1.1 Project Background
1.2 Site History
1.3 Project Description
1.4 EIA Study Brief
1.5 Designated Projects
1.6 Other Infrastructure Works
1.7 Project Benefits and
Environmental Benefits
1.8 Concurrent Projects
1.9 Objective of the EIA Report
1.10 Structure of the EIA Report
2 Consideration
of alternative development options
2.1 Formulation
of Development Layout
2.2 Public
2.3 Consultation
of Alternatives
2.4 Implementation
2.5 Planning
Applications witin PDA
2.6 Recommended Development Parameters and Land Use
3 Project
Description and Construction methodologies
3.1 Need
of the Project
3.2 Appreciation
of Existing Environment
3.3 Consideration
of Scenario With and Without the Proposed Development
3.4 Consideration of Construction Methodologies
4.1 Introduction
4.2 Environmental
Legislation, Standards and Guidelines
4.3 Baseline
4.4 Air
Sensitive Receivers
4.5 Identification
of Pollution Sources
4.6 Construction
Phase Impact Assessment
4.7 Operation
Phase Impact Assessment
4.8 Conclusion
5.1 Introduction
5.2 Environmental
Legislation, Standards and Guidelines. 5-1
5.3 Baseline Conditions
5.4 Noise Sensitive Receivers
5.5 Identification of Pollution Sources
5.6 Construction Noise Impact Assessment
5.7 Road Traffic Noise Impact Assessment
5.8 Fixed Noise Source Impact Assessment
5.9 Rail Noise Impact Assessment
5.10 Conclusion
6.1 Introduction
6.2 Environmental Legislation and
6.3 Water Sensitive Receivers
6.4 Baseline
6.5 Assessment
6.6 Identification of Pollution Sources
6.7 Prediction and Evaluation of Impacts
6.8 Mitigation Measures
6.9 Residual Impacts
6.10 Conclusions and
7 sewerage
and sewage treatment implications
7.1 Introduction
7.2 Design Guidelines and Standards
7.3 Existing and Planned Sewage System
7.4 Latest
Sewerage Network
7.5 Methodology and Design Criteria
7.6 Development Parameters
7.7 Interfacing Projects
7.8 Unit
Flow Factors
7.9 Peaking
7.10 Sewage Flow Estimation
7.11 Proposed Development Sewerage Network
7.12 Contingency plan for the proposed SPS
7.13 Conclusion
8.1 Introduction
8.2 Legislation, Standards and
8.3 Assessment Area and Methodology
8.4 Ecological Baseline –
Literature Review
8.5 Ecological Baseline – Field
8.6 Ecological Evaluation
8.7 Assessment of Potential
Ecological Impacts
8.8 Mitigation Measures
8.9 Residual Ecological Impact
8.10 Environmental Monitoring &
Audit (EM&A)
8.11 Cumulative Ecological Impacts
8.12 Conclusion.. 8-52
8.13 Reference.. 8-54
9 Impact from
Electric and Magnetic Fields
9.1 Background
9.2 Environmental
Legislation and Guidelines
9.3 Assessment
9.4 Baseline
9.5 Evaluation
of Impacts
9.6 Mitigation
9.7 Conclusion
10 Landscape
and Visual Impact
10.1 Introduction
10.2 Environmental Legislation, Standards and Guidelines
10.3 Methodology
10.4 Review of Planning & Development Control Framework
10.5 Baseline Conditions
10.6 Identification of Potential Sources of Landscape & Visual Impact
10.7 Landscape and Visual Impact Assessment Before Mitigation Measures
10.8 Mitigation Measures
10.9 Residual Impact Assessment – Upon Implementation of Mitigation Measures
10.10 Cumulative Impacts
10.11 Conclusion
11.1 Introduction
11.2 Environmental Legislation, Policies,
Standards and Criteria
11.3 Assessment Methodology
11.4 Identification and Evaluation of Waste
Management Implications – Construction Phase
11.5 Identification
and Evaluation of Waste Management
Implications – Operation Phase
11.6 Mitigation
Measures for Construction Phase
11.7 Mitigation
Measures for Operation Phase
11.8 Residual
11.9 Conclusion
12.1 Introduction
12.2 Environmental Legislation, Standards and Guidelines
12.3 Assessment Methodology
12.4 Site Appraisal
12.5 Summary of the Site Appraisal and Identification of Potentially Contaminated Areas
12.6 Site Investigation Plan
12.7 Submission Requirements of CAR, RAP and RR
12.8 Evaluation of Land Contamination Impacts
12.9 Conclusion
13.1 Legislation, Standards, Guidelines
13.2 Objectives of Cultural Heritage Impact Assessment
13.3 Cultural Heritage Impact Assessment Methodology
13.4 Baseline Review
13.5 Archaeological Impact Assessment (Evaluation of Potential Archaeological Impacts)
13.6 Archaeology Mitigation Recommendations
13.7 Built Heritage Impact Assessment (Evaluation of Built Heritage Impact)
13.8 Built Heritage Mitigation Recommendations
14 Environmental
Monitoring and Audit Requirements
14.1 Introduction
14.1 Project
14.2 EM&A
14.3 Environmental
Mitigation Implementation Schedule
14.4 EM&A
15 Summary
of Environmental Outcome
15.1 Introduction
15.2 Environmentally
Friendly Options Recommended to Avoid Environmental Impacts
15.3 Environmental
Designs Recommended to Minimise and Mitigate Environmental Impacts
15.4 Summary
of Key Environmental Problems Avoided and Sensitive Areas Protected
15.5 Environmental
Benefits of Environmental Protection Measures Recommended
16.1 General
16.2 Air
Quality Impact
16.3 Noise
16.4 Water
16.5 Sewage
and Sewerage Treatment Implications
16.6 Ecology
16.7 Impact
from Electric and Magnetic Fields
16.8 Landscape
