Development of Tseung Kwan O Area 137 and Associated Reclamation Sites –

Investigation Design and Construction


1.           introduction. 1-1

1.1          Project Background. 1-1

1.2          The Project 1-2

1.3          EIA Study Brief 1-2

1.4          Revised Recommended Outline Development Plan. 1-2

1.5          Designated Project under EIAO.. 1-3

1.6          Purpose of the EIA Study. 1-5

1.7          Objectives of this EIA Study. 1-6

1.8          Structure of the EIA Report 1-7

2.           project description. 2-1

2.1          Project Site Location and Site History. 2-1

2.2          Need for the Project 2-2

2.3          Appreciation of Existing Environment 2-5

2.4          Development Opportunities for Project Development 2-5

2.5          Development Constraints for Project Development 2-6

2.6          Description of the Project 2-9

2.7          Designated Projects. 2-17

2.8          Benefits of the Project 2-18

2.9          Overview of PODP. 2-20

2.10        Major Amendments from PODP to RODP. 2-25

2.11        Consideration of Alternatives and Development of the Preferred Option. 2-28

2.12        Proposed Construction Methodologies. 2-38

2.13        Consideration of Alternatives for Construction Methodologies. 2-40

2.14        Consideration of Alternatives for Reclamation Sequencing at TKO 132. 2-47

2.15        Key Environmental Problems. 2-48

2.16        Development Programme for the Project 2-50

2.17        Concurrent Projects. 2-55


3.1          Introduction 3-1

3.2          Environmental Legislation, Standards and Guidelines. 3-1

3.3          Description of Environment 3-4

3.4          Identification of Air Sensitive Receivers. 3-9

3.5          Identification of Environmental Impact 3-13

3.6          Assessment Methodology. 3-23

3.7          Prediction and Evaluation of Environmental Impacts. 3-36

3.8          Mitigation of Adverse Environmental Impacts. 3-55

3.9          Evaluation of Residual Impacts. 3-57

3.10        Environmental Monitoring and Audit 3-57

3.11        Environmental Acceptability of Schedule 2 Designated Projects. 3-58

3.12        Conclusion. 3-59

4.           Noise Impact Assessment. 4-1

4.1          Introduction. 4-1

4.2          Environmental Legislation, Standards and Guidelines. 4-1

4.3          Description of Existing Environment 4-4

4.4          Identification of Representative Noise Sensitive Receivers. 4-6

4.5          Identification of Environmental Impacts. 4-11

4.6          Assessment Methodology. 4-14

4.7          Prediction and Evaluation of Environmental Impacts. 4-17

4.8          Mitigation of Adverse Environmental Impacts. 4-32

4.9          Evaluation of Residual Impacts. 4-45

4.10        Environmental Monitoring and Audit 4-46

4.11        Environmental Acceptability of Schedule 2 Designated Projects. 4-47

4.12        Conclusion. 4-48

5           WATER QUALITY IMPACT. 5-1

5.1          Introduction. 4-1

5.2          Legislation, Standards, Guidelines and Criteria. 4-1

5.3          Description of the Environment 5-14

5.4          Concurrent Projects, Assessment Boundary and Water Sensitive Receivers. 5-17

5.5          Identification of Potential Impacts for Construction Phase. 5-21

5.6          Identification of Potential Impacts for Operation Phase. 5-26

5.7          Assessment Methodology. 5-33

5.8          Evaluation of Potential Impacts – Marine Construction. 5-50

5.9          Evaluation of Potential Impacts – Land-based Construction. 5-56

5.10        Evaluation of Potential Impacts – Operation Phase. 5-57

5.11        Mitigation Measures – Marine Construction 5-66

5.12        Mitigation Measures – Land-based Construction. 5-69

5.13        Mitigation Measures – Operation Phase. 5-72

5.14        Evaluation of Cumulative Impact 5-80

5.15        Residual Impact 5-81

5.16        Environmental Monitoring and Audit (EM&A) Requirements. 5-81

5.17        Environmental Acceptability of Schedule 2 Designated Projects  81. 5-81

5.18        Conclusions. 5-81

6.           Sewerage aNd sewage treatment implications. 6-1

6.1          Introduction. 6-1

6.2          Design Guidelines and Standards. 6-1

6.3          Methodology and Design Parameters. 6-1

6.4          Development Parameters. 6-3

6.5          Sewage Flow Estimation. 6-4

6.6          Existing and Planned Conditions. 6-5

6.7          Proposed Sewerage. 6-6

6.8          Contingency plan for the proposed EPP and SPS. 6-10

6.9          Conclusion. 6-11

7.           Waste Management Implications. 7-1

7.1          Introduction. 7-1

7.2          Environmental Legislation, Standards and Guidelines. 7-1

7.3          Assessment Methodology. 7-4

7.4          Identification and Evaluation of Waste Management Implications. 7-4

7.5          Mitigation of Adverse Waste Management Implications. 7-43

7.6          Evaluation of Residual Environmental Impacts. 7-50

7.7          Environmental Acceptability of the Schedule 2 Designated Projects. 7-50

7.8          Conclusion. 7-51

8.           Land Contamination. 8-1

8.1          Introduction. 8-1

8.2          Environmental Legislation, Standards and Guidelines. 8-1

8.3          Assessment Methodology. 8-1

8.4          Description of the Environment 8-2

8.5          Identification of Potential Land Contamination Concern. 8-2

8.6          Site Investigation Plan. 8-11

8.7          Prediction and Evaluation of Potential Impacts. 8-17

