12                                        Quantitative Risk Assessment

This section of the impact assessment presents a summary of the analysis and findings of the Quantitative Risk Assessment (QRA) study undertaken for the proposed natural gas subsea pipelines from the Mainland to Black Point Power Station (BPPS) and two Gas Receiving Stations (GRSs) at BPPS.

This section is divided into three sub sections: Section 12.1 relates to the general aspects of the QRA study, Section 12.2 relates to the subsea pipelines while Section 12.3 relates to the GRSs.

Further details of the analysis pertaining to each facility are presented in the respective annexes; Annex 12A covers the subsea pipelines, Annex 12B covers the new GRSs, while Annex 12C conducts an assessment of the GRSs together with the existing GRS. 

An additional annex is provided to summarise all the assumptions adopted in the QRA study (Annex 12D).

12.1                                  General

12.1.1                            Legislation Requirement and Evaluation Criteria

The key legislation and guidelines that are considered relevant to the development of the proposed pipelines and GRS are as follows:

·           Gas Safety Ordinance, Chapter 51

·           Hong Kong Planning Standards and Guidelines (HKPSG), Chapter 12

·           Dangerous Goods Ordinance, Chapter 295

·           Environmental Impact Assessment Ordinance (EIAO), Chapter 499

·           The EIA Study Brief (ESB-208/2009), Section 3.4.9

There is some overlap in the requirements of the various pieces of legislation and guidelines.  The requirement for a Quantitative Risk Assessment study is contained in the EIAO and HKPSG.  Such a study, although not required explicitly in the Gas Safety Ordinance, is implied in the regulations and has been an established practice for similar installations in the SAR.

12.1.2                            EIAO Technical Memorandum (EIAO-TM)

The requirement for a QRA of projects involving storage, use and transport of dangerous goods where risk to life is a key issue with respect to Hong Kong Government Risk Guidelines (HKRG) is specified in Section 12 of the EIAO-TM.

The relevant authority for a QRA study relating to a natural gas pipeline and GRS is the Gas Standards Office (GSO) of the Electrical and Mechanical Services Department (EMSD), as specified in Annex 22 of EIAO-TM.

Annex 4 of EIAO-TM specifies the Individual Risk and Societal Risk Guidelines.

12.1.3                            Risk Measures and Hong Kong Government Risk Guidelines (HKRG)

Individual risk is the predicted increase in the chance of fatality per year to a hypothetical individual who remains 100% of the time at a given stationary point.  The individual risk guidelines require that the maximum level of off-site individual risk associated with a hazardous installation should not exceed 1 in 100,000 per year i.e. 1´10-5 per year.

Societal risk expresses the risks to the whole population.  The HKRG is presented graphically in Figure 12.1.  It is expressed in terms of lines plotting the frequency (F) of N or more deaths in the population from incidents at the installation.  Two FN risk lines are used in the HKRG to demark “acceptable” or “unacceptable” societal risks.  The intermediate region indicates the acceptability of societal risk is borderline and should be reduced to a level which is “as low as reasonably practicable” (ALARP).  It seeks to ensure that all practicable and cost-effective measures which can reduce risks will be considered.

Figure 12.1     Hong Kong Government Risk Guidelines


12.1.4                            Study Objectives & Methodology

The objective of the QRA study is to assess the risk to life of the general public including the workers of nearby plants from the proposed facilities during its operational phase.  The results of the QRA are compared with the HKRG.

The detailed objectives of the study are:

·           To identify all credible hazardous scenarios associated with storage, handling and operation of the pipeline and GRS facilities, which has potential to cause fatalities;

·           To carry out the QRA expressing population risks in both individual and societal terms;

·           To compare the individual and societal risks at the proposed development sites with the HKRG;

·           To identify and assess practical and cost effective risk mitigation measures as appropriate; and

The elements of the QRA are shown schematically in Figure 12.2.

An overview of the methodology employed is provided here to briefly introduce the study approach, while the details are included in the respective sections/ annexes.

Relevant data on the proposed facilities such as their preliminary layout drawings and design basis as well as population data in the vicinity were collected and reviewed.

A Hazard Identification (HAZID) Study was conducted to identify all hazards, both generic and site specific.  A review of literature and accident databases was also undertaken (Annex 12A.4 and Annex 12B.4).  These formed the basis for identifying all hazardous scenarios for the QRA Study.

