1.1 Project Background
1.2 Purpose, Objective
and Benefits of the Project
1.3 Designated Projects
1.4 Material Changes to Exempted
Designated Project
1.5 Individual Work Not
Constitute Material Change to an Environmental Impact
1.6 Purpose of the EIA
1.7 Objectives of the EIA
1.8 Need of the Project
1.9 Scenario with and
without Project
1.10 Consequences of Not
Proceeding with the Project
1.11 Implementation
1.12 Concurrent Projects
1.13 Structure of the EIA Report
2.1 History and
Background of the Project
2.2 Consideration of
Alignment Options
2.3 Selection of Preferred
2.4 Key Design Elements
2.5 Consideration of
Different Construction Methods for Viaduct
2.6 Consideration of
Different Construction Methods for Underpass
2.7 Construction Programme. 2-19
2.8 Public Consultation
3.1 Introduction
3.2 Environmental
Legislation, Standards and Guidelines. 3-1
3.3 Description of
3.4 Identification of Air
Sensitive Receivers
3.5 Identification of
Environmental Impacts
3.6 Assessment
3.7 Prediction and
Evaluation of Environmental Impacts
3.8 Mitigation of Adverse
Environmental Impacts
3.9 Evaluation of
Residual Impacts
3.10 Environmental
Monitoring and Audit
3.11 Conclusion
4.1 Introduction
4.2 Environmental
Legislation, Standards and Criteria
4.3 Description
of Environment
4.4 Noise Sensitive
4.5 Identification
of Environmental Impacts
4.6 Assessment
4.7 Prediction
and Evaluation of Environmental Impacts
4.8 Mitigation of Environmental Impacts
4.9 Evaluation of
Residual Impacts
4.10 Environmental
Monitoring and Audit
4.11 Conclusion
5.1 Introduction
5.2 Environmental Legislation, Standards and Criteria
5.3 Description of Environment
5.4 Water Sensitive Receivers
5.5 Identification of Potential Impacts
5.6 Assessment Methodology
5.7 Water Quality Impact Assessment
5.8 Water Quality Mitigation Measures
5.9 Cumulative Impacts. 5-15
5.10 Residual
Water Quality Impacts
5.11 Environmental
Monitoring and Audit Requirements
5.12 Conclusions
6.1 Introduction
6.2 Environmental Legislation, Standards and Criteria
6.3 Description of the Environment
6.4 Identification of Waste Management Implications
6.5 Assessment Methodologies
6.6 Prediction and Evaluation of Wastes Implications
6.7 Mitigation of Adverse Environmental Impacts
6.8 Evaluation of Residual Impacts
6.9 Environmental Monitoring and Audit Requirements
6.10 Conclusion
7.1 Introduction
7.2 Environmental Legislation, Standards and Criteria
7.3 Assessment Methodology
7.4 Description of the Environment 7-3
7.5 Identification of Potential Land Contamination Concern
7.6 Prediction
and Evaluation of Environmental Impacts
7.7 Evaluation
of Residual Impacts
7.8 Environmental
Monitoring and Audit Requirements
7.9 Conclusion
8.1 Introduction
8.2 Environmental Legislation, Standards and Criteria
8.3 Assessment Methodology
8.4 Evaluation of Conservation Importance/ Value and Impact Significance
8.5 Description of the Environment
8.6 Survey Findings
8.7 Ecological Value
8.8 Impact Identification and Evaluation
8.9 Evaluation of Ecological Impacts
8.10 Cumulative
8.11 Mitigation
of Adverse Ecological Impacts
8.12 Evaluation
of Residual Ecological Impacts
8.13 Environmental
Monitoring and Audit
8.14 Conclusion
8.15 References
9.1 Introduction
9.2 Environmental Legislation,
Standards and Criteria
9.3 Assessment Methodology
9.4 Review of Planning and Development Control Framework
9.5 Baseline Study
9.6 Landscape Impact Assessment
9.7 Visual Impact Assessment
9.8 Landscape and Visual Mitigation Measures
9.9 Residual Impact
9.10 Cumulative
9.11 Environmental
Monitoring and Audit
9.12 Conclusion
10.1 Introduction
10.2 Environmental Legislation,
