Development of Tseung Kwan O Area
137 and Associated Reclamation Sites –
Investigation Design and
1. introduction
1.1 Project Background
1.2 The Project
1.3 EIA Study Brief
1.4 Revised Recommended Outline Development Plan
1.5 Designated Project under EIAO
1.6 Purpose of the EIA Study
1.7 Objectives of this EIA Study
1.8 Structure of the EIA Report
2.1 Project Site Location and Site History
2.2 Need for the Project
2.3 Appreciation of Existing Environment
2.4 Development Opportunities for Project Development
2.5 Development Constraints for Project Development
2.6 Description of the Project
2.7 Designated Projects
2.8 Benefits of the Project
2.9 Overview of PODP
2.10 Major Amendments from PODP to RODP
2.11 Consideration of Alternatives and Development of the Preferred Option
2.12 Proposed Construction Methodologies
2.13 Consideration of Alternatives for Construction Methodologies
2.14 Consideration of Alternatives for Reclamation Sequencing at TKO 132
2.15 Key Environmental Problems
2.16 Development Programme for the Project
2.17 Concurrent Projects
3.1 Introduction
3.2 Environmental Legislation, Standards and Guidelines
3.3 Description of Environment
3.4 Identification of Air Sensitive Receivers
3.5 Identification of Environmental Impact
3.6 Assessment Methodology
3.7 Prediction and Evaluation of Environmental Impacts
3.8 Mitigation of Adverse Environmental Impacts
3.9 Evaluation of Residual Impacts
3.10 Environmental Monitoring and Audit
3.11 Environmental Acceptability of Schedule 2 Designated Projects
3.12 Conclusion
4.1 Introduction
4.2 Environmental Legislation, Standards and Guidelines
4.3 Description of Existing Environment
4.4 Identification of Representative Noise Sensitive Receivers
4.5 Identification of Environmental Impacts
4.6 Assessment Methodology
4.7 Prediction and Evaluation of Environmental Impacts
4.8 Mitigation of Adverse Environmental Impacts
4.9 Evaluation of Residual Impacts
4.10 Environmental Monitoring and Audit
4.11 Environmental Acceptability of Schedule 2 Designated Projects
4.12 Conclusion
5.1 Introduction
5.2 Legislation, Standards, Guidelines and Criteria
5.3 Description of the Environment
5.4 Concurrent Projects, Assessment Boundary and Water Sensitive Receivers
5.5 Identification of Potential Impacts for Construction Phase
5.6 Identification of Potential Impacts for Operation Phase. 5-26
5.7 Assessment Methodology
5.8 Evaluation of Potential Impacts – Marine Construction
5.9 Evaluation of Potential Impacts – Land-based Construction
5.10 Evaluation of Potential Impacts – Operation Phase
5.11 Mitigation Measures – Marine Construction
5.12 Mitigation Measures – Land-based Construction
5.13 Mitigation Measures – Operation Phase
5.14 Evaluation of Cumulative Impact
5.15 Residual Impact
Environmental Monitoring and Audit (EM&A) Requirements
5.17 Environmental Acceptability of Schedule 2 Designated Projects
5.18 Conclusions
6. Sewerage aNd sewage treatment implications
6.1 Introduction
6.2 Design Guidelines and Standards
6.3 Methodology and Design Parameters
6.4 Development Parameters
6.5 Sewage Flow Estimation
6.6 Existing and Planned Conditions
6.7 Proposed Sewerage
6.8 Contingency plan for the proposed EPP and SPS
6.9 Conclusion
7. Waste Management Implications
7.1 Introduction
7.2 Environmental Legislation, Standards and Guidelines
7.3 Assessment Methodology
7.4 Identification and Evaluation of Waste Management Implications
7.5 Mitigation of Adverse Waste Management Implications
7.6 Evaluation of Residual Environmental Impacts
7.7 Environmental Acceptability of the Schedule 2 Designated Projects
7.8 Conclusion
8.1 Introduction
8.2 Environmental Legislation, Standards and Guidelines
8.3 Assessment Methodology
8.4 Description of the Environment
8.5 Identification of Potential Land Contamination Concern. 8-2
8.6 Site Investigation Plan
8.7 Prediction and Evaluation of Potential Impacts
8.8 Mitigation of Adverse Environmental Impacts
