Contract No. TK/2009/01) |
Infrastructure Works |
N/A# |
26 |
Invalid |
China Civil - Road & Bridge Joint Venture |
Construction Site of TKO Development PH. 3 – Remaining Reclamation in Town Centre Extension Stage 2 & Associated Main Drainage Works NT |
Construction |
N/A# |
· Urban Residential
· Rural Residential
· Industrial
· Public Park
Current Land Use |
Site Observation / Current Potentially
Contaminating Activities / Information from EPD and FSD |
Corresponding Photographic Record
Reference in Appendix 8.4 |
Other Past Potentially Contaminating Land
Use / Activities |
Approx. Site Area (m2) |
Any Potential Land Contamination Issue? |
Future Land Uses |
RBRGs Land Use Scenario |
Kwan O Area 137 Fill Bank (TKOFB) (Lot
No. GLA-TSK 692 Tseung Kwan O Area 137) |
Temporary stockpiling and crushing of fill
materials |
The public fill reception facilities under
Contract No. CV/2021/09 Handling of Surplus Public Fill (2022-2023) –
Tseung Kwan O Area 137 Fill Bank is located at TKO 137, which is
currently operated by the CEDD and China Harbour Engineering Company Limited
(contractor). The site mainly comprises a car park,
ancillary facilities (e.g. wheel washing bay, wash house, combined reception
and exit offices), a site office in the north, tipping halls and a crushing
plant and a weighing point and recorder house in
the west, and the stockpiling area for fill materials in the remaining areas
of the site. The site is largely unpaved except for the site office and
ancillary facilities in the northern portion. Based on site observation and as reported
by the site representative, a DG store containing compressed oxygen and
acetylene cylinders and a chemical waste cabinet containing spent lubricating
oil were observed in the northeast of TKOFB (refer to Photo 7507 and 7510 in Appendix 8.4).
Oxygen and acetylene are gaseous compounds which would not lead to land
contamination. No signs of stains / spillage / stressed vegetation were
observed in the vicinity of the DG store and chemical waste cabinet. A crushing plant is located in
the west of TKOFB, which was inaccessible for detailed site walkover. Temporary storage
of lubricating oil buckets was
observed outside the crushing plant (refer to Photo 8339 in Appendix 8.4), which were reportedly empty.
The lubricating oil buckets were stored on metal plates and rubber sheets
with no oil stains observed in the vicinity. Lubricating oil and diesel are
reportedly used for operation of the crushing plant and the generator near the crushing plant
with on-site refueling as needed. Based on site observation, the generators near
the crushing plant and site office were observed on concrete slabs with no signs
of stains / spillage / stressed vegetation noted in the vicinity the generators (refer to Photo 8320 and 8341 in Appendix
8.4). According to the site representative, the
site is Designated Project under EIAO with Environmental Permit. Weekly
inspection by the ET is conducted under Environmental Monitoring &
Auditing (EM&A) programme to monitor the chemicals handled and to check /
rectify any spillage on site. Chemical
spillage drilling and emergency procedures for major chemical / adhesive /
oil spillage are also provided for the site workers. Based on information from EPD, FSD and site
representative, there were no DG / fire incident / chemical spillage records
for the site. There were 3 valid (CWP ID 9, 10 & 11) and
invalid (CWP ID 15, 16, 18, 19 & 21) CWP
records associated with construction and handling of surplus public fill for
the site. |
Photo 6134, 6451, 6521, 6567, 7507, 7510, 8320
& 8398 in Dwg.
No. 60720423/B30/733; Photo 6244, 8339, 8341 & 8437 in Dwg.
No. 60720423/B30/735; Photo 5122 in Dwg.
No. 60720423/B30/737 and Photo 7627 in Dwg.
