Appendix 2.1

Vertical Profile of the Alignment


Appendix 2.2

Construction Programme


Appendix 4.1

Prevailing Background Noise Measurement


Appendix 4.2

Proposed Fixed Plant Noise Criteria for NSRs


Appendix 4.3

Existing NSRs to be Removed or Resumed


Appendix 4.4

Photographs of Selected Representative Noise Sensitive Receivers


Appendix 4.5

SWLs of PMEs


Appendix 4.6

Detailed PME Inventory


Appendix 4.7

Locations of Workfronts for Construction


Appendix 4.8

Unmitigated Construction Noise Calculation


Appendix 4.9

Sketch of Typical Temporary Noise Barrier & Enclosure


Appendix 4.10

Mitigated Construction Noise Calculation


Appendix 4.11

Fixed Plant Noise Calculation


Appendix 4.12

Fixed Plant Noise Measurement at Existing KSR Station


Appendix 4.13

Predicted Fixed Plant Noise Levels at the NSRs at Representative Floor Levels


Appendix 4.14

Locations of Noise Canopy and Elevation of NTD


Appendix 5.1

(Not Used)


Appendix 5.2

Force Density Level of Train Type SP1900


Appendix 5.3

Tunnel Coupling Factor for Bored Tunnel in Soil


Appendix 5.4

Noise Measurement Report for Line Source Response (LSR) for Different Ground Types


Appendix 5.5

Adopted LSR Values for Ground-borne Noise Assessment


Appendix 5.6

Building Coupling Factor – Type 0 to Type 3 Structures


Appendix 5.7

Building Vibration Response


Appendix 5.8

Train Speed Profile


Appendix 5.9

GBN Calculation for PME Operation


Appendix 5.10

GBN Calculation for TBM Operation


Appendix 5.11

Trackform Insertion Loss


Appendix 5.12

Sample Calculation for Operational Ground-borne Railway Noise (Base Case Scenario)


Appendix 5.13

Predicted Ground-borne Railway Noise Levels at the NSRs at Representative Floor Levels


Appendix 6.1

Hydrogeological Impact Assessment


Appendix 7.1

Sewage Peak Flow Estimations - Method (i)

Appendix 7.2

Sewage Peak Flow Estimations - Method (ii)

Appendix 8.1

Sediment Sampling and Testing Plan (SSTP)

Appendix 8.2

Sediment Quality Report (SQR)

Appendix 8.3

Estimated Volume of the Excavated Land-based Sediment and Proposed Disposal Arrangement

Appendix 9.1

Contamination Assessment Plan

Appendix 10.1

Representative Photographs of Habitat Types within the Assessment Area

Appendix 10.2

Flora Species Recorded within the Assessment Area

Appendix 10.3

Fauna Species Recorded within the Assessment Area

Appendix 10.4

Representative Photographs of Species of Conservation Importance Recorded within the Assessment Area

Appendix 10.5

Result of Flight Path Surveys

Appendix 11.1

Representative Photographs of Fishponds Recorded within the Assessment Area

Appendix 12.1

Broad Brush Tree Group Survey and Trees of Particular Interest Information

Appendix 12.2

Proposed Works Area and Works Site in Aerial Photos

Appendix 12.3

Tree information of Old and Valuable Trees within Assessment Area

Appendix 12.4

Indicative Location for of Potential Off-Site Tree Compensation in TSH Temporary Magazine Site

Appendix 13.1

Full List of Built Heritage Resources Identified within Project Area and Assessment Area

Appendix 13.2

Built Heritage Recording Sheets

Appendix 13.3

Archaeological Impact Assessment (in Chinese)

Appendix 14.1

Site Selection for Explosive Magazine Site

Appendix 14.2

Routes for Transportation of Explosives

Appendix 14.3

Information of Au Tau Water Treatment Works

Appendix 14.4

Population Data Adopted

Appendix 14.5

Geotechnical Features Considered

Appendix 14.6

Fault Tree Analysis

Appendix 14.7

Calculation of Failure Rates for Aircrafts Crashing

Appendix 14.8

Event Outcome Frequency of Fireball and Jet Fire

Appendix 14.9

Individual Risk Contours

Appendix 14.10

Societal Risk Results

Appendix 15.1

Project Implementation Schedule

Appendix 17.1

Key Assessment Assumptions and Limitation of Assessment Methodologies

Appendix 17.2

Summary of Environmental Impacts