8.9 Evaluation of Residual Impacts
8.10 Environmental Monitoring and Audit
8.11 Conclusion
9 ECOLOGical impact (TERRESTRIAL and marine)
9.1 Introduction
9.2 Environmental Legislations, Standards and Guidelines
9.3 Assessment Methodology
9.4 Description of the Environment
9.5 Survey Findings
9.6 Evaluation of Ecological Value
9.7 Identification and Evaluation of Environmental Impacts. 9-56
9.8 Evaluation of Potential Ecological Impact
9.9 Cumulative Impacts
9.10 Mitigation of Adverse Ecological Impacts
9.11 Residual Ecological Impacts
9.12 Environmental Monitoring and Audit
9.13 Conclusion
9.14 References
10. Fisheries Impact Assessment
10.1 Introduction
10.2 Environmental Legislation, Standards, Guidelines and Criteria
10.3 Assessment Methodology
10.4 Baseline Conditions
10.5 Impact Identification and Evaluation
10.6 Cumulative Impacts
10.7 Mitigation of Adverse Environmental Impacts
10.8 Evaluation of Residual Impacts
10.9 Environmental Monitoring and Audit Requirements
10.10 Conclusion
10.11 References
11. Landscape and Visual Impact Assessment
11.1 Introduction
11.2 Scope and Content of the Study
11.3 Environmental Legislation, Standards and Guidelines
11.4 Assessment Methodology
11.5 Baseline Study
11.6 Landscape Impact Assessment
11.7 Visual Impact Assessment
11.8 Landscape and Visual Mitigation Measures
11.9 Residual Impacts
11.10 Cumulative Impacts from Concurrent Projects
11.11 Environmental Monitoring and Audit
11.12 Conclusion
12. Impact On Cultutal Heritage
12.1 Introduction
12.2 Environmental Legislation, Standards and Guidelines
12.3 Assessment Methodology
12.4 Background of the Assessment Area
12.5 Built Heritage Impact Assessment
12.6 Archaeological Impact Assessment
12.7 Marine Archaeological Investigation
12.8 Conclusion
12.9 Bibliography
13. Hazard to Life
13.1 Introduction
13.2 Environmental Legislation, Standards and Guidelines
13.3 Study Objectives and Methodology
13.4 Risk Assessment Associated with Planned Desalination Plant at TKO 137
13.5 Risk Assessment Associated with Existing Synthetic Natural Gas (SNG) Production Plant
13.6 Risk Assessment Associated with Explosive Off-loading Pier
13.7 Risk Assessment Associated with Proposed Green Fuel Station (GFS)
13.8 Risk Assessment Associated with Proposed Effluent Polishing Plant
13.9 Secondary Impact and Cumulative Risk Assessment
13.10 Conclusions and Recommendations
14.1 Introduction
14.2 Environmental Legislation, Standards and Guidelines
14.3 Assessment Methodology
14.4 Description of Environment
14.5 Identification of Landfill Gas Generation, Characteristics and Hazards
14.6 Quantitative Assessment of Potential Risk
14.7 Recommended Protection Measures
14.8 Environmental Monitoring and Audit
14.9 Conclusion
15.1 Introduction
15.2 Environmental Legislation, Standards and Guidelines
15.3 Identification and Evaluation of Potential Sources of Impacts and Sensitive Receivers
15.4 Evaluation of Potential Impact
15.5 Mitigation Measures
15.6 Cumulative Impact due to Concurrent Project
15.7 Evaluation of Residual Impacts
15.8 Environmental Monitoring and Audit
15.9 Conclusion
16.1 Introduction
16.2 Air Quality
16.3 Noise
16.4 Water Quality
16.5 Sewerage and Sewage Treatment Implications
16.6 Waste Management Implications
16.7 Land Contamination
16.8 Ecology (Terrestrial and Marine)
16.9 Fisheries
16.10 Landscape and Visual
16.11 Cultural Heritage
16.12 Hazard to Life
16.13 Landfill Gas Hazard
16.14 Electric and Magnetic Fields
16.15 Summary of EM&A Requirements for Schedule 2 Designated Projects Subject to Environmental Permit Application
17. Implementation Schedule of recommended Mitigation Measures
17.1 Implementation Schedule of Recommended Mitigation Measures
18. Conclusions
18.1 Introduction
18.2 Summary of Key Environmental Outcomes
18.3 Population Protected from Environmental Impacts
18.4 Environmentally Sensitive Areas Protected
18.5 Overall Conclusion