The frequencies, or the likelihood, of the various outcomes resulting from a natural gas release scenario were derived from historical databases and, where necessary, these were modified to take into account local factors (Annex 12A.5 and Annex12B.5).

For all identified hazards assessed as having a frequency of less than 10-9 per year, the frequency assessment will be documented but no quantification of consequences will be performed.

For hazards with frequencies greater than 10-9 per year, the consequences of each release were modelled.

Hydrocarbon releases have been modelled using the PHAST consequence modelling package developed by Det Norske Veritas, Inc. (DNV)

The consequence and frequency data were subsequently combined using ERM’s proprietary software RiskplotTM to produce the required risk calculations.

Finally, the results from the risk assessment were compared with the HKRG and found to be acceptable.  No mitigation measures are therefore proposed.

Figure 12.2     Schematic of QRA Process


12.2                                  Pipeline

The proposed subsea pipelines will transport compressed natural gas from the Mainland to CAPCO’s Black Point Power Station.  Two pipelines are proposed and only 5 km of the pipeline alignment lies within Hong Kong SAR waters.  It is this 5 km section of the route which is considered in this assessment.  Details of the pipeline are preliminary at the time of writing but will likely consist of two pipes of between 32” and 42” diameter.  These may be located in two separate trenches constructed about 2 years at different times and located 100 m apart.  This section of the report presents a summary of the QRA study for the subsea pipelines while Annex 12A gives further details.

Whilst the construction of the first pipeline is expected to be in 2011, the construction of the second pipeline is expected to be in 2014.  The additional risks arising from construction activities in 2014 (when the first pipeline is operational) are assessed but not found to be significant.  Results are therefore presented for a single operational pipeline in 2011, and for 2 operational pipelines in the future year 2021.  The assessment also takes into account the variation of marine traffic between 2011 and 2021. 

12.2.1                            Pipeline and Marine Data

Pipeline Route

The proposed pipelines take a subsea route from the Mainland China to Black Point Power Station (Figure 12.3).  The pipelines will cross the Urmston Road waterway (not a designated channel), and the Hong Kong section is only 5 km in length and passes about 100 – 200 m north of the existing Yacheng pipeline.

The pipelines will be buried to between 1.5 and about 5 m below the seabed with rock armour/ natural fill protection (Figure 12.4).  Type 1 protection is used on the shore approach to Black Point and provides 1.5 m of rock armour backfill.  This provides protection for anchors up to 3 tonnes, essentially protecting against anchors from all ships below about 10,000 dwt.  Trench type 2 is used in shallow water areas away from the busy marine fairways.  Trench type 2 consists of post-trenching with about 5 m of armour rock and natural backfill.  This is designed for protection from 3 - 5 tonne anchors (i.e. from all ships below about 10,000 dwt) and any future dredging work.  The Urmston Road waterway will have type 3 trenches consisting of 3 m of rock armour backfill.  Type 3 is designed to protect against 19 tonne anchors.  This covers the full range of ships currently operating in Hong Kong and also those expected in future.

Marine Traffic

A marine traffic assessment [1] studied the marine traffic in the vicinity of the pipeline using radar tracks.  Based on the vessel speed and apparent size from the radar returns, vessels are divided into six categories (Table 12.1).  The number of ships is also determined from the density of radar tracks.  Although some interpretation of the data was required, the marine assessment provided the necessary information to determine the marine traffic volume crossing different sections of the pipeline.


Figure 12.3     Proposed Pipeline Alignment

















Figure 12.4     Pipeline Trench Types



Table 12.1      Vessel Classes Adopted for Assessment

It was also necessary to make some assumptions regarding the population of each class of vessel.  These are given in Table 12.2.

Table 12.2      Vessel Population



Fishing vessels

Rivertrade coastal vessels

Ocean-going vessels

Fast launches

Fast ferries








* A distribution was assumed for the fast ferry population to reflect the occupancy at different time periods.  This distribution is conservative when compared to the average load factor published by the Marine Department.


Segmentation of the Route

Based on considerations of the marine traffic data and the level of rock armour protection proposed for the pipeline, the pipeline route was divided into 4 sections for analysis (Table 12.3, Figure 12.3). 

Table 12.3      Pipeline Segmentation



Kilometre Post

Section Length (km)

Typ.  Water depth (m)

Trench type




Boundary Section







Urmston Road







Black Point West







Black Point Approach







The marine traffic used for this study, interpreted from vessel radar tracks [1], is as summarised in Table 12.4.  Similar traffic tables were constructed for the future 2021 scenarios (Tables 12.5) by incorporating growth factors for the expected increase in traffic [1]  These data take into account developments such as the Tonggu Waterway, which tends to shift ocean-going vessels away from Urmston Road and into Tonggu.

