List of Appendices

Appendix 1.1

Checklists for EIA Study Brief, Annexes 11 & 20 of EIAO-TM

Appendix 2.1

Tentative Master Construction Programme

Appendix 2.2

Documentation of Public Concerns

Appendix 3.1

Tentative Construction Programme

Appendix 3.2

Calculation of Construction Dust Emission Sources

Appendix 3.3

Determination of Surface Characteristics

Appendix 3.4

Calculation of Emissions from Stacks of YLSEPP

Appendix 3.5

Traffic Data

Appendix 3.6

Calculation of Vehicular Emission Source

Appendix 3.7

Calculation of Odour Emission Rate

Appendix 3.8

Detailed Prediction Results (Construction Phase)

Appendix 3.9

Detailed Prediction Results (Operation Phase)

Appendix 3.10

Frequency and Magnitude of Odour Exceedance for ASRs within Exceedance Zone

Appendix 4.1

Background Noise Survey

Appendix 4.2

Photographs of Existing Representative Noise Sensitive Receivers

Appendix 4.3

Construction Programme

Appendix 4.4

Construction Plant Inventory (Unmitigated)

Appendix 4.5

Construction Noise Calculation (Unmitigated)

Appendix 4.6

Operation Phase Fixed Noise Calculation (Unmitigated)

Appendix 4.7

Construction Plant Inventory (Mitigated)

Appendix 4.8

Construction Noise Calculation (Mitigated)

Appendix 5.1

Indicative Locations of Marine Water Sensitive Receivers and Water Quality Monitoring Stations [extracted from EIA Report for “Yuen Long Effluent Polishing Plant” (EIAO Register No.: AEIAR – 220/2019)]

Appendix 5.2

Model Grid Layout, Properties and Model Verifications

Appendix 5.3

Spin-up Test Results

Appendix 5.4

Contour Plots of Water Quality Modelling Results

Appendix 5.5

Predicted Water Quality at Key Water Sensitive Receivers

Appendix 5.6

Time Series Plots of Water Quality Modelling Results - Dry Season

Appendix 5.7

Time Series Plots of Water Quality Modelling Results - Wet Season

Appendix 5.8

Deep Bay Wetland Conservation and Buffer Areas Boundaries [extracted from “Application for Developments within Deep Bay Area under Section 16 of the Town Planning Ordinance” (TPB PG-No. 12C)]

Appendix 7.1

Contamination Assessment Plan

Appendix 8.1

Representative Photographs of Habitats and Species of Conservation Importance Recorded within the Assessment Area

Appendix 8.2

Flora Species Recorded within the Assessment Area

Appendix 8.3a

Avifauna Species Recorded within the Assessment Area

Appendix 8.3b

Butterfly Species Recorded within the Assessment Area

Appendix 8.3c

Odonate Species Recorded within the Assessment Area

Appendix 8.3d

Herpetofauna Species Recorded within the Assessment Area

Appendix 8.3e

Mammal Species Recorded within the Assessment Area

Appendix 8.3f

Freshwater Fauna Species Recorded within the Assessment Area

Appendix 9.1

Broad Brush Tree Survey

Appendix 10.1

Process Flow Description

Appendix 10.2

Population Data

Appendix 10.3

Review of Historic Incidents Database

Appendix 10.4

Fault Tree Analysis

Appendix 10.5

Event Tree Analysis

Appendix 13.1

Key Assessment Assumptions, Limitations of Assessment Methodologies and Prior Agreements with the Director

Appendix 13.2

Summary of Environmental Impacts