No. 60720423/B30/739 |
N/A |
735,000 |
No Given
that weekly inspection by the ET is conducted under EM&A programme to
monitor chemicals handled and to check and rectify any spillage on site, the
generators were observed on concrete slabs and no signs of oil stains /
spillage / stressed vegetation was observed on site during the site walkover,
potential land contamination issues associated with operation of the site to
the Project are not anticipated. |
N/A |
N/A |
Kwan O Area 137 Construction Waste Sorting Facilities (TKOSF) (Portion
A: Lot No. GLA-TSK 745
and Portion B: Lot No. GLA-TSK 692)) |
Construction waste sorting facilities and
site office |
The construction waste sorting facilities
under Contract No. CV/2022/02 Temporary Construction Waste Sorting
Facilities (2022 – 2025) is located at TKO 137. The site consists
of 2 portions, namely Portion B in the north and Portion A in the southeast
of TKO 137, which is currently operated by CEDD and Tapbo
– Sang Hing Joint Venture (contractor). Portion B of the site mainly comprises 2
site offices and combined reception and exit office in the north, a recycling
materials storage area in the west and a preliminary sorting area in the
south. Based on site observations and
as reported by the site representative, the recycling materials storage area
used for the temporary storage
of recyclable non-inert waste (e.g. steel and plastic) from sorting of mixed
construction waste (refer to Photo 7733 in Appendix
8.4). Portion A of the site mainly comprises a
sorting facility and tipping hall in the west and a workers’ rest container
in the south of the site. Portion B and Portion A of the site are largely
unpaved except for the recycling materials storage area, combined reception
and exit office, site offices and main haul road in Portion B with no signs
of oil stain, spillage or stressed vegetation observed during the site
walkover. Based on site observations and as reported
by the site representative, lubricating oils are stored in the chemical
storage cabinet in the west of Portion A. A generator placed on unpaved ground
in the center of Portion A and
an oil drum provided with a drip tray above a concrete slab
observed next to the generator. As reported by the site representative, the
generator is used on an as-needed basis only and is equipped with a built-in
drip tray. The chemical storage cabinet, the generator, the drip
tray and concrete slab under the oil drum were
noted to be in good condition with no signs of stain, spillage or stressed
vegetation observed (refer to Photo 5302, 7859 and 7850 in Appendix
According to the site representative, the
site is Designated Project under EIAO with Environmental Permit. Weekly
inspection by the ET is conducted under EM&A programme to monitor the
chemicals handled and to check / rectify any spillage on site. Based on information from FSD, EPD and site
representative, there were no DG / fire incident / spillage records for the
site. There were 4 valid (CWP ID 1, 2, 3 and 7)
and 3
invalid (CWP ID 13, 17 and 20)
CWP records associated with construction of the construction waste sorting
facilities. |
Photo 7708, 7730, 7733, 7740 & 7789 in Dwg.
No. 60720423/B30/734 and Photo 5302, 7832, 7859, 7850 & 7888 in Dwg No. 60720423/B30/739 |
N/A |
52,100 |
No The
drip tray and concrete slab under the oil drum, the generator
with a built-in drip tray
and the chemical storage cabinet were observed to be in good condition with no signs of stain / spillage were observed.
Weekly inspection by the ET is conducted under EM&A programme to monitor
chemicals handled and to check and rectify any spillage on site. Based on the
above, no potential land contamination issues associated with operation of
the site to the Project are anticipated. |
N/A |
N/A |
WSD Site Office and Construction Materials
Storage (WSD Site) (Lot No. GLA-TKS 3959) |
office and construction materials storage |
The site office and construction materials
storage under Contract No. 13/WSD/17 Design, Build and Operate 1st Stage
of Tseung Kwan O Desalination Plant is located in
the east of TKO 137, which is currently operated by WSD and AJC Joint Venture
(contractor). The site mainly comprises of site office in
the northwest and southeast of the site, a workshop and a materials store in
the southwest of the site, soil stockpiling area in the east of the site and
construction materials storage in the remaining areas of the site. The
site was concrete paved except for the construction materials storage and
soil stockpiling area. Based on the site observations and as reported by the site representative,
the workshop was used for small-scale repair and
maintenance works on a needed basis only which involved the use of limited
amount of chemicals (e.g. epoxy paints and paints), while the
materials store was mainly used for the storage of Electrical and Mechanical
(E&M) equipment (e.g. freezers,
cables, pipe parts and fittings, electrical boxes and
cabinets). The workshop was concrete paved with storage of construction materials including pipe parts and fittings, epoxy paints and paints observed (refer
to Photo 8104 in Appendix
8.4). Based on site observations and as reported
by the site representative, there are 2 Schedule 2 DG stores containing resin
solutions and organic peroxide type D solutions located in the center of the site (refer to Photos 5701 and 5709 in Appendix 8.4). No stains / spillage / stressed vegetation
in the vicinity of the DG stores. Based on the site walkover, epoxy paints
and paints were observed inside the materials store, which were stored above
wooden pallets on concrete paved floor (refer to Photo 8160 in Appendix 8.4).
