Agreement No. CE 26/2022 (EP) Development of Integrated Waste Management Facilities Phase 2 (I∙PARK2)

Environmental Impact Assessment


Figure 2.1 Project Location Plan

Figure 2.2 Concurrent Project

Figure 3.1 Location of Representative Air Sensitive Receiver (Key Plan)

Figure 3.2 Location of Representative Air Sensitive Receiver

Figure 3.3 Location of Representative Air Sensitive Receiver

Figure 3.4 Location of Representative Air Sensitive Receiver

Figure 3.5 Location of Representative Air Sensitive Receiver

Figure 3.6 Location of Representative Air Sensitive Receiver

Figure 3.7 Location of Representative Air Sensitive Receiver

Figure 4.1 Location of Representative Noise Sensitive Receiver

Figure 5.1 Inland Watercourses and Water Quality Monitoring Stations near the Project Site

Figure 5.2 Marine Water Sensitive Receivers and Observation Points

Figure 7.1 Terrestrial Ecological Impact Assessment Area and Verification Survey Location

Figure 7.2 Marine Ecological Impact Assessment Area and Major Marine Ecological Resources

Figure 7.3 Marine Ecological Survey Locations

Figure 7.4 Previous Study Areas of Relevant Literature

Figure 7.5 Species of Conservation Importance Recorded from Relevant Literature within the Assessment Area

Figure 7.6 Habitat Map and Location of Species of Conservation Importance

Figure 7.7 Distribution of CWD Sightings in Hong Kong Waters (2022)

Figure 7.8 Dolphin Density in North Lantau Water (2014-2022)

Figure 8.1 Key Fisheries Resources in Assessment Area

Figure 8.2 Geographical Distribution of Fisheries Production (Overall)

Figure 8.3 Geographical Distribution of Fishing Operation (Overall)

Figure 9.1 Visual Envelope

Figure 9.2 Representative Public Viewing Points

Figure 9.3 General Layout Plan

Figure 10.1 Location of Representative Health Sensitive Receiver (Key Plan)

Figure 10.2 Location of Representative Health Sensitive Receiver

Figure 10.3 Location of Representative Health Sensitive Receiver

Figure 10.4 Location of Representative Health Sensitive Receiver

Figure 10.5 Location of Representative Health Sensitive Receiver

Figure 10.6 Location of Representative Health Sensitive Receiver

Figure 10.7 Location of Representative Health Sensitive Receiver

Figure 11.1 Landfill Gas Consultation Zone for WENTX and WENT Landfill

Figure 11.2 Major Components and Layout of WENTX

Figure 11.3 Geological Map