1       INTRODUCTION........................................................................................................... 1-1

1.1        Background. 1-1

1.2        The Project 1-1

1.3        Objectives of the EIA Study. 1-2

1.4        Structure of the EIA Report 1-3

2       PROJECT DESCRIPTION........................................................................................... 2-1

2.1        Site Location and History. 2-1

2.2        Purposes and Objectives of the Project 2-1

2.3        Details of the Project 2-3

2.4        Consideration of Alternatives/Options. 2-7

2.5        Environmental Design Consideration. 2-15

2.6        Proposed Construction Methods and Sequence of Construction Works. 2-17

2.7        Public Views and Consultation. 2-23

2.8        Summary of Environmental Benefits and Environmental Achievements of the

            Project 2-26

2.9        Concurrent Projects. 2-33

3       AIR QUALITY IMPACT................................................................................................ 3-1

3.1        Introduction. 3-1

3.2        Environmental Legislations, Standards and Guidelines. 3-1

3.3        Description of the Environment and Future Trends. 3-3

3.4        Identification of Air Sensitive Receivers. 3-4

3.5        Identification of Environmental Impacts. 3-8

3.6        Prediction and Evaluation of Environmental Impacts. 3-13

3.7        Summary of Dust Suppression Measures. 3-24

3.8        Evaluation of Residual Impacts. 3-25

3.9        Environmental Monitoring and Audit 3-26

3.10      Conclusion. 3-26

4       AIRBORNE NOISE IMPACT........................................................................................ 4-1

4.1        Introduction. 4-1

4.2        Environmental Legislation, Standards, and Guidelines. 4-1

4.3        Description of Existing Environment 4-4

4.4        Noise Sensitive Receivers. 4-6

4.5        Construction Phase. 4-17

4.6        Operational Phase - Fixed Plant Noise Impact Assessment 4-30

4.7        Operational Phase - Rail Noise Impact Assessment 4-55

4.8        Environmental Monitoring and Audit Requirement 4-56

4.9        Conclusion. 4-56

5       GROUND-BORNE NOISE IMPACT............................................................................. 5-1

5.1        Introduction. 5-1

5.2        Environmental Legislation, Plans, Standards, and Guidelines


5.3        Description of the Environment 5-2

5.4        Sources of Impact 5-3

5.5        Ground-borne Noise Sensitive Receivers. 5-3

5.6        Assessment Methodologies. 5-13

5.7        Evaluation of Environmental Impacts. 5-20

5.8        Recommended Mitigation Measures. 5-32

5.9        Cumulative Impacts from Existing Railway Projects. 5-32

5.10      Evaluation of Residual Impacts. 5-33

5.11      EM&A Requirements. 5-34

5.12      Conclusions. 5-34

6       WATER QUALITY IMPACT......................................................................................... 6-1

6.1        Introduction. 6-1

6.2        Environmental Legislation, Plans, Standards, and Guidelines. 6-1

6.3        Description of the Environment 6-6

6.4        Water Sensitive Receivers. 6-10

6.5        Assessment Methodology. 6-15

6.6        Identification and Evaluation of Environmental Impacts. 6-15

6.7        Cumulative Impacts from Concurrent Project 6-22

6.8        Recommended Water Quality Mitigation Measures. 6-22

6.9        Evaluation of Residual Impacts. 6-30

6.10      EM&A Requirements. 6-30

6.11      Conclusions. 6-30

7       SEWERAGE AND SEWAGE TREATMENT IMPLICATIONS.................................... 7-1

7.1        Introduction. 7-1

7.2        Environmental Legislation, Standards, and Guidelines. 7-1

7.3        Existing and Planned Conditions. 7-2

7.4        Assessment Methodology. 7-4

7.5        Sewage Flow Estimation. 7-6

7.6        Proposed Sewerage Connections. 7-9

7.7        Proposed Sewerage Arrangement at Specific Locations. 7-10

7.8        Demarcation of Maintenance Responsibilities. 7-12

7.9        Potential Sewerage Impacts and Proposed Mitigation Measures. 7-12

7.10      Conclusion. 7-13

8       WASTE MANAGEMENT IMPLICATIONS................................................................... 8-1

8.1        Introduction. 8-1

8.2        Environmental Legislation, Standards and Guidelines. 8-1

8.3        Description of Environment 8-4

8.4        Identification and Evaluation of Wastes Implications. 8-4

8.5        Mitigation of Adverse Environmental Impacts. 8-21

8.6        Evaluation of Residual Environmental Impacts. 8-28

8.7        Environmental Monitoring and Audit Requirement 8-28

8.8        Conclusion. 8-29

9       LAND CONTAMINATION............................................................................................ 9-1