and Visual Impact
16.9 Waste
16.10 Land
16.11 Cultural
Table 1.1 |
Summary of Designated Project (DP) |
Table 1.2 |
Summary of Non-Designated Project (Non-DP) |
Table 1.3 |
Potentially Concurrent Projects within Local
Vicinity of the Proposed Development |
Table 2.1 |
Key Comments
Received during Public Inspection Period of Project Profile |
Table 2.2 |
Comparison of
Construction Method for the Proposed Road L7 |
Table 2.3 |
Design for Semi-natural Stream |
Table 2.4 |
Summary of
Implementation Programme within the PDA |
Table 2.5 |
Summary of Approved
Planning Applications within PDA |
Table 2.6 |
Development Parameters |
Table 3.1 |
Packaging for the Development |
Table 3.2 |
Packaging for the Development |
Table 4.1 |
Hong Kong Air Quality Objectives |
Table 4.2 |
Air Quality Monitoring Data at Tuen
Mun and Yuen Long AQMS |
Table 4.3 |
Future Background Concentrations for Concerned PATH
Grids (Year 2020) |
Table 4.4 |
Representative Air Sensitive Receivers for
Construction Dust Impact Assessment |
Table 4.5 |
Representative Air Sensitive Receivers for Operation
Air Quality Impact Assessment |
Table 4.6 |
Calculation of TSP, RSP and FSP Emission Factors |
Table 4.7 |
Construction Phasing |
Table 4.8 |
Particle Size Distribution adopted in AERMOD
(Construction Dust Emissions) |
Table 4.9 |
Vehicular Emission Scenarios for Construction Phase
Assessment |
Table 4.10 |
Conversion factors for RSP/FSP |
Table 4.11 |
Predicted Cumulative Construction Air Quality Impact |
Table 4.12 |
Breakdown of 1-hour TSP concentration |
Table 4.13 |
Breakdown of 10th highest 24-hour and annual RSP
concentration |
Table 4.14 |
Breakdown of 10th highest 24-hour and annual FSP
concentration |
Table 4.15 |
Summary of Total Vehicular Pollutant Emissions |
Table 4.16 |
Predicted Cumulative Operation Air Quality Impact in
Year 2029 |
Table 4.17 |
Predicted Cumulative Operation Air Quality Impact in
Year 2033 |
Table 4.18 |
Air Quality Implication due to Recommended Direct
Technical Noise Remedies in Year 2029 |
Table 4.19 |
Breakdown of 19th highest 1-hour NO2 concentration
under with and without project scenario in Year 2029 |
Table 4.20 |
Breakdown of annual NO2 concentration under with and
without project scenario in Year 2029 |
Table 4.21 |
Breakdown of mitigated 10th highest 24-hour RSP
concentration under with and without project scenario in Year 2029 |
Table 4.22 |
Breakdown of annual RSP concentration under with and
without project scenario in Year 2029 |
Table 4.23 |
Breakdown of 10th highest 24-hour FSP concentration
under with and without project scenario in Year 2029 |
Table 4.24 |
Breakdown of annual FSP concentration under with and
without project scenario in Year 2029 |
Table 4.25 |
Breakdown of 19th highest 1-hour NO2 concentration
under with and without project scenario in Year 2033 |
Table 4.26 |
Breakdown of annual NO2 concentration under with and
without project scenario in Year 2033 |
Table 4.27 |
Breakdown of 10th highest 24-hour RSP concentration
under with and without project scenario in Year 2033 |
Table 4.28 |
Breakdown of annual RSP concentration under with and
without project scenario in Year 203 |
Table 4.29 |
Breakdown of 10th highest 24-hour FSP concentration
under with and without project scenario in Year 2033 |
Table 4.30 |
Breakdown of annual FSP concentration under with and
without project scenario in Year 2033 |
Table 5.1 |
Noise Standards for Daytime Construction Activities |
Table 5.2 |
Noise Standards for Road Traffic Noise |
Table 5.3 |
Acceptable Noise Levels (ANLs) |
Table 5.4 |
Prevailing Noise Measurement Results |
Table 5.5 |
Overall Relevant Noise Sensitive Receivers |
Table 5.6 |
Representative NSRs and NAPs for Construction Noise
Assessment |
Table 5.7 |
Representative NSRs and NAPs for Road Traffic Noise
Assessment |
Table 5.8 |
Representative NSRs and NAPs for Fixed Noise Source
Assessment |
Table 5.9 |
Representative NSRs and NAPs for Rail Noise
Assessment |
Table 5.10 |
Road Inventory |
Table 5.11 |
Fixed Noise Source Inventory |
Table 5.12 |
Predicted Unmitigated Construction Noise Levels at
NSRs |
Table 5.13 |
Recommended List of QPME and their Sound Power
Levels |
Table 5.14 |
Summary of Movable Noise Barrier, Noise Insulating
Fabric and Enclosures Adopted for PMEs |
Table 5.15 |
Predicted Mitigated Construction Noise Levels at
NSRs |
Table 5.16 |
Recommended Minimum Separation Distance between
Schools and Critical Works Area during School Examination Period |
Table 5.17 |
Predicted Unmitigated Road Traffic Noise Impact (AM
Peak) at Existing and Planned NSRs (Outside the PDA) Affected by Roads within
the PDA |
Table 5.18 |
Predicted Unmitigated Road Traffic Noise Impact (AM
Peak) at Planned NSRs (Within the PDA) |
Table 5.19 |
Number of Residential Dwellings/Classrooms/Other
NSRs Exceeding the Respective Road Traffic Noise Criteria under Unmitigated
Scenario |
Table 5.20 |
Extents and Locations of Considered Direct
Mitigation Measures |
Table 5.21 |
Evaluation on Considered Direct Mitigation Measures |
