第五部 : 网上参考资源


ADB - Clean Energy in Asia: Case Studies of ADB Investments in Low-Carbon Growth (2010)

ADB - Environmental Issues, Climate Changes, and Energy Security in Developing Asia (2014) (只提供英文版本)

ADB - Gulpur Hydropower Project: Environmental and Social Impact Assessment (2014)(只提供英文版本)

ADB - IND: Himachal Pradesh Clean Energy Development Investment Program – Sainj Subproject (Tranche 3) (2009)

ADB - People’s Republic of China: Hai River Estuary Area Pollution Control and Ecosystem Rehabilitation Project (2010)

ADB - Preparing National Strategy for Rural Biomass Renewable Energy Development (2008)

ADB - Strategic Environmental Assessment of the Hydropower Master Plan in the Context of the Power Development - PLAN VI (2009)
亚洲发展银行 ─「能源发展规划六」水力发电整体计划的策略性环境评估(2009)

ADB - Strengthening Water Management and Irrigation Systems Rehabilitation Project - Environmental Assessments (Viet Nam, Socialist Republic of) (2009)

ADB- Technical Assistance: Socialist Republic of Viet Nam: Capacity Building in the Strategic Environmental Assessment of the Hydropower Project (2008)
亚洲发展银行─技术协助:越南:策略性环境评估的应用和能力建立─水力发电项目 (2008)

Asian Development Bank- Environmental Assessment Report Viet Nam: Mong Duong Thermal Power Project
越南环境评估报告:Mong Duong火电能源项目

Asian Development Bank- Song Bung 4 Hydropower Project, Phase 2 Final Report Environmental Impact Assessment
Song Bung4号水电项目第2期的环境影响评估总报告

Australia- Worsley Alumina Pty Ltd Bauxite-Alumina Project Expansion Environmental Review and Management Program in Australia (ERMP)

Canada- Orphan Basin Strategic Environmental Assessment
加拿大Orphan Basin策略性环境评估

Canada- Strategic Environmental Assessment Laurentian Subbasin
Laurentian Subbasin的策略性环境评估

China - Application of Strategic Environmental Assessment in Inner Mongolia during the Eleventh Five - Year Plan — A Case Study of Water Environment (Simplified Chinese only) (2008)

China- Electricity transmission development project in the Western region

UK England – London's Ecological Footprint - A review
City Limits – 伦敦的资源流动及生态足印的分析(2002)

Denmark- Horns Rev Offshore Wind Farm Environmental Impact Assessment
Horns Rev离岸风力发电场的环境影响评估

Denmark- Strategic Environmental Impact Assessment of hydrocarbon activities in the Disko West area

European Commission - A global assessment of the environmental and social impacts caused by the production and use of biofuels (2014) (只提供英文版本)

European Commission - Renewable Energy Country Profiles for the European Union (2013)

Finland- Environmental Impact Assessment Programme Extension of the Okiluoto Nuclear Power Plant by a Fourth Unitscheme

Finland - Straregic Environmental Assessment (SEA) For Kolarctic Cross Border Cooperation (CBC) 2014 - 2020 Programme

IEA - Tracking Clean Energy Progress 2014 (2014) (只提供英文版本)

International Energy Agency (IEA) - Cleaner Coal in China

International Energy Agency (IEA) - Sustainable Production of Second-Generation Biofuels- Potential and perspectives in major economies and developing countries (2010)

Inter-American Development Bank- Environmental and Social Strategy: La Yesca Hydroelectric Project Mexico
环境及社会策略 : 墨西哥La Yesca水电项目

Inter-American Development Bank- Environmental and Social Strategy: Peru Liquefied Natural Gas Project

International Energy Agency (IEA) - Transport Energy Efficiency (2010)

International Finance Corporation - Selling Solar. Lessons from more than a decade of IFC’s experience. (2007)

  Japan - Effective SEA System and Case Studies

Japan- Guideline on Environmental Impact Assessment of Economic Partnership Agreements and Free Trade Agreements (FTA) in Japan

Netherlands - Integrated Water Resources Management and SEA (2009)

Netherlands - National Plans for Electricity Supply

Netherlands - Strategic Environmental Assessment and Biofuels: establishing linkages (2008)

Netherlands - SEA for the National Policy Plan for Industrial and Drinking Water Supply (BDIV) (2005)

Netherlands - SEA on the Routing the River Meuse (Zandmaas/ Maasroute) (2005)

