第五部 : 网上参考资源


Preparing the Silk Road Ecosystem Restoration Project Technical Assistance Consultant's Reports (2007)

Australia - United States Free Trade Agreement: An Environmental Impact Assessment
澳洲-美国自由贸易协议: 环境影响评估

Australia - New South Wales Abalone Fishery – Environmental Assessment under the Environmental Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999 (2005)
澳大利亚:新南威尔斯鲍鱼渔业 – 根据 “the Environmental Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999” 的环境评估(2005)

Canada - Initial Environmental Assessment Report of the Proposed Canada-Singapore Free Trade Agreement

Canada - Initial Strategic  Environmental Assessment Report  of the Canada-Central America Four Free Trade  Negotiations (El Salvador,  Guatemala, Honduras and Nicaragua)

Case Study on EIA of an Economic Partnership Agreement / Free Trade Agreement (Japan – Republic of Korea example)
经济伙伴协议及自由贸易协议的环境影响评估第3章 – 个案研究 (日本 – 韩国)

Denmark - Economic Valuation of the Visual Externalities of Off-shore Wind Farms (2005)

European Commission - Trade Sustainability Impact Assessment of the EU-Korea FTA:Phase One Global Analysis Final Report (2007)

European Commission - Trade Sustainability Impact Assessment of the Negotiations of a Partnership and Cooperation Agreement between the EU and China – Final Report (2008)

Thailand - Impact on the Environment of Thailand’s Trade with OECD Countries.

The Netherlands - SEA for Free Trade Agreements (2007)

UNEP - Global Green New Deal – A Policy Brief (2009)

UNEP/ WTO - Trade and Climate Change (2009)

USA - Environmental Reviews in Free Trade Agreement

USA - Environmental Reviews of Trade and Investment Agreements

USA - Final Environmental Review of the U.S.-Singapore Free Trade Agreement, 2003
美国-新加坡自由贸易协议的最后环境检讨, 2003

USA - Final Environmental Review of the U.S. –Australia Free Trade Agreement, 2004
美国-澳洲自由贸易协议的最后环境检讨, 2004

World Bank - International Trade and Climate Change Economic, Legal, and Institutional Perspectives (2008)