Standards and Guidelines
10.3 Assessment Methodology
10.4 Background of the Assessment
10.5 Baseline Conditions
10.6 Impact Assessment
10.7 Mitigation Measures
10.8 Environmental Monitoring and
10.9 Conclusion
11.1 Introduction
11.2 Air Quality Impact
11.3 Noise Impact
11.4 Water Quality Impact
11.5 Waste Management Implications
11.6 Land Contamination
11.7 Ecological Impact
11.8 Landscape and Visual
11.9 Impact on Cultural
12.1 Overview
12.2 Environmental Benefits of the Project
12.3 Incorporation of Environmentally
Friendly Options
12.4 Environmental Design Recommended
12.5 Key Environmental Problems Avoided
and Environmentally Sensitive Areas Protected
12.6 Environmental Protection Measures
12.7 Estimation of Population Protected
13.1 Conclusion of
EIA Study
List of Tables
Table 1.1 |
Summary of the Other Projects in the Vicinity of the
Project Site |
Table 2.1 |
Summary of Environmental Considerations of Alignment
Options |
Table 2.2 |
Comparison of Different Construction Methods for
Viaduct |
Table 2.3 |
Comparison of Different Construction Methods for
Underpass |
Table 2.4 |
of Concerns Raised by STDC T&TC Members and the Public and Follow Up
Actions |
Table 3.1 |
Air Quality Objectives for Hong Kong |
Table 3.2 |
Tunnel Air Quality Guidelines |
Table 3.3 |
Average Concentrations of Pollutants in the Recent
Five Years (Year 2016 2020) at Sha Tin EPD Air Quality Monitoring Station |
Table 3.4 |
Background Air Pollutants Concentrations in Year
2020 Extracted from the PATH-2016 Model |
Table 3.5 |
Representative Air Sensitive Receivers in the
Vicinity of the Project |
Table 3.6 |
Tentative Transportation Routings |
Table 3.7 |
Emission Factor for Dusty Construction Activities |
Table 3.8 |
Particle Size Distribution |
Table 3.9 |
Particle Size Distribution of Aggregate Handling
(Equivalent to Heavy Construction Activities and Wind Erosion) |
Table 3.10 |
Predicted Cumulative Dust Impacts |
Table 3.11 |
Predicted Cumulative Concentrations at
Representative Air Sensitive Receivers under With Project (With DNR) Scenario |
Table 3.12 |
Summary of Incremental Air Quality Impact |
Table 4.1 |
Area Sensitivity Ratings (ASRs) |
Table 4.2 |
Acceptable Noise Levels under the Technical
Memorandum on Noise from Construction Work other than Percussive Piling |
Table 4.3 |
Noise Sensitive Receivers |
Table 4.4 |
Summary of Unmitigated Construction Noise Assessment
Results at Representative NSRs (non-restricted hours) |
Table 4.5 |
Summary of Unmitigated Construction Noise Assessment
Results at Representative NSRs (restricted hours) |
Table 4.6 |
Summary of Predicted Road Traffic Noise Assessment
Results under Unmitigated Scenario (Year 2043) |
Table 4.7 |
Tentative Schedule for Modification/Temporary
Removal and Reprovision of Existing Noise Mitigation Measures |
Table 4.8 |
Summary of Mitigated Construction Noise Assessment
Results at Representative NSRs (non-restricted hours) |
Table 4.9 |
Recommended Minimum Separation Distance between
Schools and Critical Works Area during School Examination Period |
Table 4.10 |
Summary of Mitigated Construction Noise Assessment
Results at Representative NSRs during Examination Period |
Table 4.11 |
Summary of Mitigated Construction Noise Assessment
Results at Representative NSRs (restricted hours) |
Table 4.12 |
Extent and Locations of Proposed Low Noise Road
Surfacing |
Table 4.13 |
Extent and Locations of Proposed Noise Barriers and
Enclosures |
Table 4.14 |
Summary of Predicted Road Traffic Noise Assessment Results
under Mitigated Scenario (Year 2043) |
Table 4.15 |
Number of residential dwellings/ rooms benefited and
protected under Mitigated Scenario |
