Agreement No. CE 26/2022 (EP) Development of Integrated Waste Management Facilities Phase 2 (I∙PARK2)

Environmental Impact Assessment


Appendix 2A  Preliminary Layout Plan for I∙PARK2

Appendix 3A  PATH Model Result

Appendix 3B  Details of Representative Air Sensitive Receivers

Appendix 3C  Comparison of Target Emission Limit Levels and Relevant Standards

Appendix 3D  Emission Inventory of the proposed I PARK2

Appendix 3E  Details of Marine Emission Sources

Appendix 3F  Details of Industrial Emission Sources

Appendix 3G  Details of Vehicular Emission

Appendix 3H  Details of WENTx Dust Emission Inventory

Appendix 3I  Details of Building Parameters for Building Downwash

Appendix 3J  Details of Surface Characteristics

Appendix 3K  Derivation of Cumulative Annual Average NOx to NO2 Conversion Equation using Jenkin's Method

Appendix 3L  Modelling Parameters of Odour Sources within the Assessment Area

Appendix 3M  Detailed Air Quality Assessment Results (AQO Pollutants)

Appendix 3N  Contour Plots of Air Quality Modeling Results

Appendix 4A  Traffic Forecast at Lung Kwu Tan Road

Appendix 5A  Correspondences from Intake Operators

Appendix 5B  Process Flow Diagram

Appendix 5C  Model Grid Layout, Properties and Performance Verification

Appendix 5D  Model Spin-up Test Results

Appendix 5E  Modelling Scenarios for Construction Phase

Appendix 5F  Modelling Scenarios for Operational Phase

Appendix 5G  Construction Phase Model Contour Plots for SS Elevations and Sedimentation Flux

Appendix 5H-1 Operational Phase Model Contour Plots for TRC

Appendix 5H-2 Operational Phase Model Contour Plots for Temperature Elevations

Appendix 5H-3 Operational Phase Model Contour Plots for Salinity Changes

Appendix 5H-4 Operational Phase Model Contour Plots for SMBS

Appendix 5I-1 Operational Phase Model Time Series Plots for Momentary and Accumulated Flow Across Outer Deep Bay

Appendix 5I-2 Operational Phase Surface Flow Vector Plots

Appendix 5I-3 Operational Phase Depth Averaged Flow Speeds

Appendix 5J  Non-point Source Surface Runoff

Appendix 7A  Findings of Terrestrial Ecological Baseline Survey Conducted in 2024

Appendix 7B  Report of Terrestrial Ecological Baseline Survey Conducted in 2023

Appendix 7C  Marine Ecological Field Survey Reports

Appendix 9A  Visual Context of Key Public Viewers and Viewing Points

Appendix 9B  Visual Impact Mitigation Measure Plan

Appendix 9C  Photomontages of Key Public Viewing Point

Appendix 10A Calculation of Emission Rates of COPCs

Appendix 10B  Background Concentration of COPCs measured at Tuen Mun Air Quality Monitoring Station in 2022

Appendix 10C Predicted Cumulative Chronic Non-carcinogenic Health Risk

Appendix 10D Predicted Incremental Chronic Carcinogenic Health Risk

Appendix 10E  Predicted Cumulative Acute Health Risk

Appendix 10F  Contour Plots for Cumulative Acute Health Risk of Arsenic and Nickel

Appendix 13A Key Assessment Assumptions and Limitations of Methodologies

Appendix 13B  Summary of Environmental Impacts