List of Figures




Figure 1.1

Location of Proposed Yuen Long South Effluent Polishing Plant (YLSEPP)

Figure 2.1

Schematic Layout of Yuen Long South Effluent Polishing Plant (YLSEPP)

Figure 2.2

Process Flow Diagram of Sewage Treatment for YLSEPP

Figure 2.3

Process Flow Diagram of Sludge Treatment for YLSEPP

Figure 2.4

Locations of Other Possible Concurrent Projects

Figure 3.1

Locations of Air Sensitive Receivers (Construction Phase)

Figure 3.2

Locations of Air Sensitive Receivers (Operation Phase)

Figure 3.3

Contour of Predicted Maximum Cumulative Hourly TSP Concentration (µg/m3) at 1.5 mAG (Year 2028, Construction Phase)

Figure 3.4

Contour of Predicted 10th Highest Cumulative Daily RSP Concentration (µg/m3) at 1.5 mAG (Year 2028, Construction Phase)

Figure 3.5

Contour of Predicted Cumulative Annual RSP Concentration (µg/m3) at 1.5 mAG (Year 2028, Construction Phase)

Figure 3.6

Contour of Predicted 19th Highest Cumulative Daily FSP Concentration (µg/m3) at 1.5 mAG (Year 2028, Construction Phase)

Figure 3.7

Contour of Predicted Cumulative Annual FSP Concentration (µg/m3) at 1.5 mAG  (Year 2028, Construction Phase)

Figure 3.8

Contour of Predicted 10th Highest Cumulative Daily RSP Concentration (µg/m3) at 1.5 mAG (Year 2041, Operation Phase)

Figure 3.9

Contour of Predicted Cumulative Annual RSP Concentration (µg/m3) at 1.5 mAG (Year 2041, Operation Phase)

Figure 3.10

Contour of Predicted 19th Highest Cumulative Daily FSP Concentration (µg/m3) at 1.5 mAG (Year 2041, Operation Phase)

Figure 3.11

Contour of Predicted Cumulative Annual FSP Concentration (µg/m3) at 1.5mAG (Year 2041, Operation Phase)

Figure 3.12

Contour of Predicted 19th Highest Cumulative Hourly NO2 Concentration (µg/m3) at 35 mAG (Year 2041, Operation Phase)

Figure 3.13

Contour of Predicted Cumulative Annual NO2 Concentration (µg/m3) at 30 mAG (Year 2041, Operation Phase)

Figure 3.14

Contour of Predicted 4th Highest Cumulative 10-min SO2 Concentration (µg/m3) at 1.5 mAG (Year 2041, Operation Phase)

Figure 3.15

Contour of Predicted 4th Highest Cumulative Daily SO2 Concentration (µg/m3) at 30 mAG (Year 2041, Operation Phase)

Figure 3.16

Contour of Predicted Maximum Cumulative 5-Second Odour Concentration (OU/m3) at 1.5mAG (Operation Phase)

Figure 4.1

Locations of Noise Sensitive Receivers and Noise Assessment Points (YLSEPP)

Figure 5.1

Locations of Water Sensitive Receivers

Figure 7.1

Location Plan of YLSEPP and Relevant EIA Surveyed Sites

Figure 8.1

Ecological Assessment Area, Walk Transect and Sampling Locations for Ecological Surveys (Yuen Long South Effluent Polishing Plant)

Figure 8.2

Assessment Areas of Previous Environmental Impact Assessment Studies

Figure 8.3

Habitat Map and Indicative Location of Species of Conservation Importance Recorded in the Ecological Survey

Figure 9.1

Outline Zoning Plan

Figure 9.2

Revised Recommended Outline Development Plan (RODP)

Figure 9.3

Landscape Resources Overlaid with Proposed Layout

Figure 9.4

Figure 9.4.1

Landscape Resource Photos (Sheet 1)

Landscape Resource Photos (Sheet 2)

Figure 9.5

Landscape Character Areas with Development Proposal Overlaid

Figure 9.6

Landscape Character Area Photos

Figure 9.7

Visual Envelope and Key VSRs with Development Proposal Overlaid

Figure 9.8

Photos of Key Viewpoints

Figure 9.9

Landscape and Visual Mitigation Plan

Figure 9.10

Photomontage Viewpoint 1

Figure 9.11

Photomontage Viewpoint 2

Figure 9.12

Photomontage Viewpoint 3

Figure 9.13

Photomontage Viewpoint 4

Figure 9.14

Photomontage Viewpoint 5