Table 4.16 |
Estimated number of dwellings, classrooms and other
NSRs exposed to exceedance |
Table 5.1 |
Summary of Water Quality Objectives for Watercourses
in Tolo Harbour and Channel WCZ |
Table 5.2 |
Summary Statistics of Marine Water Quality of Tolo Harbour and Channel WCZ Collected by EPD in 2019 |
Table 5.3 |
Summary Statistics of River Water Quality of Shing
Mun River Collected by EPD in 2019 |
Table 5.4 |
Water Sensitive Receivers |
Table 6.1 |
Estimated Quantities of C&D Materials during
Construction Phase |
Table 6.2 |
Tentative Transportation Routings for Waste Disposal
During Construction Phase |
Table 6.3 |
Summary of Estimated Waste Arising and Recommended
Disposal |
Table 7.1 |
Aerial Photographs Reviewed |
Table 7.2 |
Summary of Dangerous Goods License Information |
Table 8.1 |
Baseline Information of Ecological Resources in the
Assessment Area |
Table 8.2 |
Ecological Survey Programme |
Table 8.3 |
Plant Species of Conservation Importance Previously
Recorded within the Assessment Area |
Table 8.4 |
Avifauna Species of Conservation Importance
Previously Recorded within the Assessment Area |
Table 8.5 |
Odonata Species of Conservation Importance
Previously Recorded within the Assessment Area |
Table 8.6 |
Mammal Species of Conservation Importance Previously
Recorded within the Assessment Area |
Table 8.7 |
Freshwater Species of Conservation Importance
Previously Recorded within the Assessment Area |
Table 8.8 |
Habitats Recorded within the Assessment Area |
Table 8.9 |
Plant Species of Conservation Importance Recorded
within the Assessment Area |
Table 8.10 |
Avifauna Species of Conservation Importance Recorded
within the Assessment Area |
Table 8.11 |
Number and Species of Ardeids Night Roost along
Shing Mun River Channel (Zones A to C) |
Table 8.12 |
Flight Heights and Directions of Ardeids Recorded
Flying Over the Project Boundary |
Table 8.13 |
Butterfly Species of Conservation Importance
Recorded within the Assessment Area |
Table 8.14 |
Odonate Species of Conservation Importance Recorded within the Assessment
Area |
Table 8.15 |
Herpetofauna Species of Conservation Importance
Recorded within the Assessment Area |
Table 8.16 |
Mammal Species of Conservation Importance Recorded
within the Assessment Area |
Table 8.17 |
Freshwater Species of Conservation Importance
Recorded within the Assessment Area |
Table 8.18 |
Ecological Evaluation of Woodland and Mixed Woodland
within the Assessment Area |
Table 8.19 |
Ecological Evaluation of Plantation and Shrubland
within the Assessment Area |
Table 8.20 |
Ecological Evaluation of Grassland and Active
Agricultural Land within the Assessment Area |
Table 8.21 |
Ecological Evaluation of Abandoned Agricultural Land
and Village/Orchard within the Assessment Area |
Table 8.22 |
Ecological Evaluation of Developed Area and Pond
within the Assessment Area |
Table 8.23 |
Ecological Evaluation of Natural and Modified Watercourse
within the Assessment Area |
Table 8.24 |
Species of Conservation Importance Recorded within
the Assessment Area during Recent Surveys and Previous Studies |
Table 8.25 |
Area of Habitat Loss of Other Terrestrial Habitats
Outside LRCP Arising from the Proposed Project |
Table 8.26 |
Potential Ecological Impacts to Woodland and Mixed
Woodland Habitats |
Table 8.27 |
Potential Ecological Impacts to Plantation and
Shrubland Habitats |
Table 8.28 |
Potential Ecological Impacts to Grassland and Active
Agricultural Land Habitats |
Table 8.29 |
Potential Ecological Impacts to Abandoned
Agricultural Land and Village /Orchard |
Table 8.30 |
Potential Ecological Impacts to Developed Area and
Pond Habitats |