Table 12.4      Traffic Volume Assumed for Base Case 2011


Traffic volume (ships per day)






Fast Launch

Fast ferry




Boundary Section









Urmston Road









Black Point West









Black Point Approach


















Table 12.5      Traffic Volume Assumed for Future Year 2021


Traffic volume (ships per day)






Fast Launch

Fast ferry




Boundary Section









Urmston Road









Black Point West









Black Point Approach

















* The volume of ocean-going vessels through Urmston Road is expected to decrease due to the development of the Tonggu Waterway. However, as a conservative approach, the analysis assumes that ocean-going vessel traffic for 2021 and 2011 remain constant at 2003 levels.

Pipeline Protection

Varying levels of rock armour protection are proposed for each section of the pipeline based on earlier studies [2].  These levels of rock armour protection are assumed in the base case analysis as well as future traffic scenarios presented in this report.

12.2.2                            Methodology

Key elements of the risk assessment methodology are described in the following sections.

Hazard Identification

Hazards were identified by reviewing worldwide databases [5], [6] and reports on incidents related to subsea pipelines [7], [8].  A HAZID (Hazard Identification) workshop was also conducted for the proposed pipeline to identify any route/site specific issues.  The details of the hazard identification process are presented in Annex 12A. 

The main hazard associated with a subsea pipeline is loss of containment resulting in gas release which could be ignited by a passing marine vessel.  A loss of containment could occur from:

·           Failures due to external impact (such as anchor drop/drag);

·           Spontaneous failures from corrosion and material/weld defects; and

·           Natural hazards (such as subsidence, seismic event).

Frequency Estimation

Frequency assessment is the estimation of the likelihood of occurrence of each scenario based on the hazard identification exercise.  The approach adopted here for estimating frequency of pipeline failure is to apply worldwide historical data, with appropriate modifications for the specific pipeline environment. 

The database that is most comprehensive and relevant is PARLOC 2001 [3].  This covers 300,000 km-years of subsea pipeline experience dating from the 1960s to 2000.  This database provides failure frequencies for different causes such as corrosion, material defects, external impact etc.  It also provides a breakdown by pipe diameter, location and contents of pipeline. 

To validate this approach, particularly for anchor/impact damage where the specific marine traffic environment is more relevant, alternative calculations were performed for comparison.  These were based on marine incident rates in Hong Kong waters, from which the likelihood of emergency anchoring events were estimated.  This alternate approach was found to give similar failure frequencies to that derived from the PARLOC data.  The frequencies used in the analysis are summarised in Table 12.6 while details are presented in Annex 12A.

The CAPCO pipelines will have rock armour protection along its whole length.  To allow for this, protection factors are incorporated into the analysis.  Trench types 1 and 2 are designed to protect against 3 - 5 tonne anchors.  They are assumed to be 99% effective.  They are also assumed to provide some protection (50%) against larger anchors.  Trench type 3 is designed to protect against 19 tonne anchors, covering all ships currently operating in Hong Kong and those expected in the future.  This trench type was assumed to be 99% effective for large anchors and provide even greater protection (99.9%) against smaller anchors, i.e. below 2 tonnes (see Table 12.6).  Note that the rock armour design will be finalised during the engineering stage based on these performance considerations.  The above assumptions are therefore conservative.

The frequencies used in the analysis are summarised in Table 12.6 while details are presented in Annex 12A.  The probability of damage to the pipeline leading to a gas release is estimated as 0.0005 for the 5 km section during the lifetime of the facility, assumed as 25 years.

Table 12.6      Summary of Pipeline Failure Frequencies used in this Study

Pipeline section

Trench type

Corrosion /defects (/km/year)






Frequency (/km/year)

Protection factor (%)



Boundary Section








Urmston Road








Black Point West








Black Point Approach








* The calculation of total failure frequency takes into account the size distribution of ships (based on 2011 marine traffic) and the protection factors for anchors

Scenario Development

The outcome of a hazard is predicted using Event Tree Analysis (ETA) to investigate the way initiating events could develop.  This considers the cause of failure, the hole size distribution, the likelihood that a marine vessel will be in the area and the probability that the gas will be ignited.  Historical data is used where appropriate for the hole size distribution and ignition probability.  The probability that a ship will pass through the flammable plume is calculated based on the size of the plume (obtained from dispersion modelling) and the marine traffic density.