Table 5.22 |
Extents and Locations of Adopted Direct Mitigation
Measures |
Table 5.23 |
Predicted Mitigated Road Traffic Noise Impact (AM
Peak) at Existing and Planned NSRs (Outside the PDA) Affected by Roads within
the PDA (with Direct Mitigation Measures Applied) |
Table 5.24 |
Predicted Mitigated Road Traffic Noise Impact (AM
Peak) at Planned NSRs (Within the PDA) Affected by Roads within the PDA (with
Direct Mitigation Measures Applied) |
Table 5.25 |
Number of Residential Dwellings/Classrooms/Other
NSRs Benefited and Protected under the Mitigated Scenario (with Direct
Mitigation Measures Applied) |
Table 5.26 |
Number of Residential Dwellings/Classrooms/Other
NSRs Exceeding the Respective Traffic Noise Criteria under Mitigated Scenario
(with Direct Mitigation Measures Applied) |
Table 5.27 |
Proposed Provision of Acoustic Windows at the
Planned NSRs |
Table 5.28 |
Predicted Mitigated Road Traffic Noise Impact (AM
Peak) at Planned NSRs (Within the PDA) Affected by Roads within the PDA (with
Direct and Additional Mitigation Measures Applied) |
Table 5.29 |
Summary of Maximum Allowable SWL of the Ventilation
Fans for the Planned PTIs |
Table 5.30 |
Fixed Noise Source Impact due to Planned Fixed Noise
Sources on Representative Existing and Planned NSRs |
Table 5.31 |
Cumulative Fixed Noise Source Impact due to Existing
and Planned Fixed Noise Sources on Representative Planned NSRs |
Table 5.32 |
Procedures of Rail Noise Assessment |
Table 5.33 |
Input for Rail Noise Assessment |
Table 5.34 |
Predicted Rail Noise Impact at Representative NSRs
(Unmitigated) |
Table 6.1 |
Water Quality Objectives for the North Western WCZ |
Table 6.2 |
Water Sensitive
Receivers |
Table 6.3 |
Summary of Water
Quality Statistics for Tuen Mun River in 2017 |
Table 6.4 |
Results of Water Quality
Monitoring near the Project Sites |
Table 6.5 |
Summary of Water Quality Statistics at Tuen Mun Typhoon Shelter in 2017 |
Table 6.6 |
Summary of Water Quality Statistics at NM2 and NM3
in the North Western Water Control Zone in 2017 |
Table 7.1 |
Information of Sewage Pumping
Stations in Tuen Mun Catchment |
Table 7.2 |
Proposed Development Parameters
at SHR Site, SHR Site Extension and HPR Site |
Table 7.3 |
Population, employees and
students generated from SHR Site, SHR Site Extension and HPR Site |
Table 7.4 |
Development Parameters at TM54 |
Table 7.5 |
Recommended Unit Flow Factor |
Table 7.6 |
Peaking Factors for Various
Population Ranges |
Table 7.7 |
Average Dry Weather Flow (ADWF) |
Table 7.8 |
Year-by year sewage flow build-up for the Proposed Development |
Table 7.9 |
Flow Build-up of SHR SPS and TM54 SPS |
Table 7.10 |
Hydraulic Performance of SPSs |
Table 8.1 |
Summary of Floral Species of Conservation Interest
identified from Previous Ecological Studies |
Table 8.2 |
Summary of Faunal Species of Conservation Interest
identified from Previous Ecological Studies |
Table 8.3 |
Summary of Habitats in the Assessment Area |
Table 8.4 |
Floral Species of Conservation Interest |
Table 8.5 |
Faunal Species of Conservation Interest |
Table 8.6 |
Habitat Evaluation – Woodland (Mixed Woodland Type
1) |
Table 8.7 |
Habitat Evaluation – Woodland (Mature Secondary
Wood) |
Table 8.8 |
Habitat Evaluation – Secondary Woodland |
Table 8.9 |
Habitat Evaluation – Shrub-grassland, Landscape
Plantation and Agricultural Land |
Table 8.10 |
Habitat Evaluation – Streams |
Table 8.11 |
Habitat Evaluation – Semi-natural Watercourse |
Table 8.12 |
Habitat Evaluation – Drainage Channel and Pond |
Table 8.13 |
Habitat Evaluation – Village/Orchard, Village Area
and Urban Area |
Table 8.14 |
Evaluation of Floral Species of Conservation
Interest |
Table 8.15 |
Evaluation of Faunal Species (Mammal) of
Conservation Interest |
Table 8.16 |
Evaluation of Faunal Species (Bird) of Conservation
Interest |
Table 8.17 |
Evaluation of Faunal Species (Aquatic Fauna) of
Conservation Interest |
Table 8.18 |
Evaluation of Faunal Species (Aquatic Fauna) of
Conservation Interest |
Table 8.19 |
Summary of Habitat Loss |
Table 8.20 |
Potential Ecological Impact of Habitat Loss |
Table 8.21 |
Potential Ecological Impact on Floral Species of
Conservation Interest |
Table 8.22 |
Potential Ecological Impact on Faunal Species of
Conservation Interest |
Table 8.23 |
Potential Ecological Impact of Habitat Fragmentation |
Table 8.24 |
Potential Ecological Impact of Construction
Disturbance |
Table 8.25 |
Potential Ecological Impact of Operational
Disturbance |
Table 8.26 |
Summary of Residual Impacts |
Table 9.1 |
Guidelines on Limits of Exposure to 50 Hz Power Frequency Electric and
Magnetic Fields Issued by ICNIRP |
Table 9.2 |
ELF and EMF Measurement Locations |
Table 9.3 |
ELF Measurement Results |
Table 9.4 |
EMF Measure Results |
Table 10.1 |
of Designated Project (DP) |
Table 10.2 |
Significance of
Landscape or Visual Impacts |
Table 10.3 |
of Assessment Area within Approved Lam Tei and Yick Yuen OZP No. S/TM-LTYY/10 |
Table 10.4 |
of Assessment Area within Approved Tuen Mun OZP No.