According to the site representative, these chemicals are
mainly used in works area of Contract No. 13/WSD/17 with small quantities
used in the workshop and temporarily stored on site only (refer to Photo 8104 in Appendix 8.4). Diesel oil drums were also observed above
wooden pallets on concrete paved ground outside the materials store (refer to Photo 5900 in Appendix 8.4).
The diesel oil drums were filled with diesel oil
and temporarily stored on site. The
diesel oil was reportedly used as fuel for the generator as needed. No chemical spillage or stains
were observed in the vicinity of the storage area of the chemicals. The generator was observed on the concrete paved ground
next to the diesel oil drums noted to be in good condition with no oil stain
/ spillage
or stains observed in the vicinity (refer to Photo 8174 in Appendix
8.4). Based on information provided by WSD,
monthly inspection is conducted to monitor chemical handling and to check and
rectify any spillage on site, and there are no records of land contamination
/ chemical spillage / leakage for the site. According to email correspondence with WSD provided in
Appendix 8.3, in
accordance with Engineering Conditions of TGLA No.3959, the allocatee (i.e.
WSD) shall ensure the site is free from contamination, and any contamination
substance should be removed before handing back to District Lands Office
(DLO) at the expiry of allocation. Based on information from FSD and EPD,
there were no CWP record / chemical spillage / DG / incident records for the
site. |
Photo 5701, 5709, 5900, 7949, 8174 & 8262 in Dwg.
No. 60720423/B30/737 and Photo 8104, 8135, 8160, 8164, 8203, 8236
& 8270 in Dwg.
No. 60720423/B30/738 |
N/A |
44,700 |
No Given
that there is no reported land contamination / chemical spillage / leakage, the
workshop was concrete paved with limited use and storage of chemicals for
small-scale repair and maintenance works on a needed basis only, the
generator and chemical storages were on concrete paved ground in good
condition with no stain / spillage observed, and allocatee (i.e. WSD) shall
ensure the site is free from contamination at the expiry of the allocation,
any land contamination arising from the site operation would have been
remediated prior to the construction of the Project. Hence, no land
contamination issues to the Project are anticipated. |
N/A |
N/A |
Sorting Facilities in Tseung Kwan O Area
137 Fill Bank under Contract No. 3206 (3RS Site) |
of Sorting Facilities |
The sorting facilities under Contract No.
3206 – Main Reclamation Works for Expansion of Hong Kong Internation into A
Three Runway System (3RS) is located in the west
of TKO 137, which is currently operated by Airport Authority Hong Kong
Venture (Contractor). The site mainly comprises 2 sorting
facilities in the north and south of the site, container offices, materials
storage container and chemical storage container in the center
and a tipping hall in the south of the site. The site is largely unpaved except for the
tipping hall. Based on site observations and information
provided by the site staff, chemicals identified on site include lubricant
grease, hydraulic oil, antifreeze coolant, transmission oil and engine oil.
These chemicals were reportedly used for daily site operation, which were
observed to be stored inside the chemical storage container provided with
metal corrugated sheets (refer to Photo 8875 in Appendix 8.4).
Thinners in sealed metal cans and
anti-corrosive paints were observed on the metal floor
the materials storage container (refer to Photo 7077 and 8661 in Appendix 8.4).
Lubricant gear oil drums filled with lubricant gear oil
were also observed on wooden pallets above concrete paved ground near the
tipping hall (refer to Photo 7027 in Appendix 8.4) for temporary storage only.
In addition, diesel oil was reportedly used for the generators and refueled directly to the tank of the generator from
diesel truck as needed. The generators were observed to be situated on
concrete slab / provided with drip trays above unpaved ground (refer to Photo 7013 and 8608 in Appendix 8.4).