9.1        Introduction. 9-1

9.2        Environmental Legislation, Plans, Standards, and Guidelines. 9-1

9.3        Assessment Area. 9-2

9.4        Assessment Methodology. 9-2

9.5        Desktop Review. 9-3

9.6        Information from Relevant Government Departments. 9-5

9.7        Site Surveys. 9-5

9.8        Future Land Use. 9-6

9.9        Identification of Potentially Contaminated Sites. 9-6

9.10      Site Investigation Plan. 9-7

9.11      Proposed Re-appraisal for Potentially Contaminated Land Uses. 9-10

9.12      Submission Requirements of CAR, RAP and RR. 9-10

9.13      Evaluation of Land Contamination Impacts. 9-11

9.14      Mitigation of Adverse Environmental Impacts. 9-12

9.15      Conclusion. 9-13

10     ECOLOGY (TERRESTRIAL AND AQUATIC)........................................................... 10-1

10.1      Introduction. 10-1

10.2      Environmental Legislation, Standards and Guidelines. 10-1

10.3      Assessment Methodology. 10-1

10.4      Description of the Environment 10-9

10.5      Survey Findings. 10-14

10.6      Ecological Value of Habitats and Species. 10-63

10.7      Identification of Potential Ecological Impacts. 10-125

10.8      Evaluation of Potential Ecological Impacts. 10-172

10.9      Mitigation of Adverse Environmental Impacts. 10-200

10.10    Evaluation of Residual Ecological Impacts. 10-219

10.11    Environmental Monitoring and Audit 10-219

10.12    Conclusion. 10-220

10.13    References. 10-222

11     FISHERIES.................................................................................................................. 11-1

11.1      Introduction. 11-1

11.2      Environmental Legislation, Standards and Guidelines. 11-1

11.3      Description of the Environment and Baseline Condition. 11-3

11.4      Identification of Fisheries Impacts. 11-8

11.5      Evaluation of Potential Fisheries Impacts. 11-11

11.6      Cumulative Fisheries Impacts. 11-12

11.7      Mitigation of Adverse Fisheries Impacts. 11-12

11.8      Evaluation of Residual Fisheries Impacts. 11-15

11.9      Environmental Monitoring and Audit 11-15

11.10    Conclusion. 11-16

11.11    References. 11-16

12     LANDSCAPE AND VISUAL IMPACT ASSESSMENT............................................. 12-1

12.1      Introduction. 12-1

12.2      Scope and Content of the Study. 12-1

12.3      Environmental Legislation, Standards and Guidelines. 12-3

12.4      Assessment Methodology. 12-4

12.5      Review of Planning Control Framework. 12-8

12.6      Baseline Study. 12-15

12.7      Landscape Impact Assessment 12-47

12.8      Visual Impact Assessment 12-70

12.9      Landscape and Visual Mitigation Measures. 12-81

12.10    Residual Impacts. 12-83

12.11    Cumulative Impacts. 12-108

12.12    Conclusion. 12-111

13     CULTURAL HERITAGE IMPACT ASSESSMENT.................................................... 13-1

13.1      Introduction. 13-1

13.2      Environmental Legislation, Standards and Guidelines. 13-1

13.3      Assessment Methodology. 13-2

13.4      Project Background. 13-4

13.5      Built Heritage Impact Assessment 13-17

13.6      Archaeological Impact Assessment 13-39

13.7      References. 13-69

14     HAZARD TO LIFE...................................................................................................... 14-1

14.1      Introduction. 14-1

14.2      Project Description. 14-3

14.3      Hazard to Life Assessment Methodology. 14-18

14.4      Estimation of Population. 14-20

14.5      Hazard Identification. 14-24

14.6      Frequency Analysis. 14-35

14.7      Consequence Analysis. 14-42

14.8      Risk Evaluation. 14-58

14.9      ALARP Assessment 14-61

14.10    Conclusion. 14-71

14.11    References. 14-72

15     ENVIRONMENTAL MONITORING AND AUDIT....................................................... 15-1

15.1      Introduction. 15-1

15.2      Air Quality. 15-1

15.3      Airborne Noise. 15-1

15.4      Ground-borne Noise. 15-1

15.5      Water Quality. 15-2

15.6      Sewerage and Sewage Treatment Implications. 15-2

15.7      Waste Management 15-2

15.8      Land Contamination. 15-3

15.9      Ecology (Terrestrial and Aquatic) 15-3

15.10    Fisheries. 15-4

15.11    Landscape and Visual 15-5

15.12    Cultural Heritage. 15-5

15.13    Hazard to Life. 15-6

16     SUMMARY OF ENVIRONMENTAL OUTCOMES..................................................... 16-1

16.1      Overview. 16-1

16.2      Environmental Benefits of the Project 16-1

16.3      Incorporation of Environmentally Friendly Options. 16-1

16.4      Environmental Designs Recommended. 16-2

16.5      Key Environmental Problems Avoided and Environmentally Sensitive Areas

            Protected. 16-3

16.6      Environmental Protection Measures Recommended. 16-4

16.7      Estimation of Population Protected. 16-12

17     CONCLUSION............................................................................................................ 17-1

17.1      Conclusion of EIA Study........................................................................................... 17-1