S/TM/35 |
Table 10.5 |
Parameters of Tuen Mun Area 54 |
Table 10.6 |
Parameters of TM29 West |
10.7 |
Parameters of Private Development |
Table 10.8 |
Summary of approved planning application within the PDA |
10.9 |
Key Information
for the Landscape and Visual Impact Assessment |
10.10 |
and Relevant Dimensions of LRs and LCAs within the Assessment Area |
Table 10.11 |
Sensitivity of
Public Viewers from Viewing Points |
Table 10.12 |
Sensitivity of
Public Viewers from Visually Sensitive Receivers |
Table 10.13 |
Magnitude of
Change for LRs and LCAs during Construction and Operation Phases within
Assessment Area |
Table 10.14 |
Magnitude of
Change for LRs due to DP 1 |
Table 10.15 |
Significance of
Landscape Impacts before Mitigation within Assessment Area |
Table 10.16 |
Significance of
Landscape Impacts before Mitigation for DP1 |
Table 10.17 |
Significance of
Visual Impacts on Visually Sensitive Receivers in the Construction and
Operation Phases before Mitigatio |
Table 10.18 |
Landscape and
Visual Mitigation Measures |
Table 10.19 |
Significance of
Residual Landscape Impacts on LRs and LCAs at Construction (C) and Operation
(O) upon Mitigation within Assessment Area |
Table 10.20 |
Significance of
Residual Landscape Impacts on LRs at Construction (C) and Operation (O) upon
Mitigation for DP1 |
Table 10.21 |
Significance of
Visual Impacts during Construction and Operation Phases Upon Mitigation |
Table 11.1 |
Summary of Estimated Quantities of C&D Materials Generated during
Site Formation |
Table 11.2 |
Tentative Transportation Routings for Waste Disposal During
Construction Phase |
Table 11.3 |
Summary of Waste Arisings during Construction Phase and Proposed
Disposal Arrangement |
Table 11.4 |
Estimated Quantities of
MSW During Operation Phase |
Table 11.5 |
Tentative Transportation Routings for Waste Disposal During Operation
Phase |
Table 11.6 |
Summary of Waste Arisings During Operation Phase and Proposed Disposal
Arrangement |
Table 12.1 |
Summary of Accessibility of Identified Areas During
Site Visits |
Table 12.2 |
Summary of Past and Existing Land Use of Identified
Areas |
Table 12.3 |
Enquires and Responses on Land Contamination Related
Records |
Table 12.4 |
List of Relevant Chemical Waste Producer |
Table 12.5 |
Summary of Area Identification |
Table 12.6 |
Potential COCs and Possible Remediation Methods for
the Identified Potentially Contaminating Landuses |
Table 13.1 |
Summary of Heritage Study Area |
Table 13.2 |
Summary of the Findings and
Evaluation of Archaeological Potential |
Table 13.3 |
Summary of the Assessment and
Recommended Mitigation for Each Area |
Table 15.1 |
Key Environmental Problems Avoided and
Sensitive Areas Protected |
Table 15.2 |
Key Recommended Mitigation Measures and Associated Benefits |
Tentative Construction Programme |
Construction Programme and
Phasing |
Dust Emission Inventory and Source Locations |
Determination of Surface Characteristics Parameter |
Traffic Forecast (Construction) |
Emission Factors and Derivation of Emission Rates
(Construction) |
Derivation of Portal Emission Rates (Construction) |
Emission Inventory of Portal Emissions
(Construction) |
Emission Inventory of Open Roads (Construction) |
Detailed Construction Dust Assessment Results |
Traffic Forecast (Operation) |
Emission Factors and Derivation of Emission Rates
(Operation) |
Emission Inventory of Open Roads (Operation) |
Derivation of Portal Emission Rates (Operation) |
Emission Inventory of Portal Emissions (Operation) |
Derivation of Industrial Emission Rates |
Emission Inventory of Industrial Emissions |
Detailed Operation Air Quality Impacts in Year 2029
(with Noise Mitigation Measures) |
Detailed Operation Air Quality Impacts in Year 2033
(with Noise Mitigation Measures) |
Detailed Operation Air Quality Impacts in Year 2029
(without Noise Mitigation Measures) |
Detailed Operation Air Quality Impacts at Existing
ASRs in Year 2029 (without Project) |
Detailed Operation Air Quality Impacts at Existing
ASRs in Year 2033 (without Project) |
Sensitivity Test for Change of Noise Mitigation
Measures |
Information of Tuen Mun
Area 54 Development |
Photos of Representative Noise Sensitive Receivers |
Construction Work Site and Tentative Construction Programme |
Construction Plant Inventory (Unmitigated Scenario) |
Fixed Noise Source Inventory |
Predicted Construction Noise Levels at
Representative NSRs (Unmitigated Scenario) |
Schematic Diagram for Typical Construction Noise
Barrier and Noise Enclosure |