Consequence Analysis

In the event of loss of containment in a subsea pipeline, the gas will release as a jet but is expected to lose momentum and bubble to the sea surface and disperse into the atmosphere as a buoyant gas.  The dispersing plume may encounter an ignition source, say from a passing vessel, while within its flammable limits, leading to a flash fire, which will propagate through the gas cloud. 

The flash fire could cause injury to personnel on marine vessels.  It may also cause secondary fires on the vessel.

If a vessel passes close to the ‘release area’ (where bubbles of gas break through the sea surface), the vessel may be caught in the ensuing fire with more severe consequences.  100% fatality is assumed for this scenario.  Once a fire has ignited, it is presumed that no further ships will be involved because the fire will be visible and other ships can take action to avoid the area.  In other words, it is assumed that at most, only one ship will be affected.

12.2.3                            Risk Results

Individual Risk

The individual risk (IR) is given in Table 12.7.  The highest risks come from Urmston Road where the marine traffic is the highest.  The individual risk for all sections, however, is less than 1´10-5 per year.  Comparing the case of two operational pipelines with just one pipeline, the risk is essentially the same along most of the route since the 100m separation of the pipelines exceeds most of the hazard distances, i.e. there is little overlap of the risk contours.  However, on the shore approach to Black Point, the pipeline alignments converge.  The worst case IR is therefore about double the risk from a single pipeline, but this is still much below the 10-5 per year criterion.   

Table 12.7      Individual Risk Results (per year)


1 pipeline

2 pipelines


Boundary Section




Urmston Road




Black Point West




Black Point Approach




Societal Risk Results

Societal risks are presented in terms of per km to give a uniform basis for comparison between the various sections.  Again, the highest risks are associated with Urmston Road (Table 12.8).  The total Potential Loss of Life (PLL), or equivalent annual fatality, for the whole length of pipeline ranges from 2.0´10-5 per year for a single pipeline in 2011 to 4.2´10-5 per year for two pipelines in operation in 2021.  Marine population differences between 2011 and 2021 are only marginal and hence the societal risk from two pipelines is essentially double that from a single pipeline.


Table 12.8      Potential Loss of Life Results (per km-year)


1 pipeline

2 pipelines


Boundary Section




Urmston Road




Black Point West




Black Point Approach








The FN curves for each section are presented in Figures 12.5 and 12.6.  These are also expressed on a per km basis for comparison with the HKRG.

The FN curves also show that the highest risks are associated with Urmston Road.  Despite the high level of pipeline protection, the marine traffic volume is very high along this section.  The approach to Black Point shows the lowest risks due to the very low marine activity in this area.

The FN curves for all sections of the pipeline lie within the Acceptable Region.

Figure 12.5     FN Curve for Single Pipeline in 2011


Figure 12.6     FN Curve for Two Pipelines in 2021

12.2.4                            Conclusions of Pipeline QRA Study

A QRA study for the proposed CAPCO pipelines was conducted.  The study considered the loss of containment that may occur due to all possible events, of which corrosion, material defects and third party damage from ship anchor drops/drags were identified as the major risk contributors.  Based on a review of the hazards, the marine traffic density and pipeline rock armour protection, the 5 km pipelines within Hong Kong SAR waters was divided into four sections for assessment.  Risks have been presented for each section on a per-km basis to provide a uniform basis for comparison.

The base case calculation used marine traffic data for 2011 and levels of rock armour protection for each section as proposed in the pipeline design.  A future year 2021 was also assessed.

The calculated levels of risk were compared with the HK EIAO and the following conclusions were drawn:

·           The FN curves for all sections of the pipeline lie within the Acceptable Region.

·           The highest risks are generally associated with Urmston Road where the marine traffic has the highest density.

·           IR for all sections are predicted to be less than the 1´10-5 per year as per HK EIAO criterion.

It is concluded that for all sections, the risks are acceptable per HK EIAO and no further mitigation measures are warranted for the pipelines.