signs of oil stains / spillage were observed on the concrete slab / drip
trays and unpaved ground in
the vicinity of the generators. The floors of the chemical storage container
and the materials storage container, and the concrete paved ground were noted
to be in good condition with no stains / spillage observed. A chemical waste storage container was
observed in the center of the site (refer to Photo 8844 in Appendix
Based on the site walkover and information provided by the site
representatives, chemical waste produced on-site are temporarily stored in
the designated chemical waste storage container, and no signs of spillage /
stains / stressed vegetation were observed in the vicinity of the designated
chemical waste storage container A patch of oil stain (approx. 3m2)
was observed on compacted gravel ground near the engine oil drum in the center of the site, in which the substance was likely to be engine
(refer to Photo 7010 in Appendix 8.4). However, as reported by the site
representative on 26 March 2024, the oil stain had been immediately
removed (refer
to Photo 0074 in Appendix 8.4) using oil absorbent pads and dry sand to soak
away the oil. The contaminated materials were placed inside a chemical waste
disposal bag and stored in the chemical waste storage container for
collection by licensed chemical waste collector. The oil stain removal was
carried out in
accordance with the EM&A manual and spill response plan of the 3RS
Project. Given that the oil stain was properly removed
immediately after the incident and that no residual oil was observed at the
concerned location, contamination to the underlying soil (if any) is
considered unlikely. Potential land contamination issue associated with the
incident is therefore not anticipated. The
site is Designated Project under EIAO with Environmental Permit. Monthly
inspection is reportedly carried out by AAHK and the contractor under
EM&A programme
to monitor the chemicals handled and to check / rectify any spillage on site.
Based on information from FSD, EPD and the
site representative, there were no chemical spillage / DG / incident records
for the site. There was 1 valid (CWP ID 6)
CWP records associated with the operation of the site. |
Photo 7027, 7077, 8661 & 8875 in Dwg.
No. 60720423/B30/735 and Photo 0074, 6993, 7010, 7013, 7042, 8832, 8844
& 8608 in
Dwg. No. 60720423/B30/736 |
N/A |
23,900 |
No Given
that there were no signs of stains / spillage observed in the vicinity of chemical
storage areas, concrete slab and drip trays under the
generators and the unpaved ground in the vicinity of the generators,
and the oil stain observed near the engine oil drum had been properly removed
in accordance with EM&A manual and spill response plan of 3RS Project and
monthly inspection is conducted to monitor the chemicals handled and to check
/ rectify any spillage on site, no land contamination issues associated with
operation of the site to the Project are anticipated. |
N/A |
N/A |
Construction Site of Temporary Concrete
Batching Plant and Transformer
Room (Lot No. STTSK0061) (Site S2) |
site of temporary concrete batching plant and transformer
room |
The site is located in
the northwest of TKO 137 and mainly comprises a work area for construction of
the temporary concrete batching plant and transformer room, a construction
materials storage area and container offices. Based on the site observation, the site is
largely concrete paved except for the works area in the center
of the site and the construction materials storage area in the west of the
site. A generator provided with drip tray was observed
on concrete slab in the works area. A
diesel oil drum provided with drip tray was observed on unpaved ground next
to the
generator in the works area (refer to Photo 8776 in Appendix 8.4).
The drip trays
observed to be in good condition with no signs of oil stain / spillage
observed in the drip trays
/ concrete slab /
unpaved ground in the
vicinity of the diesel oil drum during the site walkover. Based
on site observations and information provided by the site representative,
apart from diesel oil for the generator, no other chemicals were identified /
used on site. Given the storage
of the diesel oil drum is temporary in nature for the construction works and
as there is no signs of contamination (e.g. oil stain / spillage) observed in the vicinity of the diesel oil drum,
land contamination issue is not anticipated. Based on information from FSD and EPD,
there were no CWP record / chemical spillage / DG / incident records for the
site. |
Photo 6804, 8529, 8769, 8776 & 8783 in Dwg.
No. 60720423/B30/732 |
N/A |
4,900 |
To be confirmed Given
that the drip tray under the diesel oil drum was in
good condition with no signs of stains / spillage observed in the drip tray /
unpaved ground in the vicinity of the diesel oil drum, and the storage of the
diesel oil drum is temporary in nature for the construction works, land
contamination issue is not anticipated. In addition,
concrete batching plant and transformer room are
considered as contaminating land types according to the EPD Practice Guide,
further site appraisal should be carried out after
decommissioning of the future concrete batching plant has ceased but prior to
the construction works of the Project to confirm any potential land
contamination issue to the Project. |
Open Space and Private Housing |
Urban Residential |
Skips Storage and Skip Lorries Parking Area
(Lot No. SX4788) (Site S1) |
of skips and parking of skip lorries |
The site is located at northwest of TKO
137. The entire site is unpaved. Based on site observation and information provided
by the site representative, storage of skips and parking of skip lorries were
observed. No chemicals / oil storage or potentially contaminating activities
(e.g. vehicle maintenance and refueling activities)
were observed / reportedly carried out on site. A patch of oil stain (approx.10 m2)
was observed on the unpaved ground near a skip lorry in the center of the site (refer to Photo 7384 in Appendix 8.4).