Construction Plant Inventory (Mitigated Scenario) |
Predicted Construction Noise Levels at Representative
NSRs (Mitigated Scenario) |
Predicted Construction Noise Levels and Minimum
Separation Between Schools and Critical Works Areas During Examination Period |
Traffic Data |
Predicted Road Traffic Noise Levels at
Representative NSRs For AM Peak Hour (Unmitigated Scenario) |
Predicted Road Traffic Noise Levels at
Representative NSRs For PM Peak Hour (Unmitigated Scenario) |
Comparison of Predicted Road Traffic Noise Levels at
Representative NSRs In the Vicinity of Junction Improvement Locations
(Unmitigated Scenario) |
Predicted Road Traffic Noise Levels at Representative
NSRs (Mitigated Scenario, Direct Mitigation Measures Only) |
Predicted Road Traffic Noise Levels at
Representative NSRs (Mitigated Scenario, All Mitigation Measure) |
Prediction of Maximum Allowable SWLs of the
Ventilation Fans for the PTIs |
Predicted Fixed Noise Source Assessment Results |
Rail Noise Measurement Record |
Rail Operation Information Provided by MTRC |
Predicted Rail Noise Assessment Results at
Representative NSRs (Unmitigated) |
Commercial and Industrial Floor Space Utilization
Survey (CIFSUS) |
Hydraulic Modelling Results |
Relevant Modelling Parameters and Typical Diurnal
Profiles |
Ecological Survey Methodology |
Photographic Records |
Plant List |
List of Recorded Fauna Species |
Indicative Location Plan of Stream Bank
Reinstatement |
Preliminary Woodland Enhancement Planting
Plan |
Historical Aerial Photographs of Project Site
(1979-2013) |
Broad Brush Tree Survey |
Sewage Pumping Station Design Details |
Assessment Plan |
Field Investigation
Proposal |
Environmental Mitigation Implementation
Schedule |
Key Assessment Assumptions and Limitation of
Assessment Methodologies |
Summary of Environmental Impacts Associated
with the Project |
Location Plan (Sheet 1 of 2) |
Location Plan (Sheet 2 of 2) |
Location of Designated Projects (DPs) |
Proposed Infrastructure Works (Sheet 1 of 2) |
Proposed Infrastructure Works (Sheet 2 of 2) |
Proposed Traffic Improvement Measures (Sheet 1 of 2) |
Proposed Traffic Improvement Measures (Sheet 2 of 2) |
Location of Concurrent Projects (Sheet 1 of 2) |
Location of Concurrent Projects (Sheet 2 of 2) |
Outline Development Plan |
Stages of Development (Sheet 1 of 2) |
Stages of Development (Sheet 2 of 2) |
Site Layout Plan (Sheet 1 of 2) |
Site Layout Plan (Sheet 2 of 2) |
Air Quality Impact Assessment Area (Construction Phase) |
Air Quality Impact Assessment Area (Operation Phase) |
Locations of Representative Air Sensitive Receivers (Construction
Phase) (Sheet 1 of 6) |
Locations of Representative Air Sensitive Receivers
(Construction Phase) (Sheet 2 of 6) |
Locations of Representative Air Sensitive Receivers
(Construction Phase) (Sheet 3 of 6) |
Locations of Representative Air Sensitive Receivers (Construction
Phase) (Sheet 4 of 6) |
Locations of Representative Air Sensitive Receivers
(Construction Phase) (Sheet 5 of 6) |
Locations of Representative Air Sensitive Receivers
(Construction Phase) (Sheet 6 of 6) |
Locations of Representative Air Sensitive Receivers (Operation
Phase) (Sheet 1 of 6) |
Locations of Representative Air Sensitive Receivers (Operation
Phase) (Sheet 2 of 6) |
Locations of Representative Air Sensitive Receivers (Operation Phase)
(Sheet 3 of 6) |
Locations of Representative Air Sensitive Receivers (Operation
Phase) (Sheet 4 of 6) |
Locations of Representative Air Sensitive Receivers (Operation
Phase) (Sheet 5 of 6) |
Locations of Representative Air Sensitive Receivers (Operation
Phase) (Sheet 6 of 6) |
Location of Open Roads, Portal Emission and Industrial Emission
Sources (Construction Phase 1-7) |
Location of Open Roads, Portal Emission and Industrial Emission
Sources (Construction Phase 8) |
Location of Emission Sources at Asphalt Plant in Lam Tei Quarry |
Locations of Open Roads, Portal Emission and Industrial Emission
Sources (Operation Phase) |
Location of Odour Source |
Contours of Cumulative Maximum 1-hour TSP Concentration at
1.5mAG (Construction Phase 1) |
Contours of Cumulative Maximum 1-hour TSP Concentration at
1.5mAG (Construction Phase 2) |
Contours of Cumulative Maximum 1-hour TSP Concentration at
1.5mAG (Construction Phase 3a) |
Contours of Cumulative Maximum 1-hour TSP Concentration at
1.5mAG (Construction Phase 3b) |
Contours of Cumulative Maximum 1-hour TSP Concentration at
1.5mAG (Construction Phase 4) |
Contours of Cumulative Maximum 1-hour TSP Concentration at