Table 8.31 |
Potential Ecological Impacts to Natural Watercourse
and Modified Watercourse Habitat |
Table 8.32 |
Tentative Time for Restrict of Construction Works |
9.1 |
between Landscape Sensitivity and Magnitude of Change in Defining Impact
Significance |
9.2 |
between VSRs Sensitivity and Magnitude of Change in Defining Impact
Significance |
9.3 |
of the Review of Planning and Development Control Framework |
9.4 |
LRs and their Sensitivity |
9.5 |
LCAs and their Sensitivity |
9.6 |
VSRs and their Sensitivity |
9.7 |
of Landscape Impacts on LR during Construction and Operation |
9.8 |
of Landscape Impacts on LCA during Construction and Operation |
9.9 |
of Visual Impacts during Construction and Operation |
9.10 |
and Visual Mitigation Measures for Construction Phase |
9.11 |
and Visual Mitigation Measures for Operation Phase |
9.12 |
of Landscape Impacts during Construction and Operation Phases |
9.13 |
of Visual Impacts during Construction and Operation Phases |
Table 10.1 |
Summary of the Built Heritage Resources |
Table 10.2 |
Summary of the Twenty Five
Buildings Based on Comments from the EPD dated 15 June 2021 |
Table 10.3 |
Assessment of Impacts of Built Heritage Resources |
Table 10.4 |
Assessment of Impacts of Thirty-one Buildings with
No Grade |
Table 10.5 |
Proposed 3As Limiting Criteria for Vibration, Settlement
and Tilting Level Monitoring during Construction |
Table 10.6 |
Summary of Mitigation Measures of Built Heritage
Resources (Construction Phase) |
Table 12.1 |
Summary of Key Environmental Problems Avoided and
Sensitive Areas Protected |
Table 12.2 |
Key Recommended Mitigation Measures |
Table 13.1 |
Summary of Key Environmental Outcomes and Benefits |
List of Figures
Location Plan of The Project |
Location of Concurrent Projects |
Alignment Options for Trunk Road T4 |
Alignment Base Scheme for Trunk Road T4 |
Alignment Option 1 for Trunk Road T4 |
Alignment Option 2 for Trunk Road T4 |
Alignment Option 3 for Trunk Road T4 |
Revised Trunk Road T4 General Layout Plan (Sheet 1
of 4) |
Revised Trunk Road T4 General Layout Plan (Sheet 2
of 4) |
Revised Trunk Road T4 General Layout Plan (Sheet 3
of 4) |
Revised Trunk Road T4 General Layout Plan (Sheet 4
of 4) |
Construction Method at Shing Mun River Channel |
Construction Method at Shing Mun River Channel -
Section |
of Concerned PATH Grids |
of Representative Air Sensitive Receivers |
of Representative Air Sensitive Receivers (Sheet 1 of 2) |
of Representative Air Sensitive Receivers (Sheet 2 of 2) |
of Portal Emissions Sources (Sheet 1 of 3) |
of Portal Emissions Sources (Sheet 2 of 3) |
of Portal Emissions Sources (Sheet 3 of 3) |
of Cumulative Maximum 1-hour TSP Concentration (ug/m3) at 1.5mAG
for the worst scenario during construction phase (Year 2023 Year 2028)
(Sheet 1 of 2) |
of Cumulative Maximum 1-hour TSP Concentration (ug/m3) at 1.5mAG
for the worst scenario during construction phase (Year 2023 Year 2028)
(Sheet 2 of 2) |
of Cumulative 10th Highest Daily RSP Concentration (ug/m3) at
1.5mAG for the worst scenario during construction phase (Year 2023 Year
2028) (Sheet 1 of 2) |
of Cumulative 10th Highest Daily RSP Concentration (ug/m3) at
1.5mAG for the worst scenario during construction phase (Year 2023 Year
2028) (Sheet 2 of 2) |
of Cumulative Annual RSP Concentration (ug/m3) at 1.5mAG for the
worst scenario during construction phase (Year 2023 Year 2028) (Sheet 1 of
2) |
of Cumulative Annual RSP Concentration (ug/m3) mAG
at 1.5mAG for the worst scenario during construction phase (Year 2023 Year
2028) (Sheet 2 of 2) |
of Cumulative 10th Highest Daily FSP Concentration (ug/m3) at