No other signs of oil stains / chemical spillages / potentially contaminating
activities were observed on site. Based on information from FSD and EPD,
there were no CWP record / chemical spillage / DG / incident records for the
site. |
Photo 7363, 7374, 7384, 9627, 9641 & 9665 in Dwg.
No. 60720423/B30/731 |
N/A |
4,700 ·
Oil stain (approx.10m2) |
Yes |
Open Space |
Public Park |
1. Refer to Dwg. No. 60720423/B30/730 in Appendix 8.4 for the site locations.
N/A: Not Applicable
Concerned Area(1) |
Hotspot(1) (Approx. Area) |
Sampling Location
ID(1) |
Sampling and
Testing Rationale |
Method |
Matrix/ Depth(2)(5) |
Parameters to
be Tested(3) |
PCRs |
VOCs |
Metals |
Skips Storage and Skip Lorries Parking Area (Site S1) |
Oil stain (10 m2) |
ENV-BH01 |
Target the
hotspot (oil stain) identified at the concerned area (approx.10 m2) |
drilling to 2m below the groundwater table or 6m bgl |
Soil |
0.5m bgl (ii)
1.5m bgl (iii)
3.0m bgl (iv) at
GW level or 6m bgl(4) |
ü |
ü |
ü |
ü |
(1) Refer to Figure 8.7 for concerned area and proposed sampling locations.
(2) bgl = below
ground level; GW = groundwater
(3) The testing parameters refer to the parameters as shown
in Table 2.1 – RBRGs for Soil & Soil Saturation Limit in the Guidance
(4) The deepest depth of
sampling should be at groundwater table or 6m bgl,
whichever is shallower.
(5) Since RBRGs values under
Public Park land use scenario were not available for groundwater, no
groundwater sampling and testing were proposed for Site S1.
· 1 equipment blank per 20 samples for full suite analysis;
· 1 field blank per 20 samples for full suite analysis;
· 1 duplicate soil sample per 20 soil samples and 1 duplicate groundwater sample per 20 groundwater samples for corresponding parameters analysis; and
· 1 trip blank sample per trip for analysis of VOCs.
Instruction of
works on work procedures, safe practices, emergency duties, and applicable regulations;
scheduled meetings of the workers in which the possible hazards, problems of
the job, and related safe practices are emphasized and discussed;
housekeeping practices; and
of and instruction in the location, use and maintenance of personal protective
proper safety devices, barriers to minimize hazards during performance of the work;
smoking and open flames and the carrying of matches and lighters;
and maintain a written emergency plan applicable to the Work and Site;
equipment in good operating condition and have emergency and first aid
equipment ready for immediate use, where applicable;
equipment tests to ensure that equipment is properly placed and in good
operating condition, and that workers are able to respond to emergency situations;
all workers employed or retained by the Contractor, or a subcontractor, to at
all time wear clothing suitable for existing work, weather and environmental
conditions; and
personnel are required to wear respirator and gloves for vapour
exposure protection, if necessary. Safety helmet and protective boots should be
8.6 Parameters, Reporting Limits and Reference
Methods for Laboratory Analysis
Item |
Parameter |
Soil |
Groundwater |
Limit (mg/kg) or otherwise specified |
Method* |
Limit (µg/L) or otherwise specified |
Method* |
1 |
Acenaphthene |
0.5 |
8270 |
2 |
8270 |
2 |
Acenaphthylene |
0.5 |
2 |
3 |
Anthracene |
0.5 |
2 |
4 |
Benzo(a)anthracene |
0.5 |
NA |
5 |
Benzo(a)pyrene |
0.5 |
NA |
6 |
Benzo(b)fluoranthene |
0.5 |
1 |
7 |
Benzo(g,h,i)perylene |
0.5 |
NA |
8 |
Benzo(k)fluoranthene |
0.5 |
NA |
9 |
bis-(2-Ethylhexyl)phthalate |
5 |
NA |
10 |
Chrysene |
0.5 |
1 |
11 |
Dibenzo(a,h)anthracene |
0.5 |
NA |
12 |
Fluoranthene |
0.5 |
2 |
13 |
Fluorene |
0.5 |
2 |
14 |