1.5mAG (Construction Phase 5a) |
Contours of Cumulative Maximum 1-hour TSP Concentration at
1.5mAG (Construction Phase 5b) |
Contours of Cumulative Maximum 1-hour TSP Concentration at
1.5mAG (Construction Phase 6) |
Contours of Cumulative Maximum 1-hour TSP Concentration at
1.5mAG (Construction Phase 7) |
Contours of Cumulative Maximum 1-hour TSP Concentration at
1.5mAG (Construction Phase 8) |
Contours of Cumulative 10th Highest 24-hour RSP Concentration at
1.5mAG (Construction Phase 1) |
Contours of Cumulative 10th Highest 24-hour RSP Concentration at
1.5mAG (Construction Phase 2) |
Contours of Cumulative 10th Highest 24-hour RSP Concentration at
1.5mAG (Construction Phase 3a) |
Contours of Cumulative 10th Highest 24-hour RSP Concentration at
1.5mAG (Construction Phase 3b) |
Contours of Cumulative 10th Highest 24-hour RSP Concentration at
1.5mAG (Construction Phase 4) |
Contours of Cumulative 10th Highest 24-hour RSP Concentration at
1.5mAG (Construction Phase 5a) |
Contours of Cumulative 10th Highest 24-hour RSP Concentration at
1.5mAG (Construction Phase 5b) |
Contours of Cumulative 10th Highest 24-hour RSP Concentration at
1.5mAG (Construction Phase 6) |
Contours of Cumulative 10th Highest 24-hour RSP Concentration at
1.5mAG (Construction Phase 7) |
Contours of Cumulative 10th Highest 24-hour RSP Concentration at
1.5mAG (Construction Phase 8) |
Contours of Cumulative Annual RSP Concentration at 1.5mAG
(Construction Phase 1) |
Contours of Cumulative Annual RSP Concentration at 1.5mAG (Construction
Phase 2) |
Contours of Cumulative Annual RSP Concentration at 1.5mAG
(Construction Phase 3a) |
Contours of Cumulative Annual RSP Concentration at 1.5mAG
(Construction Phase 3b) |
Contours of Cumulative Annual RSP Concentration at 1.5mAG
(Construction Phase 4) |
Contours of Cumulative Annual RSP Concentration at 1.5mAG
(Construction Phase 5a) |
Contours of Cumulative Annual RSP Concentration at 1.5mAG
(Construction Phase 5b) |
Contours of Cumulative Annual RSP Concentration at 1.5mAG
(Construction Phase 6) |
Contours of Cumulative Annual RSP Concentration at 1.5mAG
(Construction Phase 7) |
Contours of Cumulative Annual RSP Concentration at 1.5mAG
(Construction Phase 8) |
Contours of Cumulative 10th Highest 24-hour FSP Concentration at
1.5mAG (Construction Phase 1) |
Contours of Cumulative 10th Highest 24-hour FSP Concentration at
1.5mAG (Construction Phase 2) |
Contours of Cumulative 10th Highest 24-hour FSP Concentration at
1.5mAG (Construction Phase 3a) |
Contours of Cumulative 10th Highest 24-hour FSP Concentration at
1.5mAG (Construction Phase 3b) |
Contours of Cumulative 10th Highest 24-hour FSP Concentration at
1.5mAG (Construction Phase 4) |
Contours of Cumulative 10th Highest 24-hour FSP Concentration at
1.5mAG (Construction Phase 5a) |
Contours of Cumulative 10th Highest 24-hour FSP Concentration at
1.5mAG (Construction Phase 5b) |
Contours of Cumulative 10th Highest 24-hour FSP Concentration at
1.5mAG (Construction Phase 6) |
Contours of Cumulative 10th Highest 24-hour FSP Concentration at
1.5mAG (Construction Phase 7) |
Contours of Cumulative 10th Highest 24-hour FSP Concentration at
1.5mAG (Construction Phase 8) |
Contours of Cumulative Annual FSP Concentration at 1.5mAG
(Construction Phase 1) |
Contours of Cumulative Annual FSP Concentration at 1.5mAG
(Construction Phase 2) |
Contours of Cumulative Annual FSP Concentration at 1.5mAG
(Construction Phase 3a) |
Contours of Cumulative Annual FSP Concentration at 1.5mAG (Construction
Phase 3b) |
Contours of Cumulative Annual FSP Concentration at 1.5mAG
(Construction Phase 4) |
Contours of Cumulative Annual FSP Concentration at 1.5mAG
(Construction Phase 5a) |
Contours of Cumulative Annual FSP Concentration at 1.5mAG
(Construction Phase 5b) |
Contours of Cumulative Annual FSP Concentration at 1.5mAG
(Construction Phase 6) |
Contours of Cumulative Annual FSP Concentration at 1.5mAG
(Construction Phase 7) |
Contours of Cumulative Annual FSP Concentration at 1.5mAG
(Construction Phase 8) |
Location of Noise Mitigation Measures for Construction Period 1 |
Location of Noise Mitigation Measures for Construction Period 2 |
Location of Noise Mitigation Measures for Operation Phase (With
Project) |
Location of Noise Mitigation Measures for Operation Phase
(Without Project) |
Contours of Cumulative 19th Highest 1-hour NO2 Concentration at
1.5mAG in Year 2029 (Operation Phase) |
Contours of Cumulative Annual NO2 Concentration at 1.5mAG in
Year 2029 (Operation Phase) |