1.5mAG for the worst scenario during construction phase (Year 2023 Year
2028) (Sheet 1 of 2) |
of Cumulative 10th Highest Daily FSP Concentration (ug/m3) at
1.5mAG for the worst scenario during construction phase (Year 2023 Year
2028) (Sheet 2 of 2) |
of Cumulative Annual FSP Concentration (ug/m3) at 1.5mAG for the
worst scenario during construction phase (Year 2023 Year 2028) (Sheet 1 of
2) |
of Cumulative Annual FSP Concentration (ug/m3) at 1.5mAG for the
worst scenario during construction phase (Year 2023 Year 2028) (Sheet 2 of
2) |
of Cumulative 19th Highest 1-hour NO2 Concentration (ug/m3)
at 1.5mAG In the Worst Assessment Year (Year 2028) (Sheet 1 of 2) |
of Cumulative 19th Highest 1-hour NO2 Concentration (ug/m3)
at 1.5mAG In the Worst Assessment Year (Year 2028) (Sheet 2 of 2) |
of Cumulative Annual NO2 Concentration (ug/m3) at 1.5mAG In the
Worst Assessment Year (Year 2028) (Sheet 1 of 2) |
of Cumulative Annual NO2 Concentration (ug/m3) At 1.5mAG In the
Worst Assessment Year (Year 2028) (Sheet 2 of 2) |
of Cumulative 10th Highest Daily RSP Concentration (ug/m3) at
1.5mAG In the Worst Assessment Year (Year 2028) (Sheet 1 of 2) |
of Cumulative 10th Highest Daily RSP Concentration (ug/m3) at 1.5mAG
In the Worst Assessment Year (Year 2028) (Sheet 2 of 2) |
of Cumulative Annual RSP Concentration (ug/m3) at 1.5mAG In the
Worst Assessment Year (Year 2028) (Sheet 1 of 2) |
of Cumulative Annual RSP Concentration (ug/m3) at 1.5mAG In the
Worst Assessment Year (Year 2028) (Sheet 2 of 2) |
of Cumulative 10th Highest Daily FSP Concentration (ug/m3) at
1.5mAG In the Worst Assessment Year (Year 2028) (Sheet 1 of 2) |
of Cumulative 10th Highest Daily FSP Concentration (ug/m3) at
1.5mAG In the Worst Assessment Year (Year 2028) (Sheet 2 of 2) |
of Cumulative Annual FSP Concentration (ug/m3) at 1.5mAG In the
Worst Assessment Year (Year 2028) (Sheet 1 of 2) |
of Cumulative Annual FSP Concentration (ug/m3) at 1.5mAG In the
Worst Assessment Year (Year 2028) (Sheet 2 of 2) |
Locations of Noise Sensitive Receivers (Key Plan) |
Locations of Noise Sensitive Receivers (Sheet 1 of
2) |
Locations of Noise Sensitive Receivers (Sheet 2 of
2) |
Extent of Project Roads Under the Project (Key
Plan) |
Extent of Project Roads Under the Project (Sheet 1
of 2) |
Extent of Project Roads Under the Project (Sheet 2
of 2) |
Locations of Proposed Traffic Noise Mitigation
Measures (Sheet 1 of 4) |
Locations of Proposed Traffic Noise Mitigation
Measures (Sheet 2 of 4) |
Locations of Proposed Traffic Noise Mitigation
Measures (Sheet 3 of 4) |
Locations of Proposed Traffic Noise Mitigation
Measures (Sheet 4 of 4) |
Cross Sections of Proposed Mitigation Measures
(Sheet 1 of 3) |
Cross Sections of Proposed Mitigation Measures
(Sheet 2 of 3) |
Cross Sections of Proposed Mitigation Measures
(Sheet 3 of 3) |
Extent of Low Noise Road Surfacing on Existing Roads
within Study Area (Sheet 1 of 2) |
Extent of Low Noise Road Surfacing on Existing Roads
within Study Area (Sheet 2 of 2) |
Locations of Water Sensitive Receivers and EPD Water
Quality Monitoring Stations |
Potential Sediment Excavation Location |
Trunk Road T4 Location Plan and Land Contamination Assessment Area under
Previous EIA Study |
Records of Site Reconnaissance (Sheet 1 of 4) |
Records of Site Reconnaissance (Sheet 2 of 4) |
Records of Site Reconnaissance (Sheet 3 of 4) |
Records of Site Reconnaissance (Sheet 4 of 4) |
Records of Site Reconnaissance (Site depots adjacent to Che Kung Miu Station) |
Assessment Area for Terrestrial Ecology and Location
of Sites of Conservation Importance (Sheet 1 of 2) |
Assessment Area for Terrestrial Ecology and Location