12.3                                  Gas Receiving Stations (GRSs)

The proposed pipelines from the Mainland China will terminate at two gas receiving stations (GRSs) at BPPS.  One will be located adjacent to the existing GRS (co-located GRS), the second will be located on reclaimed land to the north of the BPPS site (GRS on reclamation).  The two GRSs are not expected to be constructed concurrently.  The co-located GRS will be constructed in 2011 (i.e. First Phase construction) while the construction of the GRS on reclamation is expected to commence in 2014.  Therefore, the following 3 cases were considered in the QRA:

·           “Scenario 2011” considers the risks from the co-located GRS operating only;

·           “Scenario 2014” considers the risks from the co-located GRS operating during construction of the GRS on reclamation; and

·           “Scenario 2021” considers the risks from both co-located GRS and GRS on reclamation operating at the same time.

This section provides the QRA results for the GRSs.

12.3.1                            Methodology

Details of the QRA analysis are provided in Annex 12B.  A brief summary is provided here.

Each GRS will contain a pig receiver, inlet filter-separators, metering, pre-heaters and a pressure letdown station.  An emergency isolation valve will be provided at the inlet to the station and also for individual section isolation in the event of any emergency.  Process flow diagrams are included in Annex 12B.

The methodology for the QRA includes the identification of surrounding population, identification of hazards, frequency analysis, consequence analysis and risk summation.

Site Details

The BPPS is located in a remote area with very low levels of surrounding population.  For the purpose of this QRA, the site is considered to include the new GRS facilities and the reclaimed land.  There is no land based population that may be impacted by any gas releases from the GRS facilities.  The main population that may be impacted is the marine population.

The effects of gas releases from the facility depend on weather conditions. Meteorological conditions from the most recent 5 years of data from Sha Chau Weather Station, obtained from the Hong Kong Observatory, were used in the analysis.

Scenario Definition

The identification of hazards was based on a review of past incidents at similar facilities worldwide and a HAZID workshop.  The GRS facilities contain natural gas under high pressure, the main hazards of which are associated with the flammable properties of natural gas and the possibility of leaks followed by ignition.  This may result in jet fires, fireball and flash fires.

Once the main hazards are understood, the facility is divided into sub-sections for further analysis.  Nine sections were chosen for the current analysis, ranging from pig receiving facilities to the downstream distribution headers. A range of leak sizes, from small leaks to full ruptures, are considered in the analysis.

Frequency Analysis

The frequency of leaks and ruptures from each section of the GRS was estimated from published generic failure rates [4].  Event Tree Analysis is then used to model the development of releases into the final outcomes such as jet fires and flash fires.  Special consideration was given to pigging operations which may lead to releases caused by human error.

Consequence Analysis

The PHAST suite of models is used to determine the hazard footprint for each leak scenario. This includes the modelling of discharge rates, dispersion and thermal radiation for jet fires, flash fires and fireballs.

12.3.2                            Results

Individual Risk Results

The individual risk (IR) contours associated with the co-located GRS with 2011 population are shown in Figure 12.7.  The maximum risk is less than 1´10-5 per year at all locations and hence meets the HKRG requirements.  The IR for the construction phase in 2014 is the same since both cases have only one GRS operating and IR is independent of population.

IR for the future year 2021 is shown in Figure 12.8.  With two GRSs operational, the IR has increased but remains below 10-5 per year at the site boundary and hence meets the HKRG requirements.

Figure 12.7     Individual Risk Contours (2011 and 2014)

Individual Risk Contour (2011)


Individual Risk Contour (2014)

 10-6 per year



Figure 12.8     Individual Risk Contours (2021)

 10-6 per year

Societal Risk Results

The potential loss of life for the gas receiving station is given in Tables 12.9 to 12.11.  Values are very low for 2011, 2014 and 2021 given the low offsite population in the vicinity.  The total PLL, respectively, is 1.49´10-8 per year for year 2011, 1.49´10-8 per year for year 2014, and 1.52´10-7 per year for year 2021, or equivalently, estimated one fatality every 10 million years.

It can be observed that the risks are higher for 2021 compared to 2011.  This is due to two GRSs in operation instead of one.  Also, the second GRS on reclaimed land is closer to the only affected population, the marine population.

Table 12.9      Potential Loss of Life (Year 2011 and 2014)



PLL (per year)

Piping from PRS to mixing station




Heater Piping




Pig receiver




Piping from metering station to heaters




Above ground gas piping from offshore pipeline to pig receiver




Filter & inlet/outlet piping










Table 12.10    Potential Loss of Life (Year 2021)



PLL (per year)

Heater Piping




Piping from metering station to heaters




Piping from PRS to mixing station




Above ground gas piping from offshore pipeline to pig receiver




Piping from PRS to mixing station




Pig receiver




Filter & inlet/outlet piping




Piping from PRS to mixing station




Piping from PRS to mixing station













Figure 12.9 shows the FN Curves for the GRS at the BPPS.  It can be seen that the societal risk for the GRS is very low and within the Acceptable Region as per HK EIA Ordinance.  The risk increases slightly during the construction phase due to increase in surrounding population (marine only), but the risks are still low and in the acceptable region.