Contours of Cumulative 10th Highest 24-hour RSP Concentration at
1.5mAG in Year 2029 (Operation Phase) |
Contours of Cumulative Annual RSP Concentration at 1.5mAG in
Year 2029 (Operation Phase) |
Contours of Cumulative 10th Highest 24-hour FSP Concentration at
1.5mAG in Year 2029 (Operation Phase) |
Contours of Cumulative Annual FSP Concentration at 1.5mAG in
Year 2029 (Operation Phase) |
Contours of Cumulative 4th Highest 10-min SO2 Concentration at
1.5mAG (Operation Phase) |
Contours of Cumulative 4th Highest 24-hour SO2 Concentration at
1.5mAG (Operation Phase) |
Contours of Cumulative 4th Highest 10-min SO2 Concentration at
30mAG (Operation Phase) |
Contours of Cumulative 4th Highest 24-hour SO2 Concentration at
30mAG (Operation Phase) |
Contours of Cumulative 19th Highest 1-hour NO2 Concentration at
1.5mAG in Year 2033 (Operation Phase) |
Contours of Cumulative Annual NO2 Concentration at 1.5mAG in
Year 2033 (Operation Phase) |
Contours of Cumulative 10th Highest 24-hour RSP Concentration at
1.5mAG in Year 2033 (Operation Phase) |
Contours of Cumulative Annual RSP Concentration at 1.5mAG in
Year 2033 (Operation Phase) |
Contours of Cumulative 10th Highest 24-hour FSP Concentration at
1.5mAG in Year 2033 (Operation Phase) |
Contours of Cumulative Annual FSP Concentration at 1.5mAG in
Year 2033 (Operation Phase) |
Prevailing Noise Measurement Locations |
Location of Relevant Noise Sensitive Receivers (Sheet 1 of 2) |
Location of Relevant Noise Sensitive Receivers (Sheet 2 of 2) |
Location of Relevant Noise Sensitive Receivers for Construction
Noise Assessment (Sheet 1 of 2) |
Location of Relevant Noise Sensitive Receivers for Construction
Noise Assessment (Sheet 2 of 2) |
Location of Relevant Noise Sensitive Receivers for Road Traffic
Noise Assessment (Sheet 1 of 2) |
Location of Relevant Noise Sensitive Receivers for Road Traffic
Noise Assessment (Sheet 2 of 2) |
Location of Relevant Noise Sensitive Receivers for Fixed Traffic
Source Assessment |
Location of Relevant Noise Sensitive Receivers for Rail Noise
Assessment |
Location of Representative NSRs and NAPs for Construction Noise
Assessment (Sheet 1 of 6) |
Location of Representative NSRs and NAPs for Construction Noise
Assessment (Sheet 2 of 6) |
Location of Representative NSRs and NAPs for Construction Noise
Assessment (Sheet 3 of 6) |
Location of Representative NSRs and NAPs for Construction Noise
Assessment (Sheet 4 of 6) |
Location of Representative NSRs and NAPs for Construction Noise
Assessment (Sheet 5 of 6) |
Location of Representative NSRs and NAPs for Construction Noise
Assessment (Sheet 6 of 6) |
Location of Representative NSRs and NAPs for Road Traffic Noise
Assessment (Sheet 1 of 6) |
Location of Representative NSRs and NAPs for Road Traffic Noise
Assessment (Sheet 2 of 6) |
Location of Representative NSRs and NAPs for Road Traffic Noise
Assessment (Sheet 3 of 6) |
Location of Representative NSRs and NAPs for Road Traffic Noise
Assessment (Sheet 4 of 6) |
Location of Representative NSRs and NAPs for Road Traffic Noise
Assessment (Sheet 5 of 6) |
Location of Representative NSRs and NAPs for Road Traffic Noise
Assessment (Sheet 6 of 6) |
Location of Representative NSRs and NAPs for Fixed Noise Source
Assessment |
Location of Representative NSRs and NAPs for Rail Noise
Assessment |
Identified Noise Sources During Operation Phase |
Road Categories Adopted for Road Traffic Noise Assessment |
Existing and Planned Noise Mitigation Considered in Traffic
Noise Assessment |
Locations of Considered Road Traffic Noise Mitigation Measures
(Sheet 1 of 2) |
Locations of Considered Road Traffic Noise Mitigation Measures
(Sheet 2 of 2) |
Proposed Location of Rail Noise Mitigation Measure |
Water Sensitive Receivers (Sheet 1 of 2) |
Water Sensitive Receivers (Sheet 2 of 2) |
Water Quality Monitoring Stations (Sheet 1 of 2) |
Water Quality Monitoring Stations (Sheet 2 of 2) |
Proposed Drainage Plan |
Sewerage System in Tuen Mun |
Site Formation Plan |
Proposed Sewerage Layout Plan |
Habitat Map and Species of Conservation Interest (Key Plan) |
Habitat Map and Species of Conservation Interest (Sheet 1 or 3) |
Habitat Map and Species of Conservation Interest (Sheet 2 or 3) |
Habitat Map and Species of Conservation Interest (Sheet 3 or 3) |
Woodland and Watercourse Network in the Assessment Area |
Blow-Up Plan of Water Network N1 |
Ecological Impacts on Habitat Map and Species of Conservation
Interest (Key Plan) |
Ecological Impacts on Habitat Map and Species of Conservation
Interest (Sheet 1 or 3) |