Hexachlorobenzene |
0.2 |
4 |
15 |
Indeno(1,2,3-cd)pyrene |
0.5 |
NA |
16 |
Naphthalene |
0.5 |
2 |
17 |
Phenanthrene |
0.5 |
2 |
18 |
Phenol |
0.5 |
NA |
19 |
Pyrene |
0.5 |
2 |
VOCs |
20 |
Acetone |
50 |
USEPA 8260 |
500 |
USEPA 8260 |
21 |
Bromodichloromethane |
0.1 |
5 |
22 |
2-Butanone |
5 |
50 |
23 |
Chloroform |
0.04 |
5 |
24 |
tert-Butyl Ether |
0.5 |
5 |
25 |
Chloride |
0.5 |
50 |
26 |
Styrene |
0.5 |
5 |
27 |
Tetrachloroethene |
0.04 |
5 |
28 |
Trichloroethene |
0.1 |
5 |
29 |
Benzene |
0.2 |
5 |
30 |
Toluene |
0.5 |
5 |
31 |
Ethylbenzene |
0.5 |
5 |
32 |
(Total) |
2 |
20 |
Metals |
33 |
Antimony |
1 |
6020 |
NA |
NA |
34 |
Arsenic |
1 |
NA |
NA |
35 |
Barium |
1 |
NA |
NA |
36 |
Cadmium |
0.2 |
NA |
NA |
37 |
III^ |
1 |
calculation |
NA |
NA |
38 |
VI |
1 |
3060 APHA
3500 CR:D |
NA |
NA |
39 |
Cobalt |
1 |
6020 |
NA |
NA |
40 |
Copper |
1 |
NA |
NA |
41 |
Lead |
1 |
NA |
NA |
42 |
Manganese |
1 |
NA |
NA |
43 |
Mercury |
0.05 |
3112B |
0.5 |
3112B |
44 |
Molybdenum |
1 |
6020 |
NA |
NA |
45 |
Nickel |
1 |
NA |
46 |
Tin |
1 |
NA |
47 |
Zinc |
1 |
NA |
PCRs |
48 |
- C8 |
5 |
8015/8260 |
20 |
8015/8260 |
49 |
- C16 |
200 |
500 |
50 |
- C35 |
500 |
500 |
NA = Not
^ Chromium III
is quantified by calculation based on Chromium VI and Total Chromium measured
under HOKLAS accredited methods.
* Alternative
testing methods with accreditation by HOKLAS or its Mutual Recognition
Arrangement partners are also accepted.
Table 8.7 Tentative
Programme for Land Contamination Assessment
Task |
Tentative Programme |
Further site appraisal, preparation and
submission of CAP(s) |
1-2 months after site handover |
Approval of CAP(s) |
3 months after site handover |
SI works, laboratory tests, preparation and
submission of CAR(s)/RAP(s) |
4-6 months after site handover |
Approval of CAR(s)/RAP(s) |
7 months after site handover |
Remediation works, preparation and submission of
RR (if required) |
Subject to results of the SI works and
programme of remediation works |
· Excavation profiles must be properly designed and executed with attention to the relevant requirements for environment, health and safety;
· Excavation shall be carried out during dry season to minimise contaminated runoff from contaminated soils;
· Suitable clean backfill material (or treated soil) shall be supplied after excavation;
· Stockpiling site(s) shall be lined with impermeable sheeting and bunded. Stockpiles shall be fully covered by impermeable sheeting to reduce dust emission. If this is not practicable due to frequent usage, regular watering shall be applied. However, watering shall be avoided on stockpiles of contaminated soil to minimise contaminated runoff;
· Vehicles containing any excavated materials shall be suitably covered to limit potential dust emissions or contaminated wastewater run-off, and truck bodies and tailgates shall be sealed to prevent any discharge during transport or during wet conditions;
· Speed control for the trucks carrying contaminated materials shall be enforced;
· Vehicle wheel and body washing facilities at the site’s exist points shall be established and used; and
· Pollution control measures for air emissions (e.g. from biopile blower and handling of cement), noise emissions (e.g. from blower or earthmoving equipment), and water discharges (e.g. runoff control from treatment facility) shall be implemented and complied with relevant regulations and guidelines.
[1] Black & Veatch Hong Kong Limited, Contamination Assessment Plan
(CAP) & Contamination Assessment Report (CAR) under Agreement No.
CE8/2015 (WS) First Stage of Desalination Plan at Tseung Kwan O –
Investigation, Design and Construction, February 2017