Figure 12.9     FN Curves for GRS


The FN curve presented in Figure 12.9 presents the results for the year 2014 when one GRS is in operation and the other one in construction.  The analysis shows that risks to the offsite population will remain low and within acceptable region.


Risks Associated with the Existing GRS

As per the requirements set out in the EIA Study Brief (ESB-208/2009) the risks arising from the two new GRSs were assessed and found acceptable as compared to the criteria (as depicted in Figure 12.9).  In addition to this, a quantitative assessment was conducted considering the hazards associated with the existing GRS.  A summary of this assessment is provided in the following paragraphs while the detailed assessment is presented in Annex 12C.  It should be noted that such an assessment is additional to the requirements by the EIA Study brief of the project.

Individual risks associated with the facilities, including the existing GRS and two new GRSs, meet the HKRG.

Societal risks associated with the operational phases of the project (including all 3 GRSs) are low and lie in the acceptable region of the FN curves.

Societal risks increase slightly during the construction phase due to slight increase in offsite population, which are at similar separation distances to the new GRSs.  Recommendations are made in accordance with best practice to mitigate these construction phase risks: 

·           The most hazardous maintenance operations on the existing GRS will be avoided during the construction of the GRS on reclamation.

·           Procedures for evacuation of construction workers will be in place in case of particularly hazardous operations on existing GRS and co-located GRS.

·           Specific emergency procedures will be put into place for the evacuation of construction workers.

·           Additional gas detectors along the boundary or gas and fire alarms for the detection from the GRSs in operation for escape and evacuation of construction workers will be considered.

·           The construction of a temporary steel wall or other appropriate barrier between the existing GRS and the GRS on reclamation will be considered to prevent gas spreading towards the construction site in case of a gas leak in the existing GRS.  This will also prevent the gas coming in contact with the ignition sources at the construction site, limit exposure of personnel to any direct flame from the existing GRS and provide time for construction personnel to evacuate the site.

These same recommendations may also be considered for the construction of the co-located GRS.  Even though the separation distance to the existing GRS is greater, these recommendations would provide additional mitigation.

·           During the construction of the co-located GRS and the GRS on reclamation, risks to the existing gas pipeline and the existing GRS could increase due to inadvertent damage caused by construction activity in the vicinity of existing installation.  These risks will be managed by special procedures, for construction, and monitoring/supervision.  This will include for example, a Job Safety Study conducted to assess the potential risk and failure modes of such construction operations and special precautions will be included in the procedures.

12.3.3                            Conclusions of GRS QRA Study

A QRA study for the proposed CAPCO GRSs was conducted.  Risks associated with the operational and construction phases of the facility are calculated to be low and within the HK EIAO criteria.  No further mitigation measures are warranted for the GRSs.

In addition to the requirements set out in the EIA study Brief of the project, a quantitative assessment was performed in Annex 12C considering the aggregated risks from the new and the existing GRSs.  The results show that the risks are acceptable during both phases of construction.  Mitigation measures, in accordance with best practices, were proposed and detailed in Annex 12C.

12.4                                  References

[1]           BMT Asia Pacific Ltd, Marine Impact Assessment for Black Point & Sokos islands LNG Receiving Terminal & Associated Facilities, Pipeline Issues, Working Paper #3, Issue 5, Apr 2006.

[2]           ERM-Hong Kong Ltd., Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG) Receiving Terminal and Associated Facilities EIA Report, October 2006.

[3]           PARLOC 2001: The Update of Loss of Containment Data for Offshore Pipelines, 5th Edition, Health & Safety Executive, 2003

[4]           Hawksley, J.L., Some Social, Technical and Economic Aspects of the Risks of Large Plants, CHEMRAWN III, 1984

[5]           UK AEA, Major Hazard Incident Database (MHIDAS) Silver Platter.

[6]           Institution of Chemical Engineers UK, The Accident Database, Version 2.01

[7]           National Transportation Safety Board, Natural gas Pipeline Rupture and Fire During Dredging of Tiger Pass, Lousiana, October 23, 1998.

[8]           National Research Council, Improving Safety of Marine Pipelines, 1994.