Ecological Impacts on Habitat Map and Species of Conservation
Interest (Sheet 2 or 3) |
Ecological Impacts on Habitat Map and Species of Conservation
Interest (Sheet 3 or 3) |
Ecological Mitigation and Enhancement Plan |
Proposed Sampling Locations for Electric and Magnetic Fields
Measurement (Sheet 1 of 2) |
Proposed Sampling Locations for Electric and Magnetic Fields Measurement
(Sheet 2 of 2) |
General Layout Plan of Hong Po Road Site, San Hing Road Site
& San Hing Road Extension Site (Sheet 1 of 2) |
General Layout Plan of Hong Po Road Site, San Hing Road Site
& San Hing Road Extension Site (Sheet 1 of 2) |
Site Section of Proposed Public Housing Development at Hong Po
Road & San Hing Road Tuen Mun |
Planning Considerations in the Project Site - Outline Zoning
Plan |
Visual Context of the Assessment Proposed Project Assessment
Area |
Landscape Resources of the Proposed Assessment Area Boundary
(Sheet 1 of 6) |
Landscape Resources of the Proposed Assessment Area Boundary
(Sheet 2 of 6) |
Landscape Resources of the Proposed Assessment Area Boundary
(Sheet 3 of 6) |
Landscape Resources of the Proposed Assessment Area Boundary
(Sheet 4 of 6) |
Landscape Resources of the Proposed Assessment Area Boundary
(Sheet 5 of 6) |
Landscape Resources of the Proposed Assessment Area Boundary
(Sheet 6 of 6) |
Landscape Character Area of the Proposed Project Assessment Area
Boundary (Sheet 1 of 6) |
Landscape Character Area of the Proposed Project Assessment Area
Boundary (Sheet 2 of 6) |
Landscape Character Area of the Proposed Project Assessment Area
Boundary (Sheet 3 of 6) |
Landscape Character Area of the Proposed Project Assessment Area
Boundary (Sheet 4 of 6) |
Landscape Character Area of the Proposed Project Assessment Area
Boundary (Sheet 5 of 6) |
Landscape Character Area of the Proposed Project Assessment Area
Boundary (Sheet 6 of 6) |
Photographic Records of Landscape Resources (Sheet 1 of 4) |
Photographic Records of Landscape Resources (Sheet 2 of 4) |
Photographic Records of Landscape Resources (Sheet 3 of 4) |
Photographic Records of Landscape Resources (Sheet 4 of 4) |
Photographic Records of Landscape Character Areas |
Visual Envelope & Visually Sensitive Receivers Viewpoints
(Key Plan) |
Visual Envelope & Visually Sensitive Receivers Viewpoints
(Zoom In 1) |
Visual Envelope & Visually Sensitive Receivers Viewpoints
(Zoom In 2) |
Photomontage VSRVP1 Car Park, Tuen Tsz
Wai |
Photomontage VSRVP2 from Public Open Area between Tuen Mun San Tsuen and Botania
Villa |
Photomontage VSRVP3 from Pui Lin
Garden, Siu Hang Tsuen |
Photomontage VSRVP4 from Tsing Lun Road Footbridge |
Photomontage VSRVP5 from Kei Lun W ai Children's Playground |
Photomontage VSRVP6 from Po Tong Ha |
Photomontage VSRVP7 from Raised Public Road Outside Siu Hong MTR
Station |
Photomontage VSRVP8 from Tsing Chung Koon Road |
Photomontage VSRVP9 from Miu Fat
Monastery Viewing Platform (Sheet 1 of 2) |
Photomontage VSRVP9 from Miu Fat
Monastery Viewing Platform (Sheet 2 of 2) |
Photomontage VSRVP10 from Tuen Mun
Trail, Route 1 |
Photomontage VSRVP11 from between Castle Peak Trail and Por Lo
Shan |
Photomontage VSRVP12 from Chung Shan Hillside with Graves (Sheet
1 of 2) |
Photomontage VSRVP12 from Chung Shan Hillside with Graves (Sheet
2 of 2) |
Photomontage VSRVP13 from West Railway heading South-west |
Photomontage VSR14 from Hong Po Road Roundabout |
Landscape Mitigation Plan (Sheet 1 of 5) |
Landscape Mitigation Plan (Sheet 2 of 5) |
Landscape Mitigation Plan (Sheet 3 of 5) |
Landscape Mitigation Plan (Sheet 4 of 5) |
Landscape Mitigation Plan (Sheet 5 of 5) |
LR Residual Impact Plan |
LCA Residual Impact Plan |
Typical Sections for Greening of Noise Barrier & Retaining
Structure Section of Enhancement of Semi-natural Stream |
Location Plan (Sheet 1 of 2) |
Location Plan (Sheet 2 of 2) |
Identification of Potentially Contaminated Areas |
Housing Development, School Site and Associated Works (Area 1-5) |
Housing Development, School Site and Associated Works (Area 6-7,
9) |
Housing Development, School Site and Associated Works (Area 8) |
Underlying Geology, Location of Sites of Archaeological Interest
(SAI) and Previous Archaeological Investigations in Relation to Assessment
Areas and SAIs (Sheet 1 of 2) |
Underlying Geology, Location of Sites of Archaeological Interest
(SAI) and Previous Archaeological Investigations in Relation to Assessment
Areas and SAIs (Sheet 2 of 2) |
Identified Area for Further Archaeological Investigation within
Area 2 |