of Sites of Conservation Importance (Sheet 2 of 2) |
Habitat Map and Locations of Species of Conservation
Importance (Key Plan) |
Habitat Map and Locations of Species of Conservation
Importance (Sheet 1 of 4) |
Habitat Map and Locations of Species of Conservation
Importance (Sheet 2 of 4) |
Habitat Map and Locations of Species of Conservation
Importance (Sheet 3 of 4) |
Habitat Map and Locations of Species of Conservation
Importance (Sheet 4 of 4) |
Location of Ardeid Night Roost and Representative
Flight Route |
Flight Path of Roosting Ardeids Across the Project
Boundary |
Flight Path of Other Ardeids Across the Project
Boundary |
Permanently and Temporarily Affected Area (Sheet 1
of 4) |
Permanently and Temporarily Affected Area (Sheet 2
of 4) |
Permanently and Temporarily Affected Area (Sheet 3
of 4) |
Permanently and Temporarily Affected Area (Sheet 4
of 4) |
Review of Outline Zoning Plan |
Key Plan of Landscape Impact Assessment |
Landscape Resources with Development Proposal
Overlaid (Sheet 1 of 7) |
Landscape Resources with Development Proposal
Overlaid (Sheet 2 of 7) |
Landscape Resources with Development Proposal
Overlaid (Sheet 3 of 7) |
Landscape Resources with Development Proposal
Overlaid (Sheet 4 of 7) |
Landscape Resources with Development Proposal
Overlaid (Sheet 5 of 7) |
Landscape Resources with Development Proposal
Overlaid (Sheet 6 of 7) |
Landscape Resources with Development Proposal
Overlaid (Sheet 7 of 7) |
Landscape Resource Photos (Sheet 1 of 4) |
Landscape Resource Photos (Sheet 2 of 4) |
Landscape Resource Photos (Sheet 3 of 4) |
Landscape Resource Photos (Sheet 4 of 4) |
Landscape Character Areas with Development Proposal
Overlaid (Sheet 1 of 7) |
Landscape Character Areas with Development Proposal
Overlaid (Sheet 2 of 7) |
Landscape Character Areas with Development Proposal
Overlaid (Sheet 3 of 7) |
Landscape Character Areas with Development Proposal
Overlaid (Sheet 4 of 7) |
Landscape Character Areas with Development Proposal
Overlaid (Sheet 5 of 7) |
Landscape Character Areas with Development Proposal
Overlaid (Sheet 6 of 7) |
Landscape Character Areas with Development Proposal
Overlaid (Sheet 7 of 7) |
Landscape Character Area Photos (Sheet 1 of 3) |
Landscape Character Area Photos (Sheet 2 of 3) |
Landscape Character Area Photos (Sheet 3 of 3) |
Visual Envelope and Key Visually Sensitive Receivers
with Development Proposal Overlaid |
Photos of Key Viewpoints (Sheet 1 of 2) |
Photos of Key Viewpoints (Sheet 2 of 2) |
Landscape and Visual Mitigation Plan (Sheet 1 of 5) |
Landscape and Visual Mitigation Plan (Sheet 2 of 5) |
Landscape and Visual Mitigation Plan (Sheet 3 of 5) |
Landscape and Visual Mitigation Plan (Sheet 4 of 5) |
Landscape and Visual Mitigation Plan (Sheet 5 of 5) |
Landscape and Visual Mitigation Sections (Sheet 1 of
6) |
Landscape and Visual Mitigation Sections (Sheet 2 of
6) |
Landscape and Visual Mitigation Sections (Sheet 3 of
6) |
Landscape and Visual Mitigation Sections (Sheet 4 of
6) |
Landscape and Visual Mitigation Sections (Sheet 5 of
6) |
Landscape and Visual Mitigation Sections (Sheet 6 of
6) |
Photomontage Viewpoint 1 |
Photomontage Viewpoint 2 |
Photomontage Viewpoint 3 |
Photomontage Viewpoint 4 |
Photomontage Viewpoint 5 |
Photomontage Viewpoint 6 |
Photomontage Viewpoint 7 |
Photomontage Viewpoint 8 |
Photomontage Viewpoint 9 |
Photomontage Viewpoint 10 |
Photomontage Viewpoint 11 |
Locations of the Cultural Heritage Resources (Key
Plan) |
Locations of the Cultural Heritage Resources (Sheet
1 of 7) |
Locations of the Cultural Heritage Resources (Sheet
2 of 7) |
Locations of the Cultural Heritage Resources (Sheet