New Zealand - Kawerau Geothermal Power Station Assessment of Environmental Effects

New Zealand - National Policy Statement for Renewable Electricity Generation Technical Guide (2013)
纽西兰 - 可再生发电的国家政策建议文件 (2013)

Pakistan- Ghazi-Barotha Hydropower Project

Renewable Energy Policy Network for the 21st Century (REN21)- Recommendations for Improving the Effectiveness of Renewable Energy Policies in China (2009)

Renewable Energy Policy Network for the 21st Century (REN21) - Renewables 2010 Global Status Report (2010)

  • UK - Energy Measures Report (2007) (No direct link for the report but can be redirected through this link)

  • UK - Meeting the Energy Challenge - A White Paper on Nuclear Power January 2008

    UK England- Greater Dublin Water Supply - Major Source Development SEA of Draft Feasibility Study (2006)
    大都柏林食水供应 - 主要源的发展可行报告草案的策略性环评(2006)

    UK England- Offshore Energy SEA

    UK England - Meeting the Energy Challenge. A White Paper on Energy. (2007)(No direct link for the report but can be redirected through this link)

    UK England - Severn Tidal Power (2009)

    UK England - Thames Estuary 2100. Strategic Environmental Assessment. Environmental Report Summary. (2009)

    UK England - The UK Renewable Energy Strategy (2009)

    UK Irish - Water Services Strategic Plan


    UK Ireland - Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA) of the Offshore Renewable Energy Development Plan (OREDP) in the Republic of Ireland (2010)

    UK Scotland - Collision risks between marine renewable energy devices and mammals, fish and diving birds (2007)

    UK Scotland - Community Renewable Energy Toolkit (2009)

    UK Scotland - Environmental Assessment (Scotland) Act 2005: Consultation on the Energy Efficiency Action Plan for Scotland: Strategic Environmental Assessment: Environmental Report (2009)

    UK Scotland - Making Scotland a leader in Green Energy Draft framework for the development and deployment of renewables in Scotland (2008)

    UK Scotland - Pentland Firth and Orkney Waters Marine Spatial Plan (MSP) Framework and Regional Locational Guidance (RLG) for Marine Renewable Energy (2009)

    UK Scotland - Renewable Heat Action Plan for Scotland: a plan for the promotion of the use of heat from renewable sources (2009)

    UK Scotland - Renewables Action Plan: Strategic Environmental Assessment (2009)

    UK Scotland - Scottish Marine Renewables Strategic Environmental Assessment Environmental Report

    UK Scotland - SEA5 – Offshore Oil and Gas Licensing in UK

    UK Wales - SEA6 – Offshore Oil and Gas Licensing in UK
    威尔斯SEA6 - 海岸石油和天然气开发许可策略性环评

    UNEP - Global Trends in Sustainable Energy Investment 2009 (2009)

    UNEP - Towards sustainable production and use of resources: Assessing Biofuels (2009)

    UNEP - UNEP Handbook for Drafting Laws on Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy Resources (2007)

    US - Worldwide Synthesis and Analysis of Existing Information Regarding Environmental Effects of Alternative Energy Uses on the Outer Continental Shelf (2007)

    USA- Platte River Recovery Implementation Programme Final Environmental Impact Statement Summary

    USA - Rangeland Grasshopper and Mormon Cricket Suppression Program Final Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) (2019)

    USA- Wind Energy Final Programmatic Environmental Impact Statement (PEIS)

    World Bank - Catalyzing Private Investment for a Low-Carbon Economy. World Bank Group Progress on Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency in Fiscal 2007. (2007)

    World Bank - China: Meeting the Challenges of Offshore and Large-Scale Wind Power (2010)

    World Bank - Directions in Hydropower: Scaling up for Development (2009)

    World Bank - Environmental Perspective of Russia's Accession to the World Trade Organization (2014)(只提供英文版本)

    World Bank- Lao PDR Hydropower Strategic Impact Assessment (SIA)

    Work Bank- Odra River Basin Flood Protection Project

    World Bank- Strategic Environmental Assessment of the Agricultural Services Sector Investment Program (AgSSIP) 2000

    World Bank- Strategic/Sectoral, social and environmental assessment of power development options in the Nile Equatorial Lakes Region

    World Bank- Strategic Environmental Assessment and Integrated Water Resources Management and Development (2007)

    World Bank - Toward Integrated Water Resources Management in Armenia (2015)

    World Bank- Water Districts Development Project Environmental Assessment Summary