8.8          Mitigation of Adverse Environmental Impacts. 8-18

8.9          Evaluation of Residual Impacts. 8-20

8.10        Environmental Monitoring and Audit 8-21

8.11        Conclusion. 8-21

9            ECOLOGical impact (TERRESTRIAL and marine) 9-1

9.1          Introduction. 9-1

9.2          Environmental Legislations, Standards and Guidelines. 9-1

9.3          Assessment Methodology. 9-1

9.4          Description of the Environment 9-8

9.5          Survey Findings. 9-17

9.6          Evaluation of Ecological Value. 9-31

9.7          Identification and Evaluation of Environmental Impacts. 9-56

9.8          Evaluation of Potential Ecological Impact 9-74

9.9          Cumulative Impacts. 9-85

9.10        Mitigation of Adverse Ecological Impacts. 9-86

9.11        Residual Ecological Impacts. 9-101

9.12        Environmental Monitoring and Audit 9-101

9.13        Conclusion. 9-102

9.14        References. 9-103

10.          Fisheries Impact Assessment. 10-1

10.1        Introduction. 10-1

10.2        Environmental Legislation, Standards, Guidelines and Criteria. 10-1

10.3        Assessment Methodology. 10-1

10.4        Baseline Conditions. 10-4

10.5        Impact Identification and Evaluation. 10-12

10.6        Cumulative Impacts. 10-26

10.7        Mitigation of Adverse Environmental Impacts. 10-26

10.8        Evaluation of Residual Impacts. 10-27

10.9        Environmental Monitoring and Audit Requirements. 10-27

10.10      Conclusion. 10-27

10.11      References. 10-28

11.          Landscape and Visual Impact Assessment. 11-1

11.1        Introduction. 11-1

11.2        Scope and Content of the Study. 11-1

11.3        Environmental Legislation, Standards and Guidelines. 11-2

11.4        Assessment Methodology. 11-3

11.5        Baseline Study. 11-8

11.6        Landscape Impact Assessment 11-20

11.7        Visual Impact Assessment 11-31

11.8        Landscape and Visual Mitigation Measures. 11-42

11.9        Residual Impacts. 11-49

11.10        Cumulative Impacts from Concurrent Projects. 11-61

11.11      Environmental Monitoring and Audit 11-63

11.12      Conclusion. 11-63

12.          Impact On Cultutal Heritage. 12-2

12.1        Introduction. 12-2

12.2        Environmental Legislation, Standards and Guidelines. 12-2

12.3        Assessment Methodology. 12-3

12.4        Background of the Assessment Area. 12-6

12.5        Built Heritage Impact Assessment 12-20

12.6        Archaeological Impact Assessment 12-25

12.7        Marine Archaeological Investigation. 12-37

12.8        Conclusion. 12-39

12.9        Bibliography. 12-42

13.          Hazard to Life. 13-1

13.1        Introduction. 13-1

13.2        Environmental Legislation, Standards and Guidelines. 13-2

13.3        Study Objectives and Methodology. 13-2

13.4        Risk Assessment Associated with Planned Desalination Plant at TKO 137. 13-3

13.5        Risk Assessment Associated with Existing Synthetic Natural Gas (SNG) Production Plant 13-4

13.6        Risk Assessment Associated with Explosive Off-loading Pier 13-4

13.7        Risk Assessment Associated with Proposed Green Fuel Station (GFS) 13-6

13.8        Risk Assessment Associated with Proposed Effluent Polishing Plant 13-6

13.9        Secondary Impact and Cumulative Risk Assessment 13-6

13.10      Conclusions and Recommendations. 13-9


14.          Landfill Gas Hazard. 14-1

14.1        Introduction. 14-1

14.2        Environmental Legislation, Standards and Guidelines. 14-1

14.3        Assessment Methodology. 14-2

14.4        Description of Environment 14-6

14.5        Identification of Landfill Gas Generation, Characteristics and Hazards. 14-7

14.6        Quantitative Assessment of Potential Risk. 14-9

14.7        Recommended Protection Measures. 14-14

14.8        Environmental Monitoring and Audit 14-19

14.9        Conclusion. 14-20



15.1        Introduction. 15-1

15.2        Environmental Legislation, Standards and Guidelines. 15-1

15.3        Identification and Evaluation of Potential Sources of Impacts and Sensitive Receivers. 15-1

15.4        Evaluation of Potential Impact 15-2

15.5        Mitigation Measures. 15-3

15.6        Cumulative Impact due to Concurrent Project 15-4

15.7        Evaluation of Residual Impacts. 15-5

15.8        Environmental Monitoring and Audit 15-5

15.9        Conclusion. 15-5


16.1        Introduction. 16-1

16.2        Air Quality. 16-1

16.3        Noise. 16-1

16.4        Water Quality. 16-2

16.5        Sewerage and Sewage Treatment Implications. 16-3

16.6        Waste Management Implications. 16-3

16.7        Land Contamination. 16-3

16.8        Ecology (Terrestrial and Marine) 16-4

16.9        Fisheries. 16-5

16.10      Landscape and Visual 16-5

16.11      Cultural Heritage. 16-6

16.12      Hazard to Life. 16-7

16.13      Landfill Gas Hazard. 16-7

16.14      Electric and Magnetic Fields. 16-8

16.15      Summary of EM&A Requirements for Schedule 2 Designated Projects Subject to Environmental Permit Application. 16-9

17.          Implementation Schedule of recommended Mitigation Measures. 17-1

17.1        Implementation Schedule of Recommended Mitigation Measures. 17-1

18.          Conclusions. 18-1

18.1        Introduction. 18-1

18.2        Summary of Key Environmental Outcomes. 18-1

18.3        Population Protected from Environmental Impacts. 18-12

18.4        Environmentally Sensitive Areas Protected. 18-13

18.5        Overall Conclusion. 18-13