3 of 7) |
Locations of the Cultural Heritage Resources (Sheet
4 of 7) |
Locations of the Cultural Heritage Resources (Sheet
5 of 7) |
Locations of the Cultural Heritage Resources (Sheet
6 of 7) |
Locations of the Cultural Heritage Resources (Sheet
7 of 7) |
List of Appendices
Tentative Construction Programme |
of Construction Dust Emission Source |
Forecast for Air Quality Assessment |
Model Assumptions |
of Vehicular Emission Factors of 16 Vehicle Classes |
of Composite Vehicular Emission Factors for CALINE4 Model |
Calculation of Emissions from Portals |
Calculation of Emissions Associated with Bus and Minibus Termini, Heavy Goods
Vehicle and Coach Parking Sites |
Calculation of Industrial Emissions |
Emission Removal for PATH Re-run |
of Surface Characteristics Parameters for AERMET |
of Cumulative Annual Average NOx to NO2 Conversion
Equation using Jenkin Method |
3.12 |
Used |
Cumulative Dust Assessment Results |
Assessment Results under With Project (With Direct
Noise Remedies) Scenario |
between With Project (With Direct Noise Remedies) Scenario and Without
Project Scenario |
between With Project (With Direct Noise Remedies) Scenario and With Project
(Without Direct Noise Remedies) Scenario |
Test for Temporary Removal of Existing Direct Noise Mitigation Measures |
Photographs of the Existing Representative Noise
Sensitive Receivers |
Construction Programme |
Construction Plant Inventory during Non-Restricted
Hours (Unmitigated Scenario) |
Construction Plant Inventory during Restricted Hours
(Unmitigated Scenario) |
2023 and 2043 Peak Hour Traffic Forecasts |
Locations of Existing and Committed Noise Barriers
and Enclosures within Study Area |
Construction Noise Calculation during Non-Restricted
Hours (Unmitigated Scenario) |
Construction Noise Calculation during Restricted
Hours (Unmitigated Scenario) |
Detailed Results of Road Traffic Noise Assessment |
Construction Plant Inventory during Non-Restricted
Hours (Mitigated Scenario) |
Construction Plant Inventory during Restricted Hours
(Mitigated Scenario) |
Typical Configuration of Noise Barrier and Portable
Noise Enclosure |
Construction Noise Calculation during Non-Restricted
Hours (Mitigated Scenario) |
Construction Noise Calculation during Examination
Period |
Construction Noise Calculation during Restricted
Hours (Mitigated Scenario) |
Number of residential dwellings, classrooms, and
other noise sensitive receivers exceeds construction noise criteria under
different scenarios of construction |
Detailed Results of Road Traffic Noise Assessment
(Mitigated Scenario) |
Detailed Results of Road Traffic Noise Assessment
(Interim Scenario) |
Eligibility Assessment for Indirect Technical
Remedies |
of Laboratory Testing Results from Approved EIA Report |
Historical Aerial Photographs |
of Information from Government Departments |
Walkover Checklists |
Photographs of Habitat Types Recorded within the Assessment Area |
Species Recorded within the Assessment Area |
Photographs of Species of Conservation Importance Recorded |
Species Recorded within the Assessment Area |
of Wetland Habitats within Assessment Area by Avifauna Species of
Conservation Importance |
of Conservation Importance Recorded within the Assessment Area during Recent
Surveys and Previous Study |
Broad Brush Tree and Vegetation Survey Report |
Photographic Records of Built Heritage
Resources |
Twenty-Five Buildings Based on Comments
from the EPD dated 15 June 2021 |
Implementation Schedule of Recommended Mitigation
Measures |
Assessment Assumptions, Limitations of Assessment Methodologies and Prior
Agreements with the Director |